# v1.0.0.rc1 ## Enhancements * Start supporting Gora APIs. Thank you for your contribution @kamatama41 .[#29](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/29) * Start supporting Recipe APIs. * Update versions of supported Rakuten Web Service APIs. ## Compatibility Changes * Supported Ruby versions are 2.1.0 or later * Any resource's `search` such as `RakutenWebService::Ichiba::Item` returns Enumerator which provides resources fetched at one page. It used to provide all resources by auto-pagerize. From this version provides methods for pagerizing. Please refer to [the sample in README](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/blob/master/README.md#pagerizing). # v0.6.3 * Update a gem dependency by @45deg * Fix typo by @45deg * Add new section for `Prerequisites` to explaing how to get new Application ID for Rakuten Web Service. * `RakutenWebService::BaseGenre.[]` fetches the genre information of specified a given genrecode.