# Namespace Options Namespace Options provides a clean interface for defining, organizing and using options. Options are defined through a clean syntax that clearly shows what can be set and read. Options can be organized into namespaces as well. This allows multiple libraries to share common options but still have their own specific options separated. Reading and writing options is as simple as if they were accessors. Furthermore, you can provide your own _type_ class that allows you to provide extended functionality to a simple option. ## Installation Add the following to your Gemfile and `bundle install`: gem 'ns-options' ## Usage ### Defining Options The basic usage of Namespace Options is to be able to define options for a module or class: ```ruby module App include NsOptions options(:settings) do option :root, Pathname option :stage end end ``` The code above makes the `App` module now have options, accessible through the settings method. The options can be read and written to like a normal accessor: ```ruby App.settings.root = "/a/path/to/the/root" App.settings.root.join("log", "test.log") # => "/a/path/to/the/root/log/test.log" (a Pathname instance) App.settings.stage = "development" App.settings.stage # => "development" ``` Because the `root` option specified `Pathname` as it's type, the option will always return an instance of `Pathname`. Since the `stage` option did not specify a type, it defaulted to an `Object` which allows it to accept any value. You can define you're own type classes as well and use them: ```ruby class Stage < String def initialize(value) super(value.to_s) end def development? self == "development" end end App.settings.define do option :stage, Stage end App.settings.stage = "development" App.settings.stage.development? # => true App.settings.stage = "test" App.settings.stage.development? # => false ``` This allows you to add extended functionality to your options and is where a lot of nice usability can be added. Defining your own type classes is explained in more detail later. ### Namespaces Namespaces allow you to organize your options. With the previously mentioned `App` module and it's options you could create a namespace for another library: ```ruby module Data # data is a library for retrieving persisted data from some resource App.settings.namespace(:data) do option :server end def self.config App.settings.data end end ``` Now I can set a server option for data that is separate from the main `App` settings: ```ruby Data.config.server = "" App.settings.server # => NoMethodError App.settings.data.server # => ``` ### Less Verbose Definitions As an alternative to the above definition syntax, you can use an alternate less-verbose syntax: * `opts` for `options` * `opt` for `option` * `ns` for `namespace` ```ruby module App include NsOptions opts :settings do opt :root, Pathname opt :stage ns :other_stuff do opt :something end end end ``` #### With Classes Using `NsOptions` on a `Class` uses namespaces to create separate sets of options for every instance of your class created. This allows every instance to have different values for the set of options and not interfere with each other. For example with the following: ```ruby class User include NsOptions options(:preferences) do option :home_page end end ``` A namespace is created for the `User` class in the same way it works for modules: ```ruby User.preferences # => NsOptions::Namespace instance User.preferences.home_page = "/home" # you can set options at this level, though I'm not sure why you would ``` Additionally, `NsOptions` will setup instances of a class to have a _copy_ of their class's namespace. ```ruby user = User.new user.preferences.home_page = "/home" # makes a lot more sense to do this user2 = User.new user2.preferences.home_page = "/not_home" user.preferences.home_page == user2.preferences.home_page # => false, they are completely separate ``` The instance level namespaces are deep copies of the class one. This means every option and sub-namespaces will be included. Only values are not copied. ```ruby class User include NsOptions options(:preferences) do option :home_page namespace :view do option :background_color, ViewColor end end end User.preferences.home_page = "/home" user = User.new user.preferences.home_page # => nil, does not return '/home' user.preferences.object_id != User.preferences.object_id # => true, they are different objects, just with the same definition user.preferences.view.background_color = "green" user.preferences.view.background_color # => returns an instance of ViewColor ``` ### Dynamically Defined Options Not all options have to be defined formally. Though defining an option through the `option` method allows the most functionality and allows for quickly seeing what can be used, Namespace Options allows you to write options that have not been defined: ```ruby App.settings.logger = Logger.new(App.settings.root.join("log", "test.log")) App.settings.logger.info("Hello World") ``` Writing to a namespace with a previously undefined option will create a new option. The type class will be defaulted to `Object` as if you didn't provide it. This will allow you to set any value for the option so you have no guarantee on what it's value is and how it can be used. ### Mass Assigning Options Sometimes, it's convenient to be able to set many