Feature: Format as CSV Background: Given I am logged in Scenario: Default Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post """ And a post with the title "Hello World" exists When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "CSV" And I should download a CSV file for "posts" containing: | Id | Title | Body | Published At | Created At | Updated At | | \d+ | Hello World | | | (.*) | (.*) | Scenario: Default with alias Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post, :as => "MyArticle" """ And 1 post exists When I am on the index page for my_articles And I follow "CSV" And I should download a CSV file for "my-articles" containing: | Id | Title | Body | Published At | Created At | Updated At | Scenario: With CSV format customization Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do csv do column :title column("Last update") { |post| post.updated_at } column("Copyright") { "Greg Bell" } end end """ And a post with the title "Hello, World" exists When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "CSV" And I should download a CSV file for "posts" containing: | Title | Last update | Copyright | | Hello, World | (.*) | Greg Bell |