# Tramway::Landing It uses [Material Design Bootstrap](https://mdbootstrap.com/) by default ## Description Tramway-landing provides several types of blocks for main page. List of blocks: * Header * Footer * Block with text and image * Block with text, image and button * Cards * Features list * Contacts * View * Just text * Link to the object All block's previews you can see at the bottom of this Readme ## Installation #### 1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'tramway-landing' ``` #### 2. Then run: ```shell rails g tramway:landing:install rails db:migrate ``` #### 3. Add landing blocks to the initializer *config/initializers/tramway.rb* ```ruby Tramway::Admin.set_available_models ::Tramway::Landing::Block, project: #{project_name_which_you_use_in_the_application} Tramway::Admin.navbar_structure ::Tramway::Landing::Block ``` #### 4. Run server `rails s` #### 5. Open `localhost:3000/admin` #### 6. Click on `Blocks`, add new block with type `Header` #### 7. Click `Show` in the block menu #### 8. Then create your main page controller `rails g controller web/welcome` *app/controllers/web/welcome_controller.rb* ```ruby class Web::WelcomeController < ApplicationController before_action :application layout 'tramway/landing/application' def index @blocks = ::Tramway::Landing::BlockDecorator.decorate ::Tramway::Landing::Block.on_main_page end private def application @application = ::Tramway::Core.application_object end end ``` #### 9. Add new controller to the routes *config/routes.rb* ```ruby # ... root to: 'web/welcome#index' # ... ``` #### 10. Add view for the new landing *app/views/web/welcome/index.html.haml* ```haml = content_for :title do -# your content for = content_for :application_name do -# your content for h1 = content_for :application_tagline do -# tagline in the header type block = content_for :address do -# main address info = content_for :phone do -# main phone info = content_for :footer_links do -# list of footer links = content_for :footer_logo do -# list of footer logos = content_for :latitude do -# latitude for contacts block type map = content_for :longtitude do -# longtitude for contacts block type map -# everything you want on the main page ``` ## Head Content ### Tramway::Landing 2.x It will push this content to `<head>` tag in every landing page. Including public page in `tramway-event`, `tramway-sport_school`, `tramway-conference`, `tramway-news`, `tramway-page` gems. *config/initializers/tramway.rb* ```ruby ::Tramway::Landing.head_content = lambda do concat javascript_include_tag :application concat stylesheet_link_tag :application # don't forget to use `concat` method here end ``` ### Tramway::Landing 1.x It will push this content to `<head>` tag only on main page. You aren't able to manage head tag in other gems and pages. *app/views/web/welcome/index.html.haml* ```haml = content_for :head_content do -# your content for <head> ``` Then all your showing blocks will be on the main page. ## Blocks How create blocks you can find here * [Header](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/header/main.md) * [Footer](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/footer/main.md) * [Block with text and image](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/block_with_text_and_image/main.md) * [Block with text, image and button](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/block_with_text_image_and_button/main.md) * [Cards](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/cards/main.md) * [Features list](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/features/main.md) * [Contacts](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/contacts/main.md) * [View](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/view/main.md) * [Just text](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-landing/docs/just_text/main.md) * Link to object ## Contributing Contribution directions go here. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).