module GraphQLDocs module Helpers SLUGIFY_PRETTY_REGEXP ="[^[:alnum:]._~!$&'()+,;=@]+").freeze attr_accessor :templates def slugify(str) slug = str.gsub(SLUGIFY_PRETTY_REGEXP, '-') slug.gsub!(%r!^\-|\-$!i, '') slug.downcase end def include(filename, opts = {}) template = fetch_include(filename) opts = { base_url: @options[:base_url], classes: @options[:classes] }.merge(opts) template.result( { binding }) end def markdown(string) GitHub::Markdown.render(string || 'n/a') end # Do you think I am proud of this? I am not. def format_type(field) type_path = name_slug = nil type_name = '' if field['type']['kind'] == 'NON_NULL' type_name << '!' if !field['type']['ofType']['ofType'].nil? # we're going to be a list...but what kind?! type_name << '[' if !field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['ofType'].nil? # A required list of required items: ![!Blah] if field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['kind'] == 'NON_NULL' type_name << '!' end type_path = field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['ofType']['kind'] type_name << field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['ofType']['name'] name_slug = field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['ofType']['name'] else # A required list of non-required items: ![Blah] type_path = field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['kind'] type_name << field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['name'] name_slug = field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['name'] end type_name << ']' else # Simple non-null item: !Blah type_path = field['type']['ofType']['kind'] type_name << field['type']['ofType']['name'] name_slug = field['type']['ofType']['name'] end elsif field['type']['kind'] == 'LIST' type_name << '[' if field['type']['ofType']['kind'] == 'NON_NULL' # Nullable list of non-null items: [!Blah] type_name << '!' type_path = field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['kind'] type_name << field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['name'] name_slug = field['type']['ofType']['ofType']['name'] else # Nullable list of nullable items: [Blah] type_path = field['type']['ofType']['kind'] type_name << field['type']['ofType']['name'] name_slug = field['type']['ofType']['name'] end type_name << ']' else # Simple nullable item: Blah type_path = field['type']['kind'] type_name << field['type']['name'] name_slug = field['type']['name'] end [type_path.downcase, type_name, name_slug.downcase] end def graphql_mutation_types @parsed_schema['mutation_types'] end def graphql_object_types @parsed_schema['object_types'] end def graphql_interface_types @parsed_schema['interface_types'] end def graphql_enum_types @parsed_schema['enum_types'] end def graphql_union_types @parsed_schema['union_types'] end def graphql_input_object_types @parsed_schema['input_object_types'] end def graphql_scalar_types @parsed_schema['scalar_types'] end private def fetch_include(filename) @templates ||= {} return @templates[filename] unless @templates[filename].nil? @templates[filename] =[:templates][:includes], filename))) @templates[filename] end def helper_methods return @helper_methods if defined?(@helper_methods) @helper_methods = {} Helpers.instance_methods.each do |name| next if name == :helper_methods @helper_methods[name] = method(name) end @helper_methods end end end