import Shepherd from 'shepherd.js' (function () { // utils /** * Merge defaults with user options * @private * @param {Object} defaults Default settings * @param {Object} options User options * @returns {Object} Merged values of defaults and options * @thanks */ function extend (defaults, options) { var extended = {} var prop for (prop in defaults) { if (, prop)) { extended[prop] = defaults[prop] } } for (prop in options) { if (, prop)) { extended[prop] = options[prop] } } return extended } /** * JavaScript cookies - cookies.js * @thanks */ function getCookie (name) { var dc = document.cookie var prefix = name + '=' var begin = dc.indexOf('; ' + prefix) if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix) if (begin != 0) return null } else { begin += 2 } var end = document.cookie.indexOf(';', begin) if (end == -1) { end = dc.length } return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end)) } function createCookie (name, value, days) { if (days) { var date = new Date() date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000)) var expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString() } else var expires = '' document.cookie = name + '=' + value + expires + '; path=/' } function loadIntro () { var intro = window._intro if (!intro) return var locales = intro.locales var locale = intro.locale var shepherdOptions = intro.shepherd_options function Tour(tour) { this.tour = tour this.shepherd = new Shepherd.Tour(extend({ classPrefix: 'intro', defaultStepOptions: { scrollTo: true }, useModalOverlay: tour.options.overlay_visible }, shepherdOptions)) } Tour.prototype.setup = function () { this.configure() this.start() return this } Tour.prototype.test = function (options) { this.tour.options.steps.forEach(function (step) { if (step.element && !document.querySelector(step.element)) { step.element = options.element } }) this.configure() this.start() } Tour.prototype.configure = function () { var btnCompleteText = this.tour.options['btn_complete_text_' + locale] || this.tour.options.btn_complete_text locales.complete = btnCompleteText || locales.complete this.configureSteps(this.tour.options.steps) this.shepherd.on('complete', this.complete.bind(this)) this.shepherd.on('cancel', this.cancel.bind(this)) this.shepherd.on('show', } Tour.prototype.configureSteps = function (steps) { var self = this steps.forEach(function (step, index) { var baseOptions = self.configureStepBase(step, index) var btnOptions = self.configureStepButtons(step, index, steps) self.shepherd.addStep(extend(baseOptions, btnOptions)) }) } Tour.prototype.configureStepBase = function (step, index) { var options = {} var popperOptions = {} var stepTitle = step['title_' + locale] || step.title var stepContent = step['content_' + locale] || step.content = 'tour-' + index if (stepTitle) { options.title = stepTitle } if (step.image_url) { options.text = '
' + '
' + (stepContent ? ('
' + stepContent + '
') : '') + '
' } else if (stepContent) { options.text = '
' + stepContent + '
' } if (step.element) { options.attachTo = { element: step.element, on: (step.placement || 'bottom') } options.showOn = function () { return document.querySelector(step.element) } } options.showCancelLink = step.cancel_link // @see if (step.fixed_placement) { popperOptions.modifiers = { preventOverflow: { escapeWithReference: true } } } options.tippyOptions = { zIndex: (step.z_index || 99), maxWidth: null, popperOptions: popperOptions } return options } Tour.prototype.configureStepButtons = function (step, index, steps) { var options = {} if (this.tour.options.btn_visible == 1) { if (index === 0) { options.buttons = [{ text: locales.exit, action: this.shepherd.cancel, secondary: true }] if (steps.length === 1) { options.buttons.push({ text: locales.complete, action: this.shepherd.complete }) } else { options.buttons.push({ text:, action: }) } } else if (index === steps.length - 1) { options.buttons = [ { text: locales.back, action: this.shepherd.back, secondary: true }, { text: locales.complete, action: this.shepherd.complete } ] } else { options.buttons = [ { text: locales.back, action: this.shepherd.back, secondary: true }, { text:, action: } ] } } else { options.buttons = [] } return options } Tour.prototype.start = function () { var firstStep = this.shepherd.steps[0] if (firstStep && (!firstStep.options.attachTo || firstStep.options.showOn())) { this.shepherd.start() } else { this.shepherd.cancel() } } = function () { var shepherd = this.shepherd var nextStep = shepherd.steps[shepherd.steps.indexOf(shepherd.getCurrentStep()) + 1] if (nextStep && (!nextStep.options.attachTo || nextStep.options.showOn())) { } else { shepherd.cancel() } } Tour.prototype.hide = function () { this.shepherd.hide() } = function (e) { var self = this setTimeout(function () { var element = e.step.el var image = element.querySelector('.shepherd-image-box img') if (image) { image.onload = function () { document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = window.screenTop + 1 } } if (self.tour.options.overlay_visible) { var container = element.closest('.tippy-popper') var preContrainer = container && container.previousElementSibling if (preContrainer.classList.contains((self.shepherd.classPrefix || '') + 'shepherd-modal-overlay-container')) { = e.step.options.tippyOptions.zIndex } } }, 0) } Tour.prototype.complete = function () { this.record('complete') if (this.tour.options.btn_complete_link) { } } Tour.prototype.cancel = function () { this.record('cancel') } Tour.prototype.record = function (action) { if (! return createCookie('intro-tour-' +, (action || 'complete'), 7300) if (!intro.signed) return var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() var csrfToken = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]')'POST', intro.record_tours_path) csrfToken && xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', csrfToken.content) xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ id: })) } intro.Tour = Tour function loadTours () { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() 'GET', intro.tours_path + '?controller_path=' + encodeURIComponent(intro.controller) + '&action_name=' + encodeURIComponent(intro.action) + '&original_url=' + encodeURIComponent(intro.original_url) ) xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status !== 200) return var res = JSON.parse(xhr.response) if ( { (tour) { if (tour && tour.options && !getCookie('intro-tour-' + { new Tour(tour).setup() } }) } } xhr.send() } loadTours() } if (typeof Turbolinks !== 'undefined' && Turbolinks.supported) { if (!window._introBindTurbolinks) { document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', loadIntro) window._introBindTurbolinks = true } } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadIntro) } })()