@vimeo_videos Feature: Vimeo Videos In order to have vimeo_videos on my website As an administrator I want to manage vimeo_videos Background: Given I am a logged in refinery user And I have no vimeo_videos @vimeo_videos-list @list Scenario: Vimeo Videos List Given I have vimeo_videos titled UniqueTitleOne, UniqueTitleTwo When I go to the list of vimeo_videos Then I should see "UniqueTitleOne" And I should see "UniqueTitleTwo" @vimeo_videos-valid @valid Scenario: Create Valid Vimeo Video When I go to the list of vimeo_videos And I follow "Add New Vimeo Video" And I fill in "Title" with "This is a test of the first string field" And I press "Save" Then I should see "'This is a test of the first string field' was successfully added." And I should have 1 vimeo_video @vimeo_videos-invalid @invalid Scenario: Create Invalid Vimeo Video (without title) When I go to the list of vimeo_videos And I follow "Add New Vimeo Video" And I press "Save" Then I should see "Title can't be blank" And I should have 0 vimeo_videos @vimeo_videos-edit @edit Scenario: Edit Existing Vimeo Video Given I have vimeo_videos titled "A title" When I go to the list of vimeo_videos And I follow "Edit this vimeo_video" within ".actions" Then I fill in "Title" with "A different title" And I press "Save" Then I should see "'A different title' was successfully updated." And I should be on the list of vimeo_videos And I should not see "A title" @vimeo_videos-duplicate @duplicate Scenario: Create Duplicate Vimeo Video Given I only have vimeo_videos titled UniqueTitleOne, UniqueTitleTwo When I go to the list of vimeo_videos And I follow "Add New Vimeo Video" And I fill in "Title" with "UniqueTitleTwo" And I press "Save" Then I should see "There were problems" And I should have 2 vimeo_videos @vimeo_videos-delete @delete Scenario: Delete Vimeo Video Given I only have vimeo_videos titled UniqueTitleOne When I go to the list of vimeo_videos And I follow "Remove this vimeo video forever" Then I should see "'UniqueTitleOne' was successfully removed." And I should have 0 vimeo_videos