# frozen_string_literal: true class Atome def reorder_menu # disposition = data disposition = data[:inactive][:disposition] margin = data[:inactive][:margin] spacing = data[:inactive][:spacing] inactive_style = data[:inactive] keys_to_exclude = [:margin, :spacing, :disposition, :text] inactive_style = inactive_style.reject { |key, _| keys_to_exclude.include?(key) } fasten.each_with_index do |atome_f, index| menu_item = grab(atome_f) if disposition == :horizontal menu_item.left = margin[:left] + (inactive_style[:width] + spacing) * index menu_item.top = margin[:top] else menu_item.top = margin[:top] + (inactive_style[:height] + spacing) * index menu_item.left = margin[:left] end end end def reorder_blocs @prev_bloc_height = 0 fasten.each do |bloc_f| potential_bloc = grab(bloc_f) spacing = potential_bloc.spacing if potential_bloc.role && potential_bloc.role.include?(:block) potential_bloc.top(spacing + @prev_bloc_height) @prev_bloc_height = @prev_bloc_height + potential_bloc.height + spacing end end end def remove_menu_item(item_to_remove) grab(item_to_remove).delete(recursive: true) reorder_menu end def create_new_button(button_id, position_in_menu, label, code) essential_keys = [:inactive, :active] buttons_style = data.select { |key, _value| essential_keys.include?(key) } menu_item = box({ id: button_id }) actor({ button_id => :button }) menu_item.role(:button) menu_item.text({ data: label, id: "#{button_id}_label" }) menu_item.code({ button_code: code }) inactive_style = buttons_style[:inactive] active_style = buttons_style[:active] if active_style active_state_text = active_style[:text] keys_to_exclude = [:margin, :spacing, :disposition, :text] active_style = active_style.reject { |key, _| keys_to_exclude.include?(key) } end if inactive_style inactive_state_text = inactive_style[:text] margin = inactive_style[:margin] spacing = inactive_style[:spacing] disposition = inactive_style[:disposition] keys_to_exclude = [:margin, :spacing, :disposition, :text] inactive_style = inactive_style.reject { |key, _| keys_to_exclude.include?(key) } menu_item.set(inactive_style) # reorder_menu if disposition == :horizontal menu_item.left = margin[:left] + (inactive_style[:width] + spacing) * position_in_menu menu_item.top = margin[:top] else menu_item.top = margin[:top] + (inactive_style[:height] + spacing) * position_in_menu menu_item.left = margin[:left] end menu_item.text.each do |text_f| item_found = grab(text_f) item_found.set(inactive_state_text) end end menu_item.touch(:down) do unless @active_item == menu_item.id menu_item.text.each do |text_f| # below we unset any active style fasten.each do |item_id| unless button_id == item_id grab(item_id).remove({ all: :shadow }) grab(item_id).set(inactive_style) grab("#{item_id}_label").remove({ all: :shadow }) grab("#{item_id}_label").set(inactive_state_text) end grab(text_f).set(active_state_text) end end menu_item.set(active_style) code&.call @active_item = menu_item.id end end end def add_button(params) params.each do |button_id, params| label = params[:text] code = params[:code] index = fasten.length create_new_button(button_id, index, label, code) end false end def resize_matrix(params) width(params[:width]) height(params[:height]) current_matrix = self real_width = current_matrix.to_px(:width) real_height = current_matrix.to_px(:height) spacing = current_matrix.data[:spacing] matrix_cells = current_matrix.data[:matrix] total_spacing_x = spacing * (matrix_cells.collect.length ** (0.5) + 1) total_spacing_y = spacing * (matrix_cells.collect.length ** (0.5) + 1) if real_width > real_height full_size = real_width available_width = full_size - total_spacing_x available_height = full_size - total_spacing_y else full_size = real_width available_width = full_size - total_spacing_x available_height = full_size - total_spacing_y end box_width = available_width / matrix_cells.collect.length ** (0.5) box_height = available_height / matrix_cells.collect.length ** (0.5) matrix_cells.collect.each_with_index do |box_id, index| box = grab(box_id) box.width(box_width) box.height(box_height) box.left((box_width + spacing) * (index % matrix_cells.collect.length ** (0.5)) + spacing) box.top((box_height + spacing) * (index / matrix_cells.collect.length ** (0.5)).floor + spacing) end end def drop_down(params, &code) data_f = params.delete(:data) text_f = params.delete(:text) || {component: {size: 12}, color: :lightgray} margin = params.delete(:margin) || 6 default_params = { width: 150, height: 25, smooth:3, shadow: { blur: 12, alpha: 0.3,left: 0, top: 0 } } params=default_params.merge(params) b=grab(:view).box(params.merge({depth: 33333, left: to_px(:left), top: to_px(:top)})) item_height=(params[:height]+margin) item_height = text_f[:component][:size]+margin*2 if text_f[:component][:size] > item_height b.height(data_f.length*item_height) temp_width=0 data_f.each_with_index do |label, index| item_f= b.text(text_f.merge({ left: margin, data: label, position: :absolute, top: item_height * index + margin })) temp_width=item_f.to_px(:width) if item_f.to_px(:width) > temp_width item_f.touch(:down) do code.call(label) b.delete(true) end end b.width(temp_width+margin*2) end end new(molecule: :input) do |params, bloc| params[:height] ||= 15 params[:width] ||= 222 new_id = params.delete(:id) || identity_generator trigger = params.delete(:trigger) trigger ||= :return limit = params.delete(:limit) limit ||= 15 back_col = params.delete(:back) back_col ||= :grey text_params = params.delete(:text) text_params ||= {} default_text = params.delete(:default) component = params.delete(:component) default_text ||= :input default_parent = if self.instance_of?(Atome) id else :view end attach_to = params[:attach] || default_parent renderer_found = grab(attach_to).renderers input_back = Atome.new( { renderers: renderer_found, id: new_id, type: :shape, color: back_col, left: 0, top: 0, data: '', attach: attach_to, smooth: 6, overflow: :hidden, }) text_input = Atome.new( { renderers: [:html], type: :text, component: component, data: default_text, left: params[:height] * 20 / 100, top: 0, edit: true, attach: input_back.id, height: params[:height], position: :absolute }.merge(text_params) ) input_back.touch(:down) do input_back.tick(:input) text_input.edit(true) end input_back.touch(:up) do text_input.component({ selected: true }) if input_back.tick[:input] == 1 end text_input.keyboard(:down) do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) if event[:keyCode].to_s == '8' || event[:keyCode].to_s == '46' # always allow elsif event[:keyCode].to_s == '13' # we prevent the input bloc.call(text_input.data) if trigger == :return text_input.edit(false) event.preventDefault() elsif text_input.data.length > limit event.preventDefault() end bloc.call(text_input.data) if trigger == :down end text_input.keyboard(:up) do |_native_event| input_back.data = text_input.data bloc.call(text_input.data) if trigger == :up end params.each do |part_f, val_f| input_back.send(part_f, val_f) end input_back.holder(text_input) input_back end new(molecule: :list) do |params, _bloc| styles_found = params.delete(:styles) element = params.delete(:element) listing = params.delete(:listing) action = params.delete(:action) new_id = params.delete(:id) || identity_generator styles_found ||= { width: 99, height: 33, margin: 6, shadow: { blur: 9, left: 3, top: 3, id: :cell_shadow, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.6 }, left: 0, color: :yellowgreen } element ||= { width: 33, height: 33, left: :center, top: :center, color: :orange, type: :text } params[:width] = styles_found[:width] unless params[:width] element[:width] = styles_found[width] unless element[:width] margin = styles_found[:margin] height_found = styles_found[:height] # lets create the listing container default_parent = if self.instance_of?(Atome) id else :view end attach_to = params[:attach] || default_parent renderer_found = grab(attach_to).renderers list = Atome.new({ renderers: renderer_found, id: new_id, type: :shape, color: { alpha: 0 }, attach: attach_to }.merge(params)) # now the listing listing.each_with_index do |data, index| # let's create the container new_atome = { renderers: renderer_found, attach: list.id }.merge(styles_found).merge({ type: :shape }) el = Atome.new(new_atome) if action el.touch(action[:touch]) do send(action[:method], data) end end el.top((height_found + margin) * index) # now the content Atome.new({ renderers: renderer_found, attach: el.id }.merge(element).merge(data)) end list end new({ molecule: :slider }) do |params, bloc| default_value = params[:value] ||= 0 orientation = params.delete(:orientation) || :horizontal range_found = params.delete(:range) min_value = params.delete(:min) || 0 max_value = params.delete(:max) || 100 color_found = params[:color] ||= :gray new_id = params.delete(:id) || identity_generator default_smooth = 9 default_slider_particles = { id: new_id, color: color_found, width: 333, height: 33, left: 0, top: 0, smooth: default_smooth, tag: { system: true } } default_cursor_particles = { color: color_found, width: 29, height: 29, left: 0, smooth: '100%', tag: { system: true } } cursor_found = params.delete(:cursor) slider_particle = default_slider_particles.merge(params) slider = box(slider_particle) slider.remove(:box_color) slider_shadow = slider.shadow({ id: :s2, left: 3, top: 3, blur: 9, invert: true, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.7 }) range = slider.box({ id: "#{slider.id}_range", top: :auto, bottom: 0, tag: { system: true } }) range.remove(:box_color) if range_found range.apply(slider_shadow.id,) range_found.each do |part, val| range.send(part, val) end else range.color({ alpha: 0 }) end cursor_particle = default_cursor_particles.merge(cursor_found).merge({ id: "#{slider.id}_cursor" }) cursor = slider.box(cursor_particle) cursor.remove(:box_color) cursor_left = (slider_particle[:width] - cursor_particle[:width]) / 2.0 cursor_top = (slider_particle[:height] - cursor_particle[:height]) / 2.0 my_behavior = lambda() do |new_value| if orientation == :vertical if cursor.width < slider.width range.width(cursor.width) range.left(cursor_left) else range.width(slider.width) range.smooth(default_smooth) end cursor_top_initial = ((max_value - new_value).to_f / (max_value - min_value)) * (slider_particle[:height] - cursor_particle[:height]) bloc.call(new_value) slider.instance_variable_set('@value', new_value) cursor.top(cursor_top_initial) cursor.left(cursor_left) range.height((slider.height - cursor.top) - cursor.height / 2) else if cursor.height < slider.height range.height(cursor.height) range.top(cursor_top) else range.height(slider.height) range.smooth(default_smooth) end cursor_left_initial = ((new_value - min_value).to_f / (max_value - min_value)) * (slider_particle[:width] - cursor_particle[:width]) bloc.call(new_value) slider.instance_variable_set('@value', new_value) cursor.left(cursor_left_initial) cursor.top(cursor_top) range.width(cursor.left + cursor.width / 2) end end slider.behavior({ value: my_behavior }) update_value = lambda do |cursor_position, cursor_size, slider_size, orientation| effective_slider_size = slider_size - cursor_size percentage = if orientation == :vertical 1.0 - (cursor_position.to_f / effective_slider_size) else cursor_position.to_f / effective_slider_size end value_range = max_value - min_value calculated_value = min_value + (value_range * percentage).round calculated_value.clamp(min_value, max_value) end if orientation == :vertical if cursor.width < slider.width range.width(cursor.width) range.left(cursor_left) else range.width(slider.width) range.smooth(default_smooth) end cursor_top_initial = ((max_value - default_value).to_f / (max_value - min_value)) * (slider_particle[:height] - cursor_particle[:height]) bloc.call(default_value) cursor.top(cursor_top_initial) cursor.left(cursor_left) range.height((slider.height - cursor.top) - cursor.height / 2) # now the event cursor.drag({ restrict: { max: { top: slider_particle[:height] - cursor_particle[:height], left: cursor_left }, min: { left: cursor_left } } }) do |event| value = update_value.call(cursor.top, cursor_particle[:height], slider_particle[:height], orientation) range.height((slider.height - cursor.top) - cursor.height / 2) bloc.call(value) slider.instance_variable_set('@value', value) end else if cursor.height < slider.height range.height(cursor.height) range.top(cursor_top) else range.height(slider.height) range.smooth(default_smooth) end cursor_left_initial = ((default_value - min_value).to_f / (max_value - min_value)) * (slider_particle[:width] - cursor_particle[:width]) bloc.call(default_value) cursor.left(cursor_left_initial) cursor.top(cursor_top) range.width(cursor.left + cursor.width / 2) # now the event cursor.drag({ restrict: { max: { left: slider_particle[:width] - cursor_particle[:width], top: cursor_top }, min: { top: cursor_top } } }) do |event| value = update_value.call(cursor.left, cursor_particle[:width], slider_particle[:width], orientation) range.width(cursor.left + cursor.width / 2) bloc.call(value) slider.instance_variable_set('@value', value) end end cursor.touch(:double) do slider.value(default_value) end cursor.shadow({ id: :s4, left: 1, top: 1, blur: 3, option: :natural, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.6 }) slider end new({ particle: :cells }) new(molecule: :matrix) do |params, &bloc| params ||= {} # We test if self is main if so we attach the matrix to the view parent_found = if self == self grab(:view) else self end id = params[:id] || identity_generator rows = params[:rows] || 8 columns = params[:columns] || 8 spacing = params[:spacing] || 6 size = params[:size] || '100%' # parent_found = self current_matrix = group({ id: id }) current_matrix.data({ spacing: spacing, size: size }) matrix_cells = [] total_spacing_x = spacing * (rows + 1) total_spacing_y = spacing * (columns + 1) size_coefficient = if size.instance_of? String size.end_with?('%') ? (size.to_f / 100) : size.to_f / parent_found.to_px(:width) else size.to_f / parent_found.to_px(:width) end view_width = parent_found.to_px(:width) view_height = parent_found.to_px(:height) matrix_back = box({ id: "#{id}_background", width: size, height: size, color: { alpha: 0 } }) matrix_back.remove(:box_color) if view_width > view_height full_size = view_height * size_coefficient available_width = full_size - total_spacing_x available_height = full_size - total_spacing_y matrix_back.width(full_size) matrix_back.height(full_size) else full_size = view_width * size_coefficient available_width = full_size - total_spacing_x available_height = full_size - total_spacing_y matrix_back.width(full_size) matrix_back.height(full_size) end box_width = available_width / rows box_height = available_height / columns columns.times do |y| rows.times do |x| id_generated = "#{id}_#{x}_#{y}" matrix_cells << id_generated new_box = matrix_back.box({ id: id_generated }) new_box.width(box_width) new_box.height(box_height) new_box.left((box_width + spacing) * x + spacing) new_box.top((box_height + spacing) * y + spacing) end end current_matrix.collect(matrix_cells) matrix_back.cells(current_matrix) params = params.merge({ matrix: current_matrix }) matrix_back.data(params) matrix_back end new(molecule: :application) do |params, &bloc| params ||= {} color({ id: :app_color, red: 0.1, green: 0.3, blue: 0.1 }) # TODO : remove the patch below when possible id_f = if params[:id] params.delete(:id) else identity_generator end main_app = box({ id: id_f, width: :auto, height: :auto, top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, apply: :app_color, category: :application }) main_app.remove(:box_color) main_app.instance_variable_set('@pages', {}) main_app.role(:application) menu = buttons({ id: "#{id_f}_menu", depth: 9999, attach: id_f, inactive: { text: { color: :gray }, width: 66, height: 12, spacing: 3, disposition: :horizontal, color: :orange, margin: { left: 33, top: 12 } }, active: { text: { color: :white, shadow: {} }, color: :blue, shadow: {} }, }) main_app.define_singleton_method(:menu) do menu end main_app.define_singleton_method(:pages) do @pages end main_app.define_singleton_method(:insert) do |bloc_to_add| bloc_to_add.each do |page_id, params_f| params_f.each do |block_id, block_content| @pages[page_id][:blocks] ||= {} @pages[page_id][:blocks][block_id.to_sym] = block_content end @blocks ||= {} @blocks[page_id] = @pages[page_id][:blocks] end end main_app.define_singleton_method(:extract) do |bloc_to_extract| bloc_to_extract.each do |page_id, block_id| grab(block_id).delete({ recursive: true }) @blocks[page_id].delete(block_id) grab(page_id).reorder_blocs end end main_app.define_singleton_method(:blocks) do @blocks end main_app.define_singleton_method(:margin) do @margin = params[:margin] end main_app.define_singleton_method(:spacing) do @spacing = params[:spacing] end main_app end new(molecule: :page) do |params = nil, &bloc| allow_menu = params.delete(:menu) if params[:id] id_f = params.delete(:id) page_name = params.delete(:name) @pages[id_f.to_sym] = params else puts "must send an id" end page_name = page_name || id_f item_code = lambda do show(id_f) end unless allow_menu == false menu_f = grab("#{@id}_menu") menu_f.add_button({ "#{@id}_menu_item_#{page_name}" => { text: page_name, code: item_code } }) actor({ "#{@id}_menu_item_#{page_name}" => :buttons }) end end new(molecule: :show) do |page_id, &bloc| params = @pages[page_id.to_sym] params ||= {} footer = params.delete(:footer) header = params.delete(:header) left_side_bar = params.delete(:left_side_bar) right_side_bar = params.delete(:right_side_bar) basic_size = 30 fasten.each do |page_id_found| page_found = grab(page_id_found) page_found.delete({ recursive: true }) if page_found&.category&.include?