class RuguiGenerator < RubiGen::Base DEFAULT_SHEBANG = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) attr_reader :name def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options = {}) set_initial_values super usage if args.empty? @destination_root = File.expand_path(args.shift) @name = base_name extract_options end def manifest record do |m| # Ensure appropriate folder(s) exists '' BASEDIRS.each { |path| path } FRAMEWORK_SPECIFIC_DIRS[@framework].each { |path| path } # Root files m.file_copy_each %w(README Rakefile) # app/ m.file "main.rb", "app/main.rb" # app/controllers %w(main application).each do |file| m.file "#{@framework}/#{file}_controller.rb", "app/controllers/#{file}_controller.rb" end # app/views %w(main application).each do |file| m.file "#{@framework}/#{file}_view.rb", "app/views/#{file}_view.rb" end # app/view/helpers %w(main application).each do |file| m.file "#{@framework}/#{file}_view_helper.rb", "app/views/helpers/#{file}_view_helper.rb" end case @framework when 'GTK' # app/resources/glade m.file "#{@framework}/", "app/resources/glade/" # app/resources/styles m.file "#{@framework}/main.rc", "app/resources/styles/main.rc" when 'Qt4' # app/resources/ui m.file "#{@framework}/main_view.ui", "app/resources/ui/main_view.ui" end # config/boot.rb m.file "boot.rb", "config/boot.rb" # config/environment.rb m.file "#{@framework}/environment.rb", "config/environment.rb" # config/environments %w(development test production).each do |file| m.file "#{file}.rb.sample", "config/environments/#{file}.rb.sample" end # bin/ m.template "main_executable.bat.erb", "bin/#{@name}.bat", :assigns => { :application_root => @name } m.file "main_executable.erb", "bin/#{@name}" # test/ if @test_suite.include?("unit") TEST_DIRS.each { |path| path } m.file "test_helper.rb", "test/test_helper.rb" end # spec/ if @test_suite.include?("rspec") RSPEC_DIRS.each { |path| path } %w(rcov.opts spec.opts spec_helper.rb).each { |file| m.file file, "spec/#{file}" } end # scripts/ m.dependency "install_rubigen_scripts", [destination_root, 'rugui'], :shebang => options[:shebang], :collision => :force end end protected def banner <<-EOS Creates a RuGUI application. USAGE: #{} YOUR_PROJECT_NAME EOS end def add_options!(opts) opts.separator ' ' opts.separator 'Options:' opts.on("-r", "--rspec", "Add RSpec support to the project.") { |o| @test_suite << "rspec" } opts.on("-o", "--only-rspec", "Use RSpec instead of Test::Unit::TestCase.") { |o| @test_suite = ["rspec"] } opts.on("--qt4", "Use Qt4 templates for this application.") { |o| @framework = 'Qt4' } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show the RuGUI version number and quit.") end # Set initial values. def set_initial_values @test_suite = ["unit"] @framework = "GTK" end def extract_options end BASEDIRS = [ # bin directory contains executables for the application. 'bin', # app directory contains the controllers, models, resources, and views. 'app', 'app/controllers', 'app/models', 'app/resources', 'app/views', 'app/views/helpers', # config directory contains environments configuration, boot file and # other configuration stuff. 'config', 'config/environments', # lib directory contains utility libraries which doesn't fit into a # separate gem or plugin. Also it contains additional rake tasks which # will be automatically added if present in lib/tasks. 'lib', 'lib/tasks', # log directory contains default log files for the application. 'log', # vendor directory contains third-party software. 'vendor' ] TEST_DIRS = [ 'test', 'test/controllers', 'test/models', 'test/views', 'test/views/helpers', 'test/lib' ] RSPEC_DIRS = [ 'spec', 'spec/controllers', 'spec/models', 'spec/views', 'spec/views/helpers', 'spec/lib' ] FRAMEWORK_SPECIFIC_DIRS = { 'GTK' => [ 'app/resources/glade', 'app/resources/styles', ], 'Qt4' => [ 'app/resources/ui', ] } end