Puppet::Network::HTTP::Request = Struct.new(:headers, :params, :method, :path, :routing_path, :client_cert, :body) do def self.from_hash(hash) symbol_members = members.collect(&:intern) unknown = hash.keys - symbol_members if unknown.empty? new(hash[:headers] || {}, hash[:params] || {}, hash[:method] || "GET", hash[:path], hash[:routing_path] || hash[:path], hash[:client_cert], hash[:body]) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown arguments: #{unknown.collect(&:inspect).join(', ')}" end end def route_into(prefix) self.class.new(headers, params, method, path, routing_path.sub(prefix, ''), client_cert, body) end def format if header = headers['content-type'] header.gsub!(/\s*;.*$/,'') # strip any charset format = Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.mime(header) if format.nil? raise "Client sent a mime-type (#{header}) that doesn't correspond to a format we support" else assert_supported_format(format) return format.name.to_s if format.suitable? end end raise "No Content-Type header was received, it isn't possible to unserialize the request" end def response_formatter_for(supported_formats, accepted_formats = headers['accept']) formatter = Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.most_suitable_format_for( accepted_formats.split(/\s*,\s*/), supported_formats) if formatter.nil? raise Puppet::Network::HTTP::Error::HTTPNotAcceptableError.new("No supported formats are acceptable (Accept: #{accepted_formats})", Puppet::Network::HTTP::Issues::UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT) end assert_supported_format(formatter) formatter end def assert_supported_format(format) if format.name == :yaml || format.name == :b64_zlib_yaml raise Puppet::Error, "YAML in network requests is not supported. See http://links.puppetlabs.com/deprecate_yaml_on_network" end end end