# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') require 'logger' require 'tempfile' describe 'Tengine::Support::Config::Logger' do context "static" do describe Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.output do it { subject.should be_a(Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::Field)} its(:type){ should == :string } its(:__name__){ should == :output } its(:description){ should == 'file path or "STDOUT" / "STDERR" / "NULL".'} its(:default){ should == "STDOUT"} end describe Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.rotation do it { subject.should be_a(Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::Field)} its(:type){ should == :string } its(:__name__){ should == :rotation } its(:description){ should == 'rotation file count or daily,weekly,monthly.'} its(:default){ should == nil} end describe Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.rotation_size do it { subject.should be_a(Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::Field)} its(:type){ should == :integer } its(:__name__){ should == :rotation_size } its(:description){ should == 'number of max log file size.'} its(:default){ should == nil} end describe Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.level do it { subject.should be_a(Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::Field)} its(:type){ should == :string } its(:__name__){ should == :level } its(:description){ should == 'Logging severity threshold. debug/info/warn/error/fatal.'} its(:default){ should == "info"} end describe Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.progname do it { subject.should be_a(Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::Field)} its(:type){ should == :string } its(:__name__){ should == :progname } its(:description){ should == 'program name to include in log messages.'} its(:default){ should == nil} end describe Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.datetime_format do it { subject.should be_a(Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::Field)} its(:type){ should == :string } its(:__name__){ should == :datetime_format } its(:description){ should == 'A string suitable for passing to strftime.'} its(:default){ should == nil} end # describe Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.formatter do # it { subject.should be_a(Tengine::Support::Config::Definition::Field)} # its(:type){ should == :proc } # its(:__name__){ should == :formatter } # its(:description){ should == 'Logging formatter, as a Proc that will take four arguments and return the formatted message.'} # its(:default){ should == nil} # end end context "デフォルト値" do context "instantiate_childrenなし" do subject{ Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new } its(:output){ should == nil } its(:rotation){ should == nil} its(:rotation_size){ should == nil} its(:level){ should == nil} its(:datetime_format){ should == nil} its(:formatter){ should == nil} its(:progname){ should == nil} end context "instantiate_childrenあり" do subject{ Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.instantiate_children } its(:output){ should == "STDOUT" } its(:rotation){ should == nil} its(:rotation_size){ should == nil} its(:level){ should == "info"} its(:datetime_format){ should == nil} its(:formatter){ should == nil} its(:progname){ should == nil} end end describe :new_logger do context "デフォルトの場合" do subject{ Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.instantiate_children.new_logger } its(:datetime_format){ should == nil} its(:formatter){ should == nil} its(:level){ should == 1} its(:progname){ should == nil} end context "各属性の設定と引数を指定が両方ある場合" do before{ @tempfile = Tempfile.new("test.log") } after { @tempfile.close } it "引数に指定されたオプションを優先" do mock_logger = Logger.new("/dev/null") Logger.should_receive(:new).with($stdout, nil, nil).and_return(mock_logger) Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.tap{|c| c.output = @tempfile.path }.instantiate_children.new_logger(:output => $stdout) end end context "各属性を設定を指定する場合" do before{ @tempfile = Tempfile.new("test.log") } after { @tempfile.close } subject do Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.tap{|c| c.output = @tempfile.path c.rotation = "3" c.rotation_size = 1000000 c.level = "info" c.datetime_format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" c.progname = "foobar" }.instantiate_children.new_logger end its(:datetime_format){ should == "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"} its(:formatter){ should == nil} its(:level){ should == 1} its(:progname){ should == "foobar"} it "実際に出力してみる" do t = Time.local(2011, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) Time.stub!(:now).and_return(t) subject.info("something started.") subject.error("something happened.") File.read(@tempfile.path).should == [ "I, [2011/12/31 23:59:59##{Process.pid}] INFO -- foobar: something started.\n", "E, [2011/12/31 23:59:59##{Process.pid}] ERROR -- foobar: something happened.\n" ].join end context "更にformatterも指定してみる" do before do subject.formatter = lambda{|level, t, prog, msg| "#{t.iso8601} #{level} #{prog} #{msg}\n"} end it "実際に出力してみる" do t = Time.utc(2011, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) Time.stub!(:now).and_return(t) subject.info("something started.") subject.error("something happened.") File.read(@tempfile.path).should == [ "2011-12-31T23:59:59Z INFO foobar something started.\n", "2011-12-31T23:59:59Z ERROR foobar something happened.\n", ].join end end end it "STDOUTの場合" do config = Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.instantiate_children config.output = "STDOUT" config.level = "warn" config.rotation = nil config.rotation_size = nil config.output.should == "STDOUT" config.level.should == "warn" config.rotation.should == nil config.rotation_size.should == nil logger = Logger.new(STDOUT, nil, nil) Logger.should_receive(:new).with(STDOUT, nil, nil).and_return(logger) logger.should_receive(:level=).with(Logger::WARN) config.new_logger.should == logger end it "STDERRの場合" do config = Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.instantiate_children config.output = "STDERR" config.level = "warn" config.rotation = nil config.rotation_size = nil logger = Logger.new(STDERR, nil, nil) Logger.should_receive(:new).with(STDERR, nil, nil).and_return(logger) logger.should_receive(:level=).with(Logger::WARN) config.new_logger.should == logger end it "NULLの場合" do config = Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.instantiate_children config.output = "NULL" config.level = "warn" config.rotation = nil config.rotation_size = nil Tengine::Support::NullLogger.should_receive(:new).and_return(:logger) config.new_logger.should == :logger end context "ファイル名の場合" do before do @tempfile = Tempfile.new("test.log") @filepath = @tempfile.path end after do @tempfile.close end %w[daily weekly monthly].each do |shift_age| it "shift_age が #{shift_age}" do config = Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.instantiate_children config.output = @filepath config.level = "info" config.rotation = shift_age config.rotation_size = nil logger = Logger.new(@filepath, shift_age, nil) Logger.should_receive(:new).with(@filepath, shift_age, nil).and_return(logger) logger.should_receive(:level=).with(Logger::INFO) config.new_logger.should == logger end end it "shift_ageが整数値" do config = Tengine::Support::Config::Logger.new.instantiate_children config.output = @filepath config.level = "info" config.rotation = "3" config.rotation_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10MB logger = Logger.new(@filepath, 3, 10 * 1024 * 1024) Logger.should_receive(:new).with(@filepath, 3, 10 * 1024 * 1024).and_return(logger) logger.should_receive(:level=).with(Logger::INFO) config.new_logger.should == logger end end end end