Trestle.configure do |config| # == Customization Options # # Set the page title shown in the main header within the admin. # config.site_title = "<%="::").first.titlecase %>" # Specify a custom image to be used in place of the site title for mobile and # expanded/desktop navigation. These images should be placed within your # asset paths, e.g. app/assets/images. # # config.site_logo = "logo.png" # Specify a custom image to be used for the collapsed/tablet navigation. # # config.site_logo_small = "logo-small.png" # Set the text shown in the page footer within the admin. # Defaults to 'Powered by Trestle'. # # config.footer = "Powered by Trestle" # == Mounting Options # # Set the path at which to mount the Trestle admin. Defaults to /admin. # # config.path = "/admin" # Toggle whether Trestle should automatically mount the admin within your # Rails application's routes. Defaults to true. # # config.automount = false # == Navigation Options # # Set the initial breadcrumbs to display in the breadcrumb trail. # Defaults to a breadcrumb labeled 'Home' linking to to the admin root. # # config.root_breadcrumbs = -> { ["Home", Trestle.config.path)] } # Set the default icon class to use when it is not explicitly provided. # Defaults to "fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right". # # config.default_navigation_icon = "fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right" # Add an explicit menu block to be added to the admin navigation. # # do # group "Custom Group" do # item "Custom Link", "/admin/custom", icon: "fa fa-car", badge: { text: "NEW!", class: "label-success" }, priority: :first # end # end # == Extension Options # # Specify helper modules to expose to the admin. # # config.helper :all # Register callbacks to run before, after or around all Trestle actions. # # config.before_action do |controller| # Rails.logger.debug("Before action") # end # # config.after_action do |controller| # Rails.logger.debug("After action") # end # # config.around_action do |controller, block| # Rails.logger.debug("Around action (before)") # # Rails.logger.debug("Around action (after)") # end # Specify a custom hook to be injected into the admin. # # config.hook(:stylesheets) do # stylesheet_link_tag "custom" # end # Toggle whether Turbolinks is enabled within the admin. # Defaults to true if Turbolinks is available. # # config.turbolinks = false # Specify the parameters that should persist across requests when # paginating or reordering. Defaults to [:sort, :order, :scope]. # # config.persistent_params << :query # Customize the default adapter class used by all admin resources. # See the documentation on Trestle::Adapters::Adapter for details on # the adapter methods that can be customized. # # config.default_adapter = Trestle::Adapters.compose(Trestle::Adapters::SequelAdapter) # config.default_adapter.include MyAdapterExtensions # Register a form field type to be made available to the Trestle form builder. # Field types should conform to the following method definition: # # class CustomFormField # def initialize(builder, template, name, options={}, &block); end # def render; end # end # # config.form_field :custom, CustomFormField # == Debugging Options # # Enable debugging of form errors. Defaults to true in development mode. # # config.debug_form_errors = true end