module PactBroker module Client module CLI module MatrixCommands def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do desc "can-i-deploy", "" long_desc, "can_i_deploy_long_desc.txt")) method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The pacticipant name. Use once for each pacticipant being checked." method_option :version, required: false, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version. Must be entered after the --pacticipant that it relates to." method_option :ignore, required: false, desc: "The pacticipant name to ignore. Use once for each pacticipant being ignored. A specific version can be ignored by also specifying a --version after the pacticipant name option." method_option :latest, required: false, aliases: "-l", banner: "[TAG]", desc: "Use the latest pacticipant version. Optionally specify a TAG to use the latest version with the specified tag." method_option :to, required: false, banner: "TAG", desc: "This is too hard to explain in a short sentence. Look at the examples.", default: nil method_option :to_environment, required: false, banner: "ENVIRONMENT", desc: "The environment into which the pacticipant(s) are to be deployed", default: nil, hide: true method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or table", default: "table" method_option :retry_while_unknown, banner: "TIMES", type: :numeric, default: 0, required: false, desc: "The number of times to retry while there is an unknown verification result (ie. the provider verification is likely still running)" method_option :retry_interval, banner: "SECONDS", type: :numeric, default: 10, required: false, desc: "The time between retries in seconds. Use in conjuction with --retry-while-unknown" # Allow limit to be set manually until is fixed method_option :limit, hide: true method_option :dry_run, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "When dry-run is enabled, always exit process with a success code. Can also be enabled by setting the environment variable PACT_BROKER_CAN_I_DEPLOY_DRY_RUN=true." shared_authentication_options def can_i_deploy(*ignored_but_necessary) require "pact_broker/client/cli/version_selector_options_parser" require "pact_broker/client/can_i_deploy" validate_credentials selectors = { |s| !s[:ignore] } ignore_selectors = if ENV.fetch("PACT_BROKER_FEATURES", "").include?("ignore") { |s| s[:ignore] } else [] end validate_can_i_deploy_selectors(selectors) dry_run = options.dry_run || ENV["PACT_BROKER_CAN_I_DEPLOY_DRY_RUN"] == "true" can_i_deploy_options = { output: options.output, retry_while_unknown: options.retry_while_unknown, retry_interval: options.retry_interval, dry_run: dry_run, verbose: options.verbose } result =, selectors, { to_tag:, to_environment: options.to_environment, limit: options.limit, ignore_selectors: ignore_selectors }, can_i_deploy_options, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message $stdout.flush exit(can_i_deploy_exit_status) unless result.success end if ENV.fetch("PACT_BROKER_FEATURES", "").include?("verification_required") method_option :pacticipant, required: true, aliases: "-a", desc: "The pacticipant name. Use once for each pacticipant being checked." method_option :version, required: false, aliases: "-e", desc: "The pacticipant version. Must be entered after the --pacticipant that it relates to." method_option :latest, required: false, aliases: "-l", banner: "[TAG]", desc: "Use the latest pacticipant version. Optionally specify a TAG to use the latest version with the specified tag." method_option :to, required: false, banner: "TAG", desc: "This is too hard to explain in a short sentence. Look at the examples.", default: nil method_option :in_environment, required: false, banner: "ENVIRONMENT", desc: "The environment into which the pacticipant(s) are to be deployed", default: nil, hide: true method_option :output, aliases: "-o", desc: "json or table", default: "table" shared_authentication_options desc "verification-required", "Checks if there is a verification required between the given pacticipant versions" def verification_required(*ignored_but_necessary) require "pact_broker/client/cli/version_selector_options_parser" require "pact_broker/client/verification_required" validate_credentials selectors = validate_can_i_deploy_selectors(selectors) verification_required_options = { output: options.output, verbose: options.verbose, retry_while_unknown: 0 } result =, selectors, { to_tag:, to_environment: options.in_environment, ignore_selectors: [] }, verification_required_options, pact_broker_client_options) $stdout.puts result.message $stdout.flush exit(1) unless result.success end end no_commands do def can_i_deploy_exit_status exit_code_string = ENV.fetch("PACT_BROKER_CAN_I_DEPLOY_EXIT_CODE_BETA", "") if exit_code_string =~ /^\d+$/ $stderr.puts "Exiting can-i-deploy with configured exit code #{exit_code_string}" exit_code_string.to_i else 1 end end def validate_can_i_deploy_selectors selectors pacticipants_without_versions ={ |s| s[:version].nil? && s[:latest].nil? && s[:tag].nil? }.collect{ |s| s[:pacticipant] } raise ::Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, "The version must be specified using `--version VERSION`, `--latest`, `--latest TAG`, or `--all TAG` for pacticipant #{pacticipants_without_versions.join(", ")}" if pacticipants_without_versions.any? end end end end end end end end