require 'elecksee' class Lxc # Clone existing containers class Clone include Helpers include Helpers::Options include Helpers::Copies option :original, '-o', :string, :required => true, :desc => 'Original container name', :aliases => 'orig' option :new_name, '-n', :string, :required => true, :desc => 'New container name', :aliases => 'new' option :snapshot, '-s', :boolean, :desc => 'Make new rootfs a snapshot of original' option :fssize, '-L', :string, :desc => 'Size of new file system', :default => '2G' option :vgname, '-v', :string, :desc => 'LVM volume group name', :default => 'lxc' option :lvprefix, '-p', :string, :desc => 'LVM volume name prefix' option :fstype, '-t', :string, :desc => 'New container file system', :default => 'ext4' option :device, '-D', :integer, :desc => 'Make copy in VBD of {SIZE}M' option :ipaddress, '-I', :string, :desc => 'Custom IP address' option :gateway, '-G', :string, :desc => 'Custom gateway' option :netmask, '-N', :string, :default => '', :desc => 'Custom netmask' # @return [Hash] original and new container instances attr_reader :lxcs # Create new instance # # @param args [Hash] # @option args [String] :original existing container name # @option args [String] :new new container name def initialize(args={}) configure!(args) @lxcs = {} @lxcs[:original] = @lxcs[:new] = @created = [] validate! end # Create the clone # # @return [Lxc] new clone def clone! begin copy_original update_naming(:no_config) apply_custom_addressing if ipaddress lxc rescue Exception raise end end private alias_method :name, :new_name # @return [Lxc] new lxc instance def lxc lxcs[:new] end # Add to list of created items # # @param thing [Object] item created def created(thing) @created << thing end # Validate current state # # @return [TrueClass] def validate! unless(lxcs[:original].exists?) raise "Requested `original` container does not exist (#{original})" end if(lxcs[:new].exists?) raise "Requested `new` container already exists (#{new_name})" end if(lxcs[:original].running?) raise "Requested `original` container is current running (#{original})" end true end # Create copy of original container # # @return [TrueClass] def copy_original copy_init if(device) rootfs_dir = copy_vbd elsif(File.stat(lxcs[:original].path.to_s).blockdev?) rootfs_dir = copy_lvm elsif(command("btrfs subvolume list '#{lxcs[:original].path}'", :allow_failure => true)) rootfs_dir = copy_btrfs else rootfs_dir = copy_fs end update_rootfs(rootfs_dir) true end # Initialize container copy (base file copy) # # @return [TrueClass] def copy_init directory =[:new].name, :dir => File.dirname(lxcs[:original].path.to_s)) created(directory) %w(config fstab).each do |file| command("cp '#{lxcs[:original].path.join(file)}' '#{directory.target_path}'", :sudo => true) end true end # Copy into file system directory # # @return [String] path to new rootfs def copy_fs directory =[:new].name, :dir => File.dirname(lxcs[:original].path.to_s)) created(directory) command("rsync -ax '#{lxcs[:original].rootfs}/' '#{File.join(directory.target_path, 'rootfs')}/'", :sudo => true) File.join(directory.target_path, 'rootfs') end # Copy into new virtual block device # # @return [String] path to new rootfs def copy_vbd storage =[:new].name, :tmp_dir => '/opt/lxc-vbd') created(storage) command("rsync -ax '#{lxcs[:original].rootfs}/' '#{storage.target_path}/'", :sudo => true) storage.target_path end # Copy into new LVM partition # # @note not implemented # @todo implement def copy_lvm raise 'Not implemented' end # Copy into new btrfs subvolume snapshot # # @return [String] path to new rootfs # @todo remove on failure def copy_btrfs rootfs_path = lxcs[:new].path.join('rootfs') command("btrfs subvolume snapshot '#{lxcs[:original].rootfs}' '#{rootfs_path}'", :sudo => true) rootfs_path end end end