module Tr3llo module View module Card module Help extend self def render() <<~HELP.strip #{Utils.format_bold("# Available card commands:")} card list - Show list of cards grouped by list card list-mine - Show list of my cards card add - Create a card card show - Show card information card move - Move card to a list card self-assign - Self-assign a card card assign - Assign a user to a card card comments - Load recent comments of a card card comment - Add a comment to a card card archive - Archive a card #{Utils.format_bold("# Available checklist commands:")} card add-checklist - Create a checklist on a card card edit-checklist - Edit a checklist card remove-checklist - Remove a checklist card add-item - Add an item to a checklist card edit-item - Edit an item card check-item - Mark an item as complete card uncheck-item - Mark an item as incomplete card remove-item - Remove an item HELP end end end end end