en: alchemy: cannot_signup_more_then_once: "You can't signup more then once." confirm_to_delete_user: "Do you really want to delete this user?" create_user: "Create a new user" delete_user: "Delete this user" edit_user: "Edit the userĀ“s properties." modules: user_sessions: "Login" users: "Users" "No users found": "No users found." activerecord: models: alchemy/user: one: User other: User attributes: alchemy/user: email: "Email" firstname: "Firstname" gender: "Gender" language: "Language" lastname: "Lastname" last_sign_in_at: "Last Login At" login: "Username" name: "Name" password: "Password" password_confirmation: "Password confirmation" alchemy_roles: "User roles" send_credentials: "Send email with credentials" tag_list: Tags errors: models: alchemy/user: attributes: email: invalid: "is not a valid email address" alchemy_roles: blank: "at least one role must be given"