require 'erubis' require 'term/ansicolor' module Migrant class MigrationGenerator def run # Ensure db/migrate path exists before starting FileUtils.mkdir_p(Rails.root.join('db', 'migrate')) @possible_irreversible_migrations = false migrator =, migrations_path) unless migrator.pending_migrations.blank? puts "You have some pending database migrations. You can either:\n1. Run them with rake db:migrate\n2. Delete them, in which case this task will probably recreate their actions (DON'T do this if they've been in SCM)." return false end # Get all tables and compare to the desired schema # The next line is an evil hack to recursively load all model files in app/models # This needs to be done because Rails normally lazy-loads these files, resulting a blank descendants list of AR::Base Dir["#{Rails.root.to_s}/app/models/**/*.rb"].each { |f| require(f) } ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |model| next if model.schema.nil? || !model.schema.requires_migration? # Skips inherited schemas (such as models with STI) model.reset_column_information # db:migrate doesn't do this @table_name = model.table_name @changed_columns, @added_columns, @deleted_columns, @renamed_columns, @transferred_columns = [], [], [], [], [] if model.table_exists? # Structure ActiveRecord::Base's column information so we can compare it directly to the schema db_schema = Hash[*model.columns.collect {|c| [, Hash[*[:type, :limit].map { |type| [type, c.send(type)] }.flatten] ] }.flatten] model.schema.columns.to_a.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |field_name, data_type| begin if (options = data_type.structure_changes_from(db_schema[field_name])) if db_schema[field_name] change_column(field_name, options, db_schema[field_name]) else add_column(field_name, options) end end rescue DataType::DangerousMigration log "Cannot generate migration automatically for #{model.table_name}, this would involve possible data loss on column: #{field_name}\nOld structure: #{db_schema[field_name].inspect}. New structure: #{data_type.column.inspect}\nPlease create and run this migration yourself (with the appropriate data integrity checks)", :error return false end end # Removed rows unless model.schema.partial? db_schema.reject { |field_name, options| field_name.to_s == model.primary_key || model.schema.columns.keys.include?(field_name) }.each do |removed_field_name, options| case ask_user("#{model}: '#{removed_field_name}' is no longer in use.", (@added_columns.blank?)? %W{Destroy Ignore} : %W{Destroy Move Ignore}) when 'Destroy' then delete_column(removed_field_name, db_schema[removed_field_name]) when 'Move' then target = ask_user("Move '#{removed_field_name}' to:", @added_columns.collect(&:first)) target_column = model.schema.columns[target] begin target_column.structure_changes_from(db_schema[removed_field_name]) move_column(removed_field_name, target, db_schema[removed_field_name], target_column) rescue DataType::DangerousMigration case ask_user("Unable to safely move '#{removed_field_name}' to '#{target}'. Keep the original column for now?", %W{Yes No}, true) when 'No' then delete_column(removed_field_name, db_schema[removed_field_name]) end end end end end destroyed_columns = @deleted_columns.reject { |field, options| @transferred_columns.collect(&:first).include?(field) } unless destroyed_columns.blank? if ask_user("#{model}: '#{destroyed_columns.collect(&:first).join(', ')}' and associated data will be DESTROYED in all environments. Continue?", %W{Yes No}, true) == 'No' log "Okay, not removing anything for now." @deleted_columns = [] end end # For adapters that can report indexes, add as necessary if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.respond_to?(:indexes) current_indexes = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.indexes(model.table_name).collect { |index| (index.columns.length == 1)? index.columns.first.to_sym : index.columns.collect(&:to_sym) } @indexes = model.schema.indexes.uniq.reject { |index| current_indexes.include?(index) }.collect { |field_name| [field_name, {}] } # Don't spam the user with indexes that columns are being created with @new_indexes = @indexes.reject { |index, options| @changed_columns.detect { |c| c.first == index } || @added_columns.detect { |c| c.first == index } } end next if @changed_columns.empty? && @added_columns.empty? && @renamed_columns.empty? && @transferred_columns.empty? && @deleted_columns.empty? && @indexes.empty? # Nothing to do for this table # Example: changed_table_added_something_and_modified_something @activity = 'changed_'+model.table_name+[['added', @added_columns], ['modified', @changed_columns], ['deleted', destroyed_columns], ['moved', @transferred_columns], ['renamed', @renamed_columns], ['indexed', @new_indexes]].reject { |v| v[1].empty? }.collect { |v| "_#{v[0]}_"+v[1].collect(&:first).join('_') }.join('_and') @activity = @activity.split('_')[0..2].join('_') if @activity.length >= 240 # Most filesystems will raise Errno::ENAMETOOLONG otherwise render('change_migration') else @activity = "create_#{model.table_name}" @columns = model.schema.column_migrations @indexes = model.schema.indexes render("create_migration") end filename = "#{migrations_path}/#{next_migration_number}_#{@activity}.rb", 'w') { |migration| migration.write(@output) } log "Wrote #{filename}..." end if @possible_irreversible_migrations log "*** One or more move operations were performed, which potentially could cause data loss on db:rollback. \n*** Please review your migrations before committing!", :warning end true end private def add_column(name, options) @added_columns << [name, options] end def change_column(name, new_schema, old_schema) @changed_columns << [name, new_schema, old_schema] end def delete_column(name, current_structure) @deleted_columns << [name, current_structure] end def move_column(old_name, new_name, old_schema, new_schema) if new_schema == old_schema @renamed_columns << [old_name, new_name] @added_columns.reject! { |a| a.first == new_name } # Don't add the column too else @possible_irreversible_migrations = true @transferred_columns << [old_name, new_name] # Still need to add the column, just transfer the data afterwards delete_column(old_name, old_schema) end end def migrations_path Rails.root.join(ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_path) end include Term::ANSIColor def ask_user(message, choices, warning=false) mappings = choices.uniq.inject({}) do |mappings, choice| choice_string = choice.to_s choice_string.length.times do |i| mappings.merge!(choice_string[i..i] => choice) and break unless mappings.keys.include?(choice_string[i..i]) end mappings.merge!(choice_string => choice) unless mappings.values.include?(choice) mappings end begin message = "> #{message} [#{mappings.collect { |shortcut, choice| choice.to_s.sub(shortcut, '('+shortcut+')') }.join(' / ')}]: " if warning STDOUT.print red, bold, message, reset else STDOUT.print bold, message, reset end STDOUT.flush input = STDIN.gets.downcase end until (choice = mappings.detect { |shortcut, choice| [shortcut.downcase,choice.to_s.downcase].include?(input.downcase.strip) }) choice.last end def log(message, type=:info) STDOUT.puts( case type when :error [red, bold, message, reset] when :warning [yellow, message, reset] else message end ) end # See ActiveRecord::Generators::Migration # Only generating a migration to each second is a problem.. because we generate everything in the same second # So we have to add further "pretend" seconds. This WILL cause problems. # TODO: Patch ActiveRecord to end this nonsense. def next_migration_number #:nodoc: highest = Dir.glob(migrations_path.to_s+"/[0-9]*_*.rb").collect do |file| File.basename(file).split("_").first.to_i end.max if ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations base ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S").to_s (highest.to_i >= base.to_i)? (highest + 1).to_s : base else (highest.to_i + 1).to_s end end def render(template_name) @output =, "../generators/templates/#{template_name}.erb"))).result(binding) end end end