#### Simple OpenStruct This example shows a simple open struct. ```show.rb```: ```ruby require 'ostruct' require 'debug_helper' ostruct = OpenStruct.new(:a => 0, :b => 1, :c => 2) DebugHelper.show(ostruct, 'My simple struct') ``` The output shows details of the open struct. ```show.yaml```: ```yaml --- OpenStruct (message='My simple struct'): Member 0: Name: Symbol: to_s: a size: 1 encoding: !ruby/encoding US-ASCII Value: Fixnum 0 Member 1: Name: Symbol: to_s: b size: 1 encoding: !ruby/encoding US-ASCII Value: Fixnum 1 Member 2: Name: Symbol: to_s: c size: 1 encoding: !ruby/encoding US-ASCII Value: Fixnum 2 ```