# :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: module Wx # FLP_OPEN = 1024 # FLP_SAVE = 2048 # FLP_OVERWRITE_PROMPT = 4096 # FLP_FILE_MUST_EXIST = 8192 # FLP_CHANGE_DIR = 16384 # FLP_SMALL = 32768 # FLP_USE_TEXTCTRL = 2 # FLP_DEFAULT_STYLE = 9216 # DIRP_DIR_MUST_EXIST = 8 # DIRP_CHANGE_DIR = 16 # DIRP_SMALL = 32768 # DIRP_USE_TEXTCTRL = 2 # DIRP_DEFAULT_STYLE = 8 # # EVT_FILEPICKER_CHANGED = 10171 # # EVT_DIRPICKER_CHANGED = 10172 # This event class is used for the events generated by {Wx::FilePickerCtrl} and by {Wx::DirPickerCtrl}. # === Events using this class # # The following event-handler methods redirect the events to member method or handler blocks for {Wx::FileDirPickerEvent} events. # Event handler methods: # # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_filepicker_changed}(id, meth = nil, &block): Generated whenever the selected file changes. # # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_dirpicker_changed}(id, meth = nil, &block): Generated whenever the selected directory changes. # # === # # Category: {Wx::Events} # @see Wx::FilePickerCtrl # @see Wx::DirPickerCtrl # # class FileDirPickerEvent < CommandEvent # @overload initialize() # @return [Wx::FileDirPickerEvent] # @overload initialize(type, generator, id, path) # The constructor is not normally used by the user code. # @param type [Wx::CommandLinkButton::EventType] # @param generator [Wx::Object] # @param id [Integer] # @param path [String] # @return [Wx::FileDirPickerEvent] def initialize(*args) end # Retrieve the absolute path of the file/directory the user has just selected. # @return [String] def get_path; end alias_method :path, :get_path # Set the absolute path of the file/directory associated with the event. # @param path [String] # @return [void] def set_path(path) end alias_method :path=, :set_path end # FileDirPickerEvent end