(:page) end color({ id: :page_color, red: 0.1, green: 0.1, blue: 0.1 }) id_f = "#{id}_content" main_page = box({ width: :auto, depth: -1, height: :auto, id: id_f, top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, apply: :page_color, category: :page}) main_page.remove(:box_color) new_page = main_page.box({ width: '100%', height: '100%', top: 0, left: 0, id: page_id, overflow: :auto }) # now looking for associated blocks blocks_found = params[:blocks] @prev_bloc_height = 0 blocks_found&.each do |bloc_id, bloc_content| new_bloc = new_page.box({ id: bloc_id, role: :block, width: '100%', height: 99, top: spacing + @prev_bloc_height, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, spacing: spacing }) new_bloc.define_singleton_method(:subs) do |sub_params| new_bloc.sub_block(sub_params, 3) end new_bloc.set(bloc_content) @prev_bloc_height = @prev_bloc_height + new_bloc.height + spacing end keys_to_exclude = [:blocks] particles_to_apply = params.reject { |key, _| keys_to_exclude.include?(key) } new_page.set(particles_to_apply) if footer new_footer = box({ left: 0, depth: 999, right: 0, width: :auto, top: :auto, bottom: 0, height: basic_size, category: :footer, id: "#{id_f}_footer" }) new_footer.remove(:box_color) new_footer.set(footer) end if header new_header = box({ left: 0, right: 0, depth: 999, width: :auto, top: 0, height: basic_size, category: :header, id: "#{id_f}_header" }) new_header.remove(:box_color) new_header.set(header) end if right_side_bar new_right_side_bar = box({ left: :auto, depth: 999, right: 0, width: basic_size, top: 0, bottom: 0, height: :auto, category: :right_side_bar, id: "#{id_f}_right_side_bar" }) new_right_side_bar.remove(:box_color) new_right_side_bar.set(right_side_bar) end if left_side_bar new_left_side_bar = box({ left: 0, right: :auto, depth: 999, width: basic_size, top: 0, bottom: 0, height: :auto, category: :left_side_bar, id: "#{id_f}_left_side_bar" }) new_left_side_bar.remove(:box_color) new_left_side_bar.set(left_side_bar) end fasten.each do |item_id_found| item_found = grab(item_id_found) if item_found&.category&.include?(:footer) main_page.height(:auto) main_page.bottom(item_found.height) end if item_found&.category&.include?(:header) main_page.height(:auto) main_page.top(item_found.height) end if item_found&.category&.include?(:right_side_bar) main_page.width(:auto) main_page.left(item_found.width) grab("#{id_f}_footer").right(basic_size) if footer grab("#{id_f}_header").right(basic_size) if header end if item_found&.category&.include?(:left_side_bar) main_page.width(:auto) main_page.right(item_found.width) grab("#{id_f}_footer").left(basic_size) if footer grab("#{id_f}_header").left(basic_size) if header end end new_page end new(molecule: :buttons) do |params, &bloc| keys_to_keep = [:inactive, :active] remaining_params = remove_key_pair_but(params, keys_to_keep) params = filter_keys_to_keep(params, keys_to_keep) role_f = params.delete(:role) actor_f = params.delete(:actor) params_saf = deep_copy(params) context = remaining_params.delete(:attach) || :view id_f = remaining_params.delete(:id) || identity_generator main = grab(context).box({ id: id_f }) main.set(remaining_params) main.role(role_f) || main.role(:buttons) main.actor(actor_f) if actor_f main.color({ blue: 0.5, red: 1, green: 1, alpha: 0 }) main.data(params_saf) default = params.delete(:inactive) || {} main.data[:default] = default default_text = default.delete(:text) main.data[:default_text] = default_text active = params.delete(:active) || {} inactive = {} active.each_key do |part_f| inactive[part_f] = default[part_f] end inactive_text = {} active.each_key do |part_f| inactive_text[part_f] = default_text[part_f] end params.each_with_index do |(item_id, part_f), index| label = part_f[:text] code = part_f[:code] main.create_new_button(item_id, index, label, code) end main end new(molecule: :editor) do |params, &bloc| end