require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Attributes do describe "\#{attribute}" do context "when setting the value in the getter" do let(:account) do end it "does not cause an infinite loop" do expect(account.overridden).to eq("not recommended") end end context "when the attribute was excluded in a criteria" do let!(:person) do Person.create(title: "sir") end context "when the attribute is localized" do before do person.update_attribute(:desc, "test") end context "when the context includes" do context "when the attribute exists" do let(:from_db) do Person.only(:desc).first end it "does not raise an error" do expect(from_db.desc).to eq("test") end context "accessing via []" do it "does not raise an error" do expect(from_db["desc"]).to eq("test") end end context "when calling only on a sub-document" do let(:title) {"Executive"} let(:city) {"NYC"} let!(:agent) do agent = => title) agent.build_address(:city => city) agent end let(:from_db) do Agent.only(:title, "").first end context "when the field is in the only" do it "does