require 'spec_helper' describe UsersController, :type => :controller do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } before(:each) do sign_in user allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:groups).and_return([]) allow(controller).to receive(:clear_session_user) ## Don't clear out the authenticated session end describe "#show" do it "show the user profile if user exists" do get :show, id: user.user_key expect(response).to be_success expect(response).to_not redirect_to(root_path) expect(flash[:alert]).to be_nil end it "redirects to root if user does not exist" do get :show, id: 'johndoe666' expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) expect(flash[:alert]).to include ("User 'johndoe666' does not exist") end describe "when the user has trophies" do let(:file1) { GenericFile.create { |f| f.apply_depositor_metadata(user) } } let(:file2) { GenericFile.create { |f| f.apply_depositor_metadata(user) } } let(:file3) { GenericFile.create { |f| f.apply_depositor_metadata(user) } } let!(:trophy1) { user.trophies.create!(generic_file_id: } let!(:trophy2) { user.trophies.create!(generic_file_id: } let!(:trophy3) { user.trophies.create!(generic_file_id: } it "show the user profile if user exists" do get :show, id: user.user_key expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns[:trophies]).to match_array([file1, file2, file3]) end end end describe "#index" do let!(:u1) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } let!(:u2) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } describe "requesting html" do it "should test users" do get :index expect(assigns[:users]).to include(u1, u2) expect(response).to be_successful end end describe "requesting json" do it "should display users" do get :index, format: :json expect(response).to be_successful json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect({|u| u['id']}).to include(, expect({|u| u['text']}).to include(, end end describe "query users" do it "finds the expected user via email" do get :index, uq: expect(assigns[:users]).to include(u1) expect(assigns[:users]).to_not include(u2) expect(response).to be_successful end it "finds the expected user via display name" do u1.display_name = "Dr. Curator" u2.display_name = "Jr. Architect" allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:display_name).and_return("Dr. Curator", "Jr.Archivist") get :index, uq: u1.display_name expect(assigns[:users]).to include(u1) expect(assigns[:users]).to_not include(u2) expect(response).to be_successful u1.display_name = nil u2.display_name = nil end it "uses the base query" do u3 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) allow(controller).to receive(:base_query).and_return(["email == \"#{}\""]) get :index expect(assigns[:users]).to include(u3) expect(assigns[:users]).to_not include(u1, u2) u3.destroy end end end describe "#edit" do it "show edit form when user edits own profile" do get :edit, id: user.user_key expect(response).to be_success expect(response).to render_template('users/edit') expect(flash[:alert]).to be_nil end context "when user attempts to edit another profile" do let(:another_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } it "redirects to show profile" do get :edit, id: another_user.user_key expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(another_user.to_param)) expect(flash[:alert]).to include("Permission denied: cannot access this page.") end end describe "when the user has trophies" do let(:file1) { GenericFile.create { |f| f.apply_depositor_metadata(user) } } let(:file2) { GenericFile.create { |f| f.apply_depositor_metadata(user) } } let(:file3) { GenericFile.create { |f| f.apply_depositor_metadata(user) } } let!(:trophy1) { user.trophies.create!(generic_file_id: } let!(:trophy2) { user.trophies.create!(generic_file_id: } let!(:trophy3) { user.trophies.create!(generic_file_id: } it "show the user profile if user exists" do get :edit, id: user.user_key expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns[:trophies]).to match_array([file1, file2, file3]) end end end describe "#update" do context "the profile of another user" do let(:another_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } it "should not allow other users to update" do post :update, id: another_user.user_key, user: { avatar: nil } expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(another_user.to_param)) expect(flash[:alert]).to include("Permission denied: cannot access this page.") end end it "should set an avatar and redirect to profile" do expect(user.avatar?).to be false s1 = double('one') expect(UserEditProfileEventJob).to receive(:new).with(user.user_key).and_return(s1) expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).with(s1).once f = fixture_file_upload('/1.5mb-avatar.jpg', 'image/jpg') post :update, id: user.user_key, user: { avatar: f } expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("Your profile has been updated") expect(User.find_by_user_key(user.user_key).avatar?).to be true end it "should validate the content type of an avatar" do expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).never f = fixture_file_upload('/image.jp2', 'image/jp2') post :update, id: user.user_key, user: { avatar: f } expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.edit_profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:alert]).to include("Avatar You are not allowed to upload \"jp2\" files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff") end it "should validate the size of an avatar" do f = fixture_file_upload('/4-20.png', 'image/png') expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).never post :update, id: user.user_key, user: { avatar: f } expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.edit_profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:alert]).to include("Avatar file size must be less than 2MB") end context "user with existing avatar" do before do f = fixture_file_upload('/world.png', 'image/png') user.update(avatar: f) end