require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/face' describe Puppet::Face[:config, '0.0.1'] do let(:config) { described_class } def render(action, result) config.get_action(action).when_rendering(:console).call(result) end FS = Puppet::FileSystem it "prints a single setting without the name" do Puppet[:trace] = true result = subject.print("trace") expect(render(:print, result)).to eq("true\n") end it "prints multiple settings with the names" do Puppet[:trace] = true Puppet[:syslogfacility] = "file" result = subject.print("trace", "syslogfacility") expect(render(:print, result)).to eq(<<-OUTPUT) syslogfacility = file trace = true OUTPUT end it "prints environment_timeout=unlimited correctly" do Puppet[:environment_timeout] = "unlimited" result = subject.print("environment_timeout") expect(render(:print, result)).to eq("unlimited\n") end it "prints arrays correctly" do pending "Still doesn't print arrays like they would appear in config" Puppet[:server_list] = %w{server1 server2} result = subject.print("server_list") expect(render(:print, result)).to eq("server1, server2\n") end it "prints the setting from the selected section" do Puppet.settings.parse_config(<<-CONF) [user] syslogfacility = file CONF result = subject.print("syslogfacility", :section => "user") expect(render(:print, result)).to eq("file\n") end it "prints the section and environment, and not a warning, when a section is given and verbose is set" do Puppet.settings.parse_config(<<-CONF) [user] syslogfacility = file CONF #This has to be after the settings above, which resets the value Puppet[:log_level] = 'info' expect(Puppet).not_to receive(:warning) expect { result = subject.print("syslogfacility", :section => "user") expect(render(:print, result)).to eq("file\n") }.to output("\e[1;33mResolving settings from section 'user' in environment 'production'\e[0m\n").to_stderr end it "prints a warning and the section and environment when no section is given and verbose is set" do Puppet[:log_level] = 'info' Puppet[:trace] = true expect(Puppet).to receive(:warning).with("No section specified; defaulting to 'main'.\nSet the config section " + "by using the `--section` flag.\nFor example, `puppet config --section user print foo`.\nFor more " + "information, see") expect { result = subject.print("trace") expect(render(:print, result)).to eq("true\n") }.to output("\e[1;33mResolving settings from section 'main' in environment 'production'\e[0m\n").to_stderr end it "does not print a warning or the section and environment when no section is given and verbose is not set" do Puppet[:log_level] = 'notice' Puppet[:trace] = true expect(Puppet).not_to receive(:warning) expect { result = subject.print("trace") expect(render(:print, result)).to eq("true\n") }.to_not output.to_stderr end it "defaults to all when no arguments are given" do result = subject.print expect(render(:print, result).lines.to_a.length).to eq(Puppet.settings.to_a.length) end it "prints out all of the settings when asked for 'all'" do result = subject.print('all') expect(render(:print, result).lines.to_a.length).to eq(Puppet.settings.to_a.length) end it "stringifies all keys for network format handlers to consume" do Puppet[:syslogfacility] = "file" result = subject.print expect(result["syslogfacility"]).to eq("file") expect(result.keys).to all(be_a(String)) end it "stringifies multiple keys for network format handlers to consume" do Puppet[:trace] = true Puppet[:syslogfacility] = "file" expect(subject.print("trace", "syslogfacility")).to eq({"syslogfacility" => "file", "trace" => true}) end it "stringifies single key for network format handlers to consume" do Puppet[:trace] = true expect(subject.print("trace")).to eq({"trace" => true}) end context "when setting config values" do let(:config_file) { '/foo/puppet.conf' } let(:path) { } before(:each) do Puppet[:config] = config_file allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:pathname).with(path.to_s).and_return(path) allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:touch) end it "prints the section and environment when no section is given and verbose is set" do Puppet[:log_level] = 'info' allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything).and_yield( expect { subject.set('foo', 'bar') }.to output("\e[1;33mResolving settings from section 'main' in environment 'production'\e[0m\n").to_stderr end it "prints the section and environment when a section is given and verbose is set" do Puppet[:log_level] = 'info' allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything).and_yield( expect { subject.set('foo', 'bar', {:section => "baz"}) }.to output("\e[1;33mResolving settings from section 'baz' in environment 'production'\e[0m\n").to_stderr end it "writes to the correct puppet config file" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything) subject.set('foo', 'bar') end it "creates a config file if one does not exist" do allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything).and_yield( expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:touch).with(path) subject.set('foo', 'bar') end it "sets the supplied config/value in the default section (main)" do allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything).and_yield( config =[]) manipulator = allow(Puppet::Settings::IniFile::Manipulator).to receive(:new).and_return(manipulator) expect(manipulator).to receive(:set).with("main", "foo", "bar") subject.set('foo', 'bar') end it "sets the value in the supplied section" do allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything).and_yield( config =[]) manipulator = allow(Puppet::Settings::IniFile::Manipulator).to receive(:new).and_return(manipulator) expect(manipulator).to receive(:set).with("baz", "foo", "bar") subject.set('foo', 'bar', {:section => "baz"}) end it "does not duplicate an existing default section when a section is not specified" do contents = <<-CONF [main] myport = 4444 CONF myfile = allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything).and_yield(myfile) subject.set('foo', 'bar') expect(myfile.string).to match(/foo = bar/) expect(myfile.string).not_to match(/main.