require 'roby/task' require 'roby/event' require 'delegate' require 'forwardable' require 'utilrb/module/ancestor_p' # The Transactions module define all tools needed to implement # the Transaction class module Roby::Transactions # In transactions, we do not manipulate plan objects like Task and EventGenerator directly, # but through proxies which make sure that nothing forbidden is done # # The Proxy module define base functionalities for these proxy objects module Proxy @@proxy_klass = [] @@forwarders = def to_s; "tProxy(#{__getobj__.to_s})" end # Returns the proxy for +object+. Raises ArgumentError if +object+ is # not an object which should be wrapped def self.proxy_class(object) proxy_class = @@proxy_klass.find { |_, real_klass| object.kind_of?(real_klass) } unless proxy_class raise ArgumentError, "no proxy for #{object.class}" end proxy_class[0] end # Declare that +proxy_klass+ should be used to wrap objects of +real_klass+. # Order matters: if more than one wrapping matches, we will use the one # defined last. def self.proxy_for(proxy_klass, real_klass) @@proxy_klass.unshift [proxy_klass, real_klass] proxy_klass.extend Forwardable end # Returns a class that forwards every calls to +proxy.__getobj__+ def self.forwarder(object) klass = object.class @@forwarders[klass] ||= DelegateClass(klass) @@forwarders[klass].new(object) end def initialize(object, transaction) @distribute = nil @transaction = transaction @__getobj__ = object end module ClassExtension def proxy_for(klass); Proxy.proxy_for(self, klass) end def proxy_code(m) "return unless proxying? args = result = if block_given? __getobj__.#{m}(*args) do |*objects|! { |o| transaction.may_wrap(o) } yield(*objects) end else __getobj__.#{m}(*args) end transaction.may_wrap(result)" end def proxy(*methods) methods.each do |m| class_eval "def #{m}(*args); #{proxy_code(m)} end" end end end attr_reader :transaction attr_reader :__getobj__ alias :== :eql? def pretty_print(pp) plan.disable_proxying { super } end def proxying?; plan && plan.proxying? end # Uses the +enum+ method on this proxy and on the proxied object to get # a set of objects related to this one in both the plan and the # transaction. # # The block is then given a plan_object => transaction_object hash, the # relation which is being considered, the set of new relations (the # relations that are in the transaction but not in the plan) and the # set of deleted relation (relations that are in the plan but not in # the transaction) def partition_new_old_relations(enum) # :yield: trsc_objects = each_relation do |rel| trsc_others = send(enum, rel). map do |obj| plan_object = plan.may_unwrap(obj) trsc_objects[plan_object] = obj plan_object end.to_value_set plan_others = __getobj__.send(enum, rel). find_all { |obj| plan[obj, false] }. to_value_set new = (trsc_others - plan_others) del = (plan_others - trsc_others) yield(trsc_objects, rel, new, del) end end # Commits the modifications of this proxy. It copies the relations of # the proxy on the proxied object def commit_transaction real_object = __getobj__ partition_new_old_relations(:parent_objects) do |trsc_objects, rel, new, del| for other in new other.add_child_object(real_object, rel, trsc_objects[other][self, rel]) end for other in del other.remove_child_object(real_object, rel) end end partition_new_old_relations(:child_objects) do |trsc_objects, rel, new, del| for other in new real_object.add_child_object(other, rel, self[trsc_objects[other], rel]) end for other in del real_object.remove_child_object(other, rel) end end super if defined? super end # Discards the transaction by clearing this proxy def discard_transaction clear_vertex super if defined? super end end # Proxy for Roby::EventGenerator class EventGenerator < Roby::EventGenerator include Proxy proxy_for Roby::EventGenerator def_delegator :@__getobj__, :symbol def_delegator :@__getobj__, :model proxy :can_signal? def initialize(object, transaction) super(object, transaction) @unreachable_handlers = [] if object.controlable? self.command = method(:emit) end end def commit_transaction super handlers.each { |h| __getobj__.on(&h) } end def_delegator :@__getobj__, :owners def_delegator :@__getobj__, :distribute? def has_sibling?(peer); plan.has_sibling?(peer) end def executable?; false end def unreachable!; end end # Transaction proxy for Roby::TaskEventGenerator class TaskEventGenerator < Roby::Transactions::EventGenerator proxy_for Roby::TaskEventGenerator # The transaction proxy which represents the event generator's real # task attr_reader :task child_plan_object :task # Create a new proxy representing +object+ in +transaction+ def initialize(object, transaction) super(object, transaction) @task = transaction.wrap(object.task) end # Task event generators do not have siblings on remote plan managers. # They are always referenced by their name and task. def has_sibling?(peer); false end end # Transaction proxy for Roby::Task class Task < Roby::Task include Proxy proxy_for Roby::Task def_delegator :@__getobj__, :running? def_delegator :@__getobj__, :finished? def_delegator :@__getobj__, :pending? def_delegator :@__getobj__, :model def_delegator :@__getobj__, :has_event? def_delegator :@__getobj__, :pending? def_delegator :@__getobj__, :running? def_delegator :@__getobj__, :success? def_delegator :@__getobj__, :failed? def_delegator :@__getobj__, :finished? proxy :event proxy :each_event alias :each_plan_child :each_event proxy :fullfills? proxy :same_state? # Create a new proxy representing +object+ in +transaction+ def initialize(object, transaction) super(object, transaction) @arguments = object.arguments.each do |key, value| if value.kind_of?(Roby::PlanObject) arguments.update!(key, transaction[value]) else arguments.update!(key, value) end end end # There is no bound_events map in task proxies. The proxy instead # enumerates the real task's events and create proxies when needed. # # #bound_events is not part of the public API anyways def bound_events; {} end def instantiate_model_event_relations # :nodoc: end # Transaction proxies are never executable def executable?; false end # Transaction proxies do not have history def history; "" end def plan=(new_plan) # :nodoc: if new_plan && new_plan.plan != __getobj__.plan raise "invalid plan #{new_plan}" end @plan = new_plan end # Perform the operations needed for the commit to be successful. In # practice, it updates the task arguments as needed. def commit_transaction super # Update the task arguments. The original # Roby::Task#commit_transaction has already translated the proxy # objects into real objects arguments.each do |key, value| __getobj__.arguments.update!(key, value) end end # Perform the operations needed for the transaction to be discarded. def discard_transaction clear_relations end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) # :nodoc: if m.to_s =~ /^(\w+)!$/ && has_event?($1.to_sym) event($1.to_sym).call(*args) elsif !Roby::Task.method_defined?(m) __getobj__.send(m, *args, &block) else super end end def_delegator :@__getobj__, :owners def_delegator :@__getobj__, :distribute? # True if +peer+ has a representation of this object def has_sibling?(peer) plan.has_sibling?(peer) end end end