# Lazy Man's ri (lookup) ## Example usage: * `lookup ActiveRecord::Base#new` (returns a single method, since the method name is right) * `lookup ActiveRecord::Base#destroy` (returns two methods, since there's two methods with that name) * `lookup ActiveRecord::Base#destro` (returns three methods, uses methods beginning with "destroy") * `lookup ActiveRecord::Base#d` (tells you to be more specific, because it can't open 35 tabs at once) * `lookup ActiveRecord::Base` (returns a single consant) * `lookup Acv::Base` (returns six constants, because it does a fuzzy match) ## Options It also takes options: * `-c or --clear` will delete the database and update the api again. This can take a minute or two. * `-t or --text` is useful for when you don't want lookup to spam tabs into your browser willy-nilly. ## How it finds them 1. Checks if there's constants/methods with that exact name. 2. Checks if there's constants/methods with names beginning with that name. 3. Does a "fuzzy match" splitting the name and getting anything containing those letters in that order. 4. Opens your browser if you're running a DECENT_OPERATING_SYSTEM (may add support for things other than Mac later on) 5. ??? 6. Profit