# twitter_bot_generator [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/twitter_bot_generator.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/twitter_bot_generator) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/coleww/twitter_bot_generator.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/coleww/twitter_bot_generator) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/coleww/twitter_bot_generator/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/coleww/twitter_bot_generator?branch=master) #### I GENERATE TWITTER BOTS! RUBY IS JOY! ## Installation $ gem install twitter_bot_generator ## Usage get --help ``` $ twitter_bot_generator --help twitter_bot_generator (--) ## creates a new directory called in the current working directory, and fills it with a bunch of boilerplate goodness for building a bot that says stuff at a semi-random interval OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS: --streaming || -S: generates a bot that listens to the "gardenhose" --userstream || -U: generates a bot that listens for tweets @ it have fun be kind to each other thanks goodbye! ``` make a bot ``` $ twitter_bot_generator wat_fun scaffolding a twitter bot that is named wat_fun! mkdir wat_fun/ mkdir wat_fun/lib mkdir wat_fun/src mkdir wat_fun/test touch wat_fun/bot.rb touch wat_fun/.gitignore touch wat_fun/Gemfile touch wat_fun/README.md touch wat_fun/Procfile touch wat_fun/spec.rb touch wat_fun/test.rb touch wat_fun/test/wat_fun_test.rb touch wat_fun/src/wat_fun.rb touch wat_fun/lib/greetings.txt done generating! your turn now! $ cd wat_fun $ bundle install $ ruby test.rb $ ruby spec.rb HAVE FUN BE SAFE PLAY NICE ``` ## Some bots made with this gem Make a PR against this repo to add yrs! [NPM generator](https://github.com/coleww/npm-bot-dude) invents new uses/meanings for NPM [Hot New Superpowers!](https://github.com/coleww/power_bot) invents new super powers through markov magic [FriendFeld](https://github.com/coleww/friendfeld) mashes up friends and seinfeld episode titles [dada bot](https://github.com/coleww/dadabot) tweets simple things related to dadaism [MiniTest::Warner](https://github.com/coleww/mini_test_warner_bot) tweets more complex phrases, it makes up fake deprecation warnings [adams song bot](https://github.com/coleww/adams_song_bot) retweets tweets that match lyrics from adams song by blink 182 [cole_bot](https://github.com/coleww/cole_bot) periodically posts to my personal twitter based on a markov chain made out of things i have tweeted/tumbled/etc. ## More Resources Check out the source and deployment notes for these generated [default](https://github.com/coleww/twitter_bot_generator/tree/master/such_test_bot), [streaming](https://github.com/coleww/twitter_bot_generator/tree/master/such_streaming_bot), and [userstream](https://github.com/coleww/twitter_bot_generator/tree/master/such_userstream_bot) example bots. This gem was made for use in the twitter-art-robot-[tutorial](http://github.com/coleww/twitter-art-bot-tutorial) :dancers: It uses [twitter gem by sferik](https://github.com/sferik/twitter) and sometimes [tweetstream](https://github.com/tweetstream/tweetstream) to connect to various parts of twitter, so you can check out their documentations/sources to find other secret tweeting tricks. The twitter api docs are also [...sometimes useful...](https://dev.twitter.com/overview/documentation). ## Contribute all kinds of issues in the thing to the upper right! => comment on something if it sounds cool to u