options at once. This can be done by calling the `apply` method and giving it a hash of option names with values: ```ruby class Project include NsOptions options(:settings) do option :file_path option :home_page namespace(:movie_resolution) do option :height, Integer option :width, Integer end end end project = Project.new project.settings.apply({ :file_path => "/path/to/project", :movie_resolution => { :height => 800, :width => 600 } }) project.settings.file_path # => "/path/to/project" project.settings.movie_resolution.height # => 800 project.settings.movie_resolution.width # => 600 ``` As the example shows, if you have a namespace and have a matching hash, it will automatically apply those values to that namespace. Also, if you include keys that are not defined options for your namespace, new options will be created for the values: ```ruby project = Project.new project.settings.apply({ :stereoscopic => true, :not_a_namespace => { :yes => true } }) project.settings.stereoscopic # => true project.settings.not_a_namespace # => { :yes => true } ``` The reverse is also supported, so if you want a `Hash` version of your namespace, just ask your options for it. ```ruby # a continuation of the previous block of code... project.settings.to_hash # => { :stereoscopic => true, :not_a_namespace => { :yes => true } } project.settings.each do |name, value| # iterating over your options works as well end ``` ### Lazily eval'd options Sometimes, you may want to set an option to a value that shouldn't (couldn't) be evaluated until the option is read. If you set an option equal to a Proc, the value of the option will be whatever the return value of the Proc is at the time the option is read. Here are some examples: ```ruby # dynamic value options(:dynamic) do option :rand, :default => Proc.new { rand(1000) } end dynamic.rand #=> 347 dynamic.rand #=> 529 # same goes for dynamically defined options dynamic.not_originally_defined = Proc.new { rand(1000) } dynamic.not_originally_defined #=> 110 dynamic.not_originally_defined #=> 931 ``` ```ruby # self referential value options(:selfref) do option :something, :default => "123" option :else, :default => Proc.new { self.something } end selfref.something #=> "123" selfref.else #=> "123" ``` If you really want your option to read and write Procs and not do this lazy eval behavior, just define the option as a Proc option ```ruby options(:explicit) do option :a_proc, Proc, :default => Proc.new { rand(1000) } end explicit.a_proc #=> ``` ### Custom Type Classes As stated previously, type classes is where you can add a lot of functionality and usability to your options. To do this though, understanding what `NsOptions` will do with your type class is important. First, it's important to understand when `NsOptions` will try to _coerce_ a value. This is only done when a value is not a _kind of_ the option's type class or when the value is nil. For example: ```ruby module App include NsOptions options :settings do option :stage, Stage end end App.settings.stage = Stage.new("development") # no type coercion is done here, the value is already a Stage class BetterStage < Stage # do something better end App.settings.stage = BetterStage.new("test") # again, no type coercion is done, as BetterStage is a kind of Stage App.setting.stage = nil # nil is never coerced, if you set a value to nil, it's just nil ``` Next, when `NsOptions` chooses to coerce a value with your class, it will always create a new instance of your type class and pass the value as the first argument. Your `initialize` method needs to be defined to handle this: ```ruby class Root < Pathname def initialize(path, app_name) super("#{path}/#{app_name}") end end ``` `Root`'s `initialize` method will not work for type coercion. The `app_name` argument will not be provided and Ruby will get angry. To solve this, make the `app_name` not required: ```ruby class Root < Pathname def initialize(path, app_name = nil) app_name ||= App.settings.name # this might be one way to solve this super("#{path}/#{app_name}") end end ``` With the revised `initialize` method, `NsOptions` will have no problems coercing values for the type class. In some cases the above solution may not work for you, but don't worry. See the _Option Rules_ section for another way to solve this, specifically about the args rule. For an example of a custom type class, the included `NsOptions::Boolean` can be looked at. This is a special case, but it works as a type class with `NsOptions`. ### Custom type class return values It may be useful to use a custom type class as a silent value handler. You don't necessarily care that this option is some handler class - you just want flexible ways to set its value and get a meaningful return value when you read it. When reading option values, NsOptions will first check and see if the option value responds to the `returned_value` method. If it does, NsOptions will return that value instead of the instance of the type class. If not it will return the type class instance as normal. The included `NsOptions::Boolean` handler class does just this to ensure it always returns either `true` or `false`. Here is another example: ```ruby class HostedAt # sanitized :hosted_at config # remove any trailing '/' # ensure single leading '/' def initialize(value) @hosted_at = value.sub(/\/+$/, '').sub(/^\/*/, '/') end