# encoding: utf-8 require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' module SchemaTools module Modules module Hash # Create a Hash with the available (api)object attributes defined in the # according schema properties. This is the meat of the # object-to-api-markup workflow # # === Example # # obj = Invoice.new(:title =>'hello world', :number=>'4711') # # obj_hash = SchemaTools::Hash.from_schema(obj) # => { 'invoice' =>{'title'=>'hello world', 'number'=>'4711' } } # # obj_hash = Schema.to_hash_from_schema(obj, fields: ['title']) # => { 'invoice' =>{'title'=>'hello world' } } # # obj_hash = Schema.to_hash_from_schema(obj, class_name: :document) # => { 'document' =>{'title'=>'hello world' } } # # @param [Object] obj returned as hash # @param [Hash{Symbol=>Mixed}] opts additional options # @options opts [String|Symbol] :class_name used as hash key. Should be # a lowercase underscored name and it MUST have an existing schema file. # Use it to override the default, which is obj.class.name. Only used for # top-level object NOT nested objects # @options opts [Array] :fields to return. If not set all schema # properties are used. # @options opts [String] :path of the schema files overriding global one # @options opts [String] :base_url used in all links # @options opts [Boolean] :links if set the object hash gets its _links # array inline. # # @return [Hash{String=>{String=>Mixed}}] The object as hash: # { 'invoice' => {'title'=>'hello world', 'number'=>'4711' } } # def from_schema(obj, opts={}) # get objects class name without inheritance real_class_name = obj.class.name.split('::').last.underscore class_name = opts[:class_name] || real_class_name # get schema inline_schema = opts.delete(:schema) if opts[:schema].present? schema = inline_schema || SchemaTools::Reader.read(class_name, opts[:path]) # iterate over the defined schema fields data = parse_properties(obj, schema, opts) if opts[:links] links = parse_links(obj, schema, opts) links && data['_links'] = links end data end private # @param [Object] obj from which to grab the properties # @param [Hash] schema # @param [Hash] opts def parse_properties(obj, schema, opts) # only allow fields for first level object. # TODO collect . dot separated field names and pass them on to the recursive calls e.g nested object, ary fields = opts.delete(:fields) data = {} schema['properties'].each do |field, prop| next if fields && !fields.include?(field) if prop['type'] == 'array' # ensure the nested object gets its own class name opts.delete(:class_name) data[field] = parse_list(obj, field, prop, opts) elsif prop['type'] == 'object' # a singular related object opts.delete(:class_name) data[field] = parse_object(obj, field, prop, opts) else # a simple field is only added if the object knows it data[field] = obj.send(field) if obj.respond_to?(field) end end data end # Parse the link section of the schema by replacing {id} in urls # @param [Object] obj object being parsed # @param [Hash] schema # @param [Hash] opts # @options opts [String] :base_url prepended to link href, WATCH possible double // # @return [ArrayString}> | Nil] def parse_links(obj, schema, opts={}) links = [] schema['links'] && schema['links'].each do |link| href = link['href'].dup # placeholders: find all {xy}, create replacement ary with # values, than replace matches = href.scan(/{(\w+)}/) #{abc} => abc replaces = [] matches.each do |match| obj_val = obj.send(match[0]) if obj.respond_to?(match[0]) replaces << ["{#{match[0]}}", obj_val] if obj_val end replaces.each {|r| href.gsub!(r[0], "#{r[1]}")} href = "#{opts[:base_url]}/#{href}" if opts[:base_url] links << { 'rel' => link['rel'], 'href' => href } end links.uniq # return links only if not empty links.empty? ? nil : links end # Parse a nested array property. # @param [Object] obj the object in question # @param [String] field name # @param [Hash] prop fields schema properties # @param [Hash] opts to_schema options # @return [ArrayString}>] def parse_list(obj, field, prop, opts) res = [] # TODO should we raise errors if one of those is missing? return nil if !obj.respond_to?( field ) return nil if !prop['items'] rel_objects = obj.send( field ) # force an empty array if values are not present return res if !rel_objects if prop['items'].is_a?(Hash) || prop['items'].is_a?(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess) # array of plain values e.g number, strings e.g # "items": { "type": "string" }, # should we convert the values? according to the type? if SCHEMA_BASE_TYPES.include?(prop['items']['type']) res = rel_objects elsif prop['items']['type'] == 'object' rel_objects.each { |rel_obj| res << from_schema(rel_obj, opts) } end end if prop['items'].is_a?(Array) #TODO recurse # res << rel_objects.each { |rel_obj| parse_list(rel_obj, field, prop opts) } end res end # Parse a nested object property. # @param [Object] obj the object in question # @param [String] field name # @param [Hash] prop fields schema properties # @param [Hash] opts to_schema options # @return [ArrayString}>] def parse_object(obj, field, prop, opts) return if !obj.respond_to?( field ) rel_obj = obj.send( field ) return if !rel_obj res = if prop['properties'] opts[:schema] = prop from_schema(rel_obj, opts) elsif prop['oneOf'] # auto-detects which schema to use depending on the rel_object type # Simpler than detecting the object type or $ref to use inside the # oneOf array from_schema(rel_obj, opts) end res end end end end