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PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-30 02:01+0000
Last-Translator: Andi Chandler <andi@gowling.com>
Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/foreman/foreman/language/en_GB/)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
�%<env>s: %<message>s�'%s' is not a valid date�, or �Any combination (comma separated list) of '%s'�At least one of options %s is required�Can be specified multiple times. �Character to separate the values�Comma separated list of values.�Comma-separated list of key=value.�Could not load the API description from the server�Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format�Default: �Error: %s�Error: %{message}�Error: Some of the required modules are disabled in configuration: %s �Exit interactive shell�Explicitly turn interactive mode on/off�File %s not writeable, won't log anything to the file!�Get list of possible endings�Id�Interactive shell�Invalid username or password�Legacy configuration of modules detected. Check section about configuration in user manual�Message�Missing arguments for %s�Name�No permissions to create log dir %s�No such sub-command '%<name>s'�One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.�Options %s are required�Output as CSV (same as --output=csv)�Print help for commands�See: '%{path} --help'�Set output format. One of [%s]�Show ids of associated resources�Type 'help' for usage information�Unable to parse JSON input�Unknown option name '%s'�Unrecognised option '%<switch>s'�Warning: An error occured while loading module %s�Warning: location hammer.modules.d is deprecated, move your module configurations to cli.modules.d�Welcome to the hammer interactive shell�You can't set all options %s at one time�You can't set any of options %s�be verbose�can't replace subcommand %<name>s (%<existing_class>s) with %<name>s (%<new_class>s)�force reload of Apipie cache�is the server down?�no�no value provided�option '%<option>s' (or env %<env>s) is required�option '%<option>s' is required�option '%<switch>s': %<message>s�parameter '%<param>s': %<message>s�password to access the remote system�path to custom config file�remote system address�show debugging output �show version�too many arguments�username to access the remote system�value must be a combination of '%s'�value must be one of true/false, yes/no, 1/0�was '%s' run on the server when using apipie cache? (typical production settings)�yes