class Admin::VariantsController < Admin::BaseController resource_controller belongs_to :product before_filter :load_data, :only => [:index, :edit, :new] new_action.response do |wants| wants.html {render :action => :new, :layout => false} end create.before do option_values = params[:new_variant] option_values.each_value {|id| @object.option_values << OptionValue.find(id)} end # redirect to index (instead of r_c default of show view) create.response do |wants| wants.html {redirect_to collection_url} end # redirect to index (instead of r_c default of show view) update.response do |wants| wants.html {redirect_to collection_url} end private def load_data # this allows extensions to provide their own additional columns in the index and edit views @additional_fields = Variant.column_names - ["id", "price", "sku", "product_id"] end end