require 'spec_helper' describe Ridley::Search do let(:connection) { double('connection') } let(:index) { :role } let(:query) { "*:*" } let(:response) do double( "response", body: { rows:, total: 0, start: 0 } ) end describe "ClassMethods" do subject { Ridley::Search } describe "::indexes" do it "sends a get request to the connection to receive the indexes" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search").and_return(response) subject.indexes(connection) end end end describe "#run" do subject do, index, query) end it "sends a get request to the connection to the index's location with the given query" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search/#{index}", q: query).and_return(response) end context "when 'sort' is set" do let(:sort) { "DESC" } before(:each) { subject.sort = sort } it "sends a get request to the connection with a query parameter for 'set'" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search/#{index}", q: query, sort: sort).and_return(response) end end context "when 'start' is set" do let(:start) { 1 } before(:each) { subject.start = start } it "sends a get request to the connection with a query parameter for 'start'" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search/#{index}", q: query, start: start).and_return(response) end end context "when 'rows' is set" do let(:rows) { 1 } before(:each) { subject.rows = rows } it "sends a get request to the connection with a query parameter for 'rows'" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search/#{index}", q: query, rows: rows).and_return(response) end end context "when ':node' is given as index" do let(:index) { :node } let(:response) do double( "response", body: { rows: [ { chef_type: "node", json_class: "Chef::Node", name: "ridley-one", chef_environment: "_default", automatic: {}, normal: {}, default: {}, override: {}, run_list: [ "recipe[one]", "recipe[two]" ] } ], total: 1, start: 0 } ) end subject {, index, query) } it "returns an array of Ridley::Node" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search/#{index}", q: query).and_return(response) result = result.should be_a(Array) result.should each be_a(Ridley::Node) end end context "when ':role' is given as index" do let(:index) { :role } let(:response) do double( "response", body: { rows: [ { chef_type: "role", json_class: "Chef::Role", name: "ridley-role-one", description: "", default_attributes: {}, override_attributes: {}, run_list: [], env_run_lists: {} } ], total: 1, start: 0 } ) end subject {, index, query) } it "returns an array of Ridley::Role" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search/#{index}", q: query).and_return(response) result = result.should be_a(Array) result.should each be_a(Ridley::Role) end end context "when ':environment' is given as index" do let(:index) { :environment } let(:response) do double( "response", body: { rows: [ { chef_type: "environment", json_class: "Chef::Environment", name: "ridley-env-test", description: "ridley testing environment", default_attributes: {}, override_attributes: {}, cookbook_versions: {} } ], total: 1, start: 0 } ) end subject {, index, query) } it "returns an array of Ridley::Environment" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search/#{index}", q: query).and_return(response) result = result.should be_a(Array) result.should each be_a(Ridley::Environment) end end context "when ':client' is given as index" do let(:index) { :client } let(:response) do double( "response", body: { rows: [ { chef_type: "client", name: nil, admin: false, validator: false, certificate: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n+pBJCygpuv78wPCM+c4=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n", public_key: nil, private_key: nil, orgname: "ridley" } ], total: 1, start: 0 } ) end subject {, index, query) } it "returns an array of Ridley::Client" do connection.should_receive(:get).with("search/#{index}", q: query).and_return(response) result = result.should be_a(Array) result.should each be_a(Ridley::Client) end end end end