module Vedeu # Provides escape sequence strings for setting the cursor position and various # display related functions. # # @api public module Esc extend self # Produces the foreground named colour escape sequence hash. The background # escape sequences are also generated from this by adding 10 to the values. # This hash gives rise to methods you can call directly on `Esc` to produce # the desired colours: # # @example # # => "\e[31m" # # { 'some text' } # => "\e[31msome text\e[39m" # # Esc.on_blue # => "\e[44m" # # Esc.on_blue { 'some text' } # => "\e[44msome text\e[49m" # # # Valid names: # :black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :light_grey, # :default, :dark_grey, :light_red, :light_green, :light_yellow, # :light_blue, :light_magenta, :light_cyan, :white # # @return [Hash<Symbol => Fixnum>] def codes { black: 30, red: 31, green: 32, yellow: 33, blue: 34, magenta: 35, cyan: 36, light_grey: 37, default: 39, dark_grey: 90, light_red: 91, light_green: 92, light_yellow: 93, light_blue: 94, light_magenta: 95, light_cyan: 96, white: 97, } end alias_method :foreground_codes, :codes # Produces the background named colour escape sequence hash from the # foreground escape sequence hash. # # @return [Hash<Symbol => Fixnum>] def background_codes hash = {} do |h, (k, v)| h.merge!(k => v + 10) end end # Dynamically creates methods for each terminal named colour. When a block # is given, then the colour is reset to 'default' once the block is called. # # @return [String] foreground_codes.each do |key, code| define_method(key) do |&blk| "\e[#{code}m" + (blk ? + "\e[39m" : '') end end background_codes.each do |key, code| define_method('on_' + key.to_s) do |&blk| "\e[#{code}m" + (blk ? + "\e[49m" : '') end end # @return [Hash<Symbol => String>] def actions { hide_cursor: "\e[?25l", show_cursor: "\e[?25h", cursor_position: "\e[6n", bg_reset: "\e[49m", blink: "\e[5m", blink_off: "\e[25m", bold: "\e[1m", bold_off: "\e[22m", border_on: "\e(0", border_off: "\e(B", dim: "\e[2m", fg_reset: "\e[39m", negative: "\e[7m", positive: "\e[27m", reset: "\e[0m", underline: "\e[4m", underline_off: "\e[24m", } end actions.each { |key, code| define_method(key) { code } } # Return the stream with the escape sequences escaped so that they can be # printed to the terminal instead of being interpreted by the terminal which # will render them. This way we can see what escape sequences are being sent # along with the content. # # @param stream [String] # @return [String] def escape(stream = '') return stream if stream.nil? || stream.empty? stream.gsub(/\e/, '\\e') end # Return the escape sequence string from the list of recognised sequence # 'commands', or an empty string if the 'command' cannot be found. # # @param value [String|Symbol] # @return [String] def string(value = '') return '' if value.empty? send(value.to_sym) rescue NoMethodError '' end # Return the escape sequence to render a border character. # # @return [String] # @yieldreturn [void] The border character to wrap with border on and off # escape sequences. def border return '' unless block_given? [border_on, yield, border_off].join end private # @return [String] def clear [colour_reset, "\e[2J"].join end # @return [String] def clear_line [colour_reset, "\e[2K"].join end # @return [String] def colour_reset [fg_reset, bg_reset].join end # @return [String] def normal [underline_off, bold_off, positive].join end # @return [String] def screen_init [reset, clear, hide_cursor].join end # @return [String] def screen_exit [show_cursor, colour_reset, reset, last_character_position, "\n"].join end # @return [String] def last_character_position, Vedeu.width).to_s end end # Esc end # Vedeu