/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */ import lineBreakButtonHandler from "src/decidim/editor/linebreak_module"; import "src/decidim/editor/clipboard_override"; import "src/decidim/vendor/image-resize.min"; import "src/decidim/vendor/image-upload.min"; const quillFormats = [ "bold", "italic", "link", "underline", "header", "list", "alt", "break", "width", "style", "code", "blockquote", "indent" ]; export default function createQuillEditor(container) { const toolbar = $(container).data("toolbar"); const disabled = $(container).data("disabled"); const allowedEmptyContentSelector = "iframe"; let quillToolbar = [ ["bold", "italic", "underline", "linebreak"], [{ list: "ordered" }, { list: "bullet" }], ["link", "clean"], ["code", "blockquote"], [{ indent: "-1" }, { indent: "+1" }] ]; let addImage = false; let addVideo = false; /** * - basic = only basic controls without titles * - content = basic + headings * - full = basic + headings + image + video */ if (toolbar === "content") { quillToolbar = [[{ header: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }], ...quillToolbar]; } else if (toolbar === "full") { addImage = true; addVideo = true; quillToolbar = [ [{ header: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }], ...quillToolbar, ["video"], ["image"] ]; } let modules = { linebreak: {}, toolbar: { container: quillToolbar, handlers: { linebreak: lineBreakButtonHandler } } }; const $input = $(container).siblings('input[type="hidden"]'); container.innerHTML = $input.val() || ""; const token = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr("content"); if (addVideo) { quillFormats.push("video"); } if (addImage) { // Attempt to allow images only if the image support is enabled at editor support. // see: https://github.com/quilljs/quill/issues/1108 quillFormats.push("image"); modules.imageResize = { modules: ["Resize", "DisplaySize"] }; modules.imageUpload = { url: $(container).data("uploadImagesPath"), method: "POST", name: "image", withCredentials: false, headers: { "X-CSRF-Token": token }, callbackOK: (serverResponse, next) => { $("div.ql-toolbar").last().removeClass("editor-loading"); next(serverResponse.url); }, callbackKO: (serverError) => { $("div.ql-toolbar").last().removeClass("editor-loading"); console.log(`Image upload error: ${serverError.message}`); }, checkBeforeSend: (file, next) => { $("div.ql-toolbar").last().addClass("editor-loading"); next(file); } }; const text = $(container).data("dragAndDropHelpText"); $(container).after( `


` ); } const quill = new Quill(container, { modules: modules, formats: quillFormats, theme: "snow" }); if (addImage === false) { // Firefox natively implements image drop in contenteditable which is why we need to disable that quill.root.addEventListener("drop", (ev) => ev.preventDefault()); } if (disabled) { quill.disable(); } quill.on("text-change", () => { const text = quill.getText(); // Triggers CustomEvent with the cursor position // It is required in input_mentions.js let event = new CustomEvent("quill-position", { detail: quill.getSelection() }); container.dispatchEvent(event); if ( (text === "\n" || text === "\n\n") && quill.root.querySelectorAll(allowedEmptyContentSelector).length === 0 ) { $input.val(""); } else { const emptyParagraph = "

"; const cleanHTML = quill.root.innerHTML.replace( new RegExp(`^${emptyParagraph}|${emptyParagraph}$`, "g"), "" ); $input.val(cleanHTML); } }); // After editor is ready, linebreak_module deletes two extraneous new lines quill.emitter.emit("editor-ready"); return quill; }