# How to contribute to Gnarails Thank you for your interest in contributing to the project! All contributors are expected to adhere to our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## Find a bug? * Create an issue explaining succinctly, but clearly, the problem encountered. Include details such as: * Steps to reproduce. * Example output or behavior that shows the bug reported. * Gem version. * Ruby version. * Rails version. * A failing test. ## Interested in a new feature? * Create an issue explaining the feature. Include information such as: * Use case(s) for the feature. * Benefits of the feature. * Alternatives to the feature, if aware of any. * Implementation information, if aware of any. ## Submitting a change? 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a feature branch. * `git checkout -b feature-branch-name` 3. Implement the change. 4. Include tests to verify the change performs as expected. 5. Run the test suite locally to ensure the change doesn't affect other functionality. * `bundle exec rspec` 6. Commit progress in [atomic commits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_commit). * `git commit -am "A message with an informative title, and detailed description in subsequent paragraphs"` 7. Push the change to the remote. * `git push origin feature-branch-name` 8. Submit a pull request. If you're not sure how to test the change being proposed, submit a PR and include a comment saying you need help with the test. This repository strives to adhere to the style guidelines derived from [gnar-style](https://github.com/TheGnarCo/gnar-style). Please run rubocop against your changes to check for style deviations: `bundle exec rubocop `.