*main/) end it "opens the file with UTF-8 encoding" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, nil, 'r+:UTF-8') subject.set('foo', 'bar') end end context 'when the puppet.conf file does not exist' do let(:config_file) { '/foo/puppet.conf' } let(:path) { } before(:each) do Puppet[:config] = config_file allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:pathname).with(path.to_s).and_return(path) end it 'prints a message when the puppet.conf file does not exist' do allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(false) expect(Puppet).to receive(:warning).with("The puppet.conf file does not exist #{path.to_s}") subject.delete('setting', {:section => 'main'}) end end context 'when deleting config values' do let(:config_file) { '/foo/puppet.conf' } let(:path) { } before(:each) do Puppet[:config] = config_file allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:pathname).with(path.to_s).and_return(path) allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) end it 'prints a message about what was deleted' do allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything).and_yield( config =[]) manipulator = allow(Puppet::Settings::IniFile::Manipulator).to receive(:new).and_return(manipulator) expect(manipulator).to receive(:delete).with('main', 'setting').and_return(' setting=value') expect { subject.delete('setting', {:section => 'main'}) }.to have_printed("Deleted setting from 'main': 'setting=value'") end it 'prints a warning when a setting is not found to delete' do allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:open).with(path, anything, anything).and_yield( config =[]) manipulator = allow(Puppet::Settings::IniFile::Manipulator).to receive(:new).and_return(manipulator) expect(manipulator).to receive(:delete).with('main', 'setting').and_return(nil) expect(Puppet).to receive(:warning).with("No setting found in configuration file for section 'main' setting name 'setting'") subject.delete('setting', {:section => 'main'}) end end shared_examples_for :config_printing_a_section do |section| def add_section_option(args, section) args << { :section => section } if section args end it "prints directory env settings for an env that exists" do FS.overlay( FS::MemoryFile.a_directory(File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments"), [ FS::MemoryFile.a_directory("production", [ FS::MemoryFile.a_missing_file("environment.conf"), ]), ]) ) do args = "environmentpath","manifest","modulepath","environment","basemodulepath" result = subject.print(*add_section_option(args, section)) expect(render(:print, result)).to eq(<<-OUTPUT) basemodulepath = #{File.expand_path("/some/base")} environment = production environmentpath = #{File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments")} manifest = #{File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments/production/manifests")} modulepath = #{File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments/production/modules")}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{File.expand_path("/some/base")} OUTPUT end end it "interpolates settings in environment.conf" do FS.overlay( FS::MemoryFile.a_directory(File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments"), [ FS::MemoryFile.a_directory("production", [ FS::MemoryFile.a_regular_file_containing("environment.conf", <<-CONTENT), modulepath=/custom/modules#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}$basemodulepath CONTENT ]), ]) ) do args = "environmentpath","manifest","modulepath","environment","basemodulepath" result = subject.print(*add_section_option(args, section)) expect(render(:print, result)).to eq(<<-OUTPUT) basemodulepath = #{File.expand_path("/some/base")} environment = production environmentpath = #{File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments")} manifest = #{File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments/production/manifests")} modulepath = #{File.expand_path("/custom/modules")}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{File.expand_path("/some/base")} OUTPUT end end it "prints the default configured env settings for an env that does not exist" do Puppet[:environment] = 'doesnotexist' FS.overlay( FS::MemoryFile.a_directory(File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments"), [ FS::MemoryFile.a_missing_file("doesnotexist") ]) ) do args = "environmentpath","manifest","modulepath","environment","basemodulepath" result = subject.print(*add_section_option(args, section)) expect(render(:print, result)).to eq(<<-OUTPUT) basemodulepath = #{File.expand_path("/some/base")} environment = doesnotexist environmentpath = #{File.expand_path("/dev/null/environments")} manifest = modulepath = OUTPUT end end end context "when printing environment settings" do context "from main section" do before(:each) do Puppet.settings.parse_config(<<-CONF) [main] environmentpath=$confdir/environments basemodulepath=/some/base CONF end it_behaves_like :config_printing_a_section, nil end context "from master section" do before(:each) do Puppet.settings.parse_config(<<-CONF) [master] environmentpath=$confdir/environments basemodulepath=/some/base CONF end it_behaves_like :config_printing_a_section, :master end end end