# GitLab Flavored Semantic Versionin

### Goal

This project tries to achieve automatic semantic versioning not basing the version bump
on the conventional commits standars, but rather on a `Changelog` value on the trailer
of commit messages.

This works well if a project follows a similar workflow to the one used at GitLab, where
each change must not be made on a development branch, never on the release branch and needs
to get merged through a merge request.

The beauty of this project is that you don't need to use the conventional commits specification,
so you can have commits more similar to

Added new feature A to address this requirement

instead of

feat(<type>): added new feature A to address this requirement

This translates to:
- _**no "wasted" characters for that message prefix**_
- more readable commit messages
- a nicer `Changelog`
    New features:
    - Added new feature A to address this requirement
    - Added feature B
    New features:
    - feat(<type>): added new feature A to address this requirement
    - feat: added feature B

### Setup

The only tool you need to setup this project on your local environment is Ruby, which can be
downloaded using `asdf`. The Ruby version required is `2.7.5`.

Once Ruby is present on your system you can install the dependencies by running

bundle install

### Testing

At the moment there's no built-in testing platform, but I'm planning to use `rspec` to add unit tests.

### Using

This project is available as a Ruby gem, so to be able to use it is enough to run

gem install gfsm

Once that command completes, the gem will be available and you can invoke it from the command line with

gfsm help

The main way this project can be used though, is inside a CI pipeline where you can invoke it to bump the version and/or update the changelog.

In order to use is inside a CI job, the job itself could look something like this:

  - version

  stage: version
  image: ruby:3.2.4
    - gem install gfsm
    - gfsm version bump --force > .version
    - gfsm changelog --force --output-file CHANGELOG.md
    - echo "RELEASE_VERSION=$(<.version)" >> variables.env
      dotenv: variables.env
      - .version
      - CHANGELOG.md

With this, subsequent jobs that depend on the `update-version` job will:
- be able to get the new version form the `RELEASE_VERSION` environment variable
- read the `CHANGELOG.md` file to get an updated changelog file

To have a working example of the things described above you can have a look at the `.gitlab-ci.yml` of this project, which implements this exact concept.