it "should delete an avatar" do s1 = double('one') expect(UserEditProfileEventJob).to receive(:new).with(user.user_key).and_return(s1) expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).with(s1).once post :update, id: user.user_key, user: { remove_avatar: 'true' } expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("Your profile has been updated") expect(User.find_by_user_key(user.user_key).avatar?).to be false end end it "should refresh directory attributes" do s1 = double('one') expect(UserEditProfileEventJob).to receive(:new).with(user.user_key).and_return(s1) expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).with(s1).once expect_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:populate_attributes).once post :update, id: user.user_key, user: { update_directory: 'true' } expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("Your profile has been updated") end it "should set an social handles" do expect(user.twitter_handle).to be_blank expect(user.facebook_handle).to be_blank expect(user.googleplus_handle).to be_blank expect(user.linkedin_handle).to be_blank expect(user.orcid).to be_blank post :update, id: user.user_key, user: { twitter_handle: 'twit', facebook_handle: 'face', googleplus_handle: 'goo', linkedin_handle:"link", orcid: '0000-0000-1111-2222' } expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("Your profile has been updated") u = User.find_by_user_key(user.user_key) expect(u.twitter_handle).to eq 'twit' expect(u.facebook_handle).to eq 'face' expect(u.googleplus_handle).to eq 'goo' expect(u.linkedin_handle).to eq 'link' expect(u.orcid).to eq '' end it 'displays a flash when invalid ORCID is entered' do expect(user.orcid).to be_blank post :update, id: user.user_key, user: { orcid: 'foobar' } expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.edit_profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:alert]).to include('Orcid must be a string of 19 characters, e.g., "0000-0000-0000-0000"') end context "when removing a trophy" do let(:file) { GenericFile.create { |f| f.apply_depositor_metadata(user) } } before do user.trophies.create!(generic_file_id: end it "should remove a trophy" do expect { post :update, id: user.user_key, 'remove_trophy_' => 'yes' }.to change { user.trophies.count }.by(-1) expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("Your profile has been updated") end end end describe "#follow" do let(:another_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } it "should follow another user if not already following, and log an event" do expect(user.following?(another_user)).to be false s1 = double('one') expect(UserFollowEventJob).to receive(:new).with(user.user_key, another_user.user_key).and_return(s1) expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).with(s1).once post :follow, id: another_user.user_key expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(another_user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("You are following #{another_user.user_key}") end it "should redirect to profile if already following and not log an event" do allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:following?).with(another_user).and_return(true) expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).never post :follow, id: another_user.user_key expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(another_user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("You are following #{another_user.user_key}") end it "should redirect to profile if user attempts to self-follow and not log an event" do expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).never post :follow, id: user.user_key expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:alert]).to include("You cannot follow or unfollow yourself") end end describe "#unfollow" do let(:another_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } it "should unfollow another user if already following, and log an event" do allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:following?).with(another_user).and_return(true) s1 = double('one') expect(UserUnfollowEventJob).to receive(:new).with(user.user_key, another_user.user_key).and_return(s1) expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).with(s1).once post :unfollow, id: another_user.user_key expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(another_user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("You are no longer following #{another_user.user_key}") end it "should redirect to profile if not following and not log an event" do allow(user).to receive(:following?).with(another_user).and_return(false) expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).never post :unfollow, id: another_user.user_key expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(another_user.to_param)) expect(flash[:notice]).to include("You are no longer following #{another_user.user_key}") end it "should redirect to profile if user attempts to self-follow and not log an event" do expect(Sufia.queue).to receive(:push).never post :unfollow, id: user.user_key expect(response).to redirect_to(@routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user.to_param)) expect(flash[:alert]).to include("You cannot follow or unfollow yourself") end end describe "#toggle_trophy" do let(:file) { GenericFile.create { |f| f.apply_depositor_metadata(user) } } let(:file_id) { } let(:another_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } it "should trophy a file" do post :toggle_trophy, {id: user.user_key, file_id: file_id} json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json['user_id']).to eq expect(json['generic_file_id']).to eq file_id end it "should not trophy a file for a different user" do post :toggle_trophy, {id: another_user.user_key, file_id: file_id} expect(response).to_not be_success end it "should not trophy a file with no edit privs" do sign_in another_user post :toggle_trophy, {id: another_user.user_key, file_id: file_id} expect(response).to_not be_success end end end