def returned_value @hosted_at end end class Thing include NsOptions options :is do option :hosted_at, HostedAt end end thing = Thing.new thing.is.hosted_at # => nil thing.is.hosted_at = "path/to/resource/" thing.is.hosted_at # => "/path/to/resource" ``` ### Ruby Classes As A Type Class `NsOptions` will allow you to use many of Ruby's standard objects as type classes and still handle coercing values appropriately. Typically this is done with ruby's type casting: ```ruby module Example include NsOptions options :stuff do option :string, String option :integer, Integer option :float, Float option :symbol, Symbol option :hash, Hash option :array, Array end end Example.stuff.string = 1 Example.stuff.string # => "1", the same as doing String(1) Example.stuff.integer = 5.0 Example.stuff.integer # => 5, this time it's Integer(5.0) Example.stuff.float = "5.0" Example.stuff.float # => 5.0, same as Float("5.0") ``` `Symbol`, `Hash` and `Array` work, but ruby doesn't provide built in type casting for these. ```ruby Example.stuff.symbol = "awesome" Example.stuff.symbol # => :awesome, watch out, this will try calling to_sym on the passed value, so it can error Example.stuff.hash = { :a => 'b' } Example.stuff.hash # => returns the same hash, does Hash.new.merge(value) Example.stuff.array = [ 1, 2, 3 ] Example.stuff.array # => returns the same array, Array is the only one that works without anything special, Array.new(value) ``` ### Option Rules An option can be defined with certain rules (through a hash) that will extend the behavior of the option. #### Default Value The first rule is setting a default value. ```ruby App.settings do option :stage, Stage, :default => "development" end App.settings.stage # => instead of nil this will be 'development' ``` A default value runs through the same logic as if you set the value manually, so it will be coerced if necessary. #### Required It's also possible to flag an option as _required_. ```ruby App.settings do option :root, :required => true end App.settings.required_set? # => false, asking if the required options are set App.settings.root = "/path/to/somewhere" App.settings.required_set? # => true ``` To check if an option is set it will simply check if the value is not `nil`. If you are using a custom type class though, you can define an `is_set?` method and this will be used to check if an option is set. The built in `required_set?` method checks to see if all the options for the namespace that have been marked `:required => true` are set. It does not recursively check any child namespaces. #### Args Another rule that you can specify is args. This allows you to pass more arguments to a type class. ```ruby class Root < Pathname def initialize(path, app_name = nil) app_name = app_name.respond_to?(:call) ? app_name.call : app_name super("#{path}/#{app_name}") end end App.settings do option :name option :root, Root, :args => lambda{ App.settings.name } end App.settings.name = "example" App.settings.root = "/path/to" App.settings.root # => /path/to/example, uses the args rule to build the path ``` With the args rule, you can have a type class accept more than one argument. The first argument will always be the value to coerce. Any more arguments will be appended on after the value. ## NsOptions::Proxy Mix in NsOptions::Proxy to any module/class to make it proxy a namespace. This essentially turns your class into a namespace itself. You can interact with it just as if it were a namespace object. For example: ```ruby module Something include NsOptions::Proxy # define options directly option :foo option :bar, :default => "Bar" # define sub-namespaces namespace :more do option :another end end # handle those options Something.bar #=> "Bar" Something.to_hash #=> {:foo => nil, :bar => "Bar"} Something.each do |opt_name, opt_value| ... end ``` What's great is that while your Something behaves like a namespace, you can still define methods and add to it just as you would normally in Ruby: ```ruby module Something def self.awesome_bar "Awesome #{bar}" end end Something.awesome_bar # => "Awesome Bar" ``` And remember, NsOptions is mixed in, so you can go ahead and create a root namespace as you normally would: ```ruby module Something options(:else) do option :baz end end ``` ### Proxy initialization Mixing in Proxy with mixin a default initializer for you as well. This initializer allows you to call `new` on your proxy, passing it a hash of key-values. These key values will be applied to the proxy using the `Namespace#apply` logic. This allows you to use Proxy objects as option types and maintain the option type-casting and defaulting behavior. A Module example ```ruby module Things include NsOptions::Proxy option :one option :two end # proxy defines a `new` method that takes a hash arg and # applies it to the proxy t = Thing.new(:one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3) # the values have been applied t.to_hash # => {:one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3} ``` # A Class example ``` class Thing include NsOptions::Proxy option :one option :two end # proxy defines an `initialize` method that takes a hash arg and # applies it to the proxy t = Thing.new(:one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3) t.to_hash # => {:one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3} ```