require 'iiif/presentation' module Dor module Presentable DC_NS = {"dc"=>"", "oai_dc"=>""} def iiif_presentation_manifest_needed? pub_obj_doc if(pub_obj_doc.at_xpath('/publicObject/contentMetadata[contains(@type,"image") or contains(@type,"map")]/resource[@type="image"]')) return true elsif(pub_obj_doc.at_xpath('/publicObject/contentMetadata[@type="book"]/resource[@type="page"]')) return true else return false end end # Bypass this method if there are no image resources in contentMetadata def build_iiif_manifest pub_obj_doc id =':').last lbl_node = pub_obj_doc.at_xpath '//oai_dc:dc/dc:title', DC_NS if lbl_node.nil? lbl_node = pub_obj_doc.at_xpath('/publicObject/identityMetadata/objectLabel') end raise "Unable to build IIIF Presentation manifest: No identityMetadata/objectLabel or dc:title" if lbl_node.nil? lbl = lbl_node.text purl_base_uri = "https://#{Dor::Config.stacks.document_cache_host}/#{id}" manifest_data = { '@id' => "#{purl_base_uri}/iiif/manifest.json", 'label' => lbl, 'attribution' => 'Provided by the Stanford University Libraries', 'logo' => { '@id' => ",/0/default.jpg", 'service' => { '@context' => "", '@id' => "", 'profile' => "" } }, 'seeAlso' => { '@id' => "#{purl_base_uri}.mods", 'format' => 'application/mods+xml' } } # Use the human copyright statement for attribution if present if(cr = pub_obj_doc.at_xpath('/publicObject/rightsMetadata/copyright/human[@type="copyright"]')) manifest_data['attribution'] = cr.text end manifest = manifest_data # Set viewingHint to paged if this is a book if(pub_obj_doc.at_xpath('/publicObject/contentMetadata[@type="book"]')) manifest.viewingHint = "paged" end metadata = [] # make into method, pass in xpath and label add_metadata 'Creator', '//oai_dc:dc/dc:creator', metadata, pub_obj_doc add_metadata 'Contributor', '//oai_dc:dc/dc:contributor', metadata, pub_obj_doc add_metadata 'Publisher', '//oai_dc:dc/dc:publisher', metadata, pub_obj_doc add_metadata 'Date', '//oai_dc:dc/dc:date', metadata, pub_obj_doc # Save off the first dc:description without displayLabel if(desc = pub_obj_doc.at_xpath('//oai_dc:dc/dc:description[not(@displayLabel)]', DC_NS)) manifest.description = desc.text end manifest.metadata = metadata unless metadata.empty? seq_data = { '@id' => "#{purl_base_uri}/sequence-1", 'label' => 'Current order' } sequence = seq_data # for each resource image, create a canvas count = 0 pub_obj_doc.xpath('/publicObject/contentMetadata/resource[@type="image" or @type="page"]').each do |res_node| count += 1 img_file_name = res_node.at_xpath('file/@id').text.split('.').first height = res_node.at_xpath('file/imageData/@height').text.to_i width = res_node.at_xpath('file/imageData/@width').text.to_i stacks_uri = "#{Dor::Config.stacks.url}/image/iiif/#{id}%2F#{img_file_name}" canv = canv['@id'] = "#{purl_base_uri}/canvas/canvas-#{count}" label_node = res_node.at_xpath('label') if label_node canv.label = label_node.text else canv.label = "image" end canv.height = height canv.width = width anno = anno['@id'] = "#{purl_base_uri}/imageanno/anno-#{count}" anno['on'] = canv['@id'] img_res = img_res['@id'] = "#{stacks_uri}/full/full/0/default.jpg" img_res.format = 'image/jpeg' img_res.height = height img_res.width = width svc = ({ '@context' => '', '@id' => stacks_uri, 'profile' => Dor::Config.stacks.iiif_profile }) # Use the first image to create a thumbnail on the manifest if count == 1 thumb = thumb['@id'] = "#{stacks_uri}/full/400,/0/default.jpg" thumb.service = svc manifest.thumbnail = thumb end img_res.service = svc anno.resource = img_res canv.images << anno sequence.canvases << canv end manifest.sequences << sequence manifest.to_json(:pretty => true) end def add_metadata label, xpath, metadata, pub_obj_doc nodes = pub_obj_doc.xpath xpath, DC_NS nodes.each do |node| h = { 'label' => label, 'value' => node.text } metadata << h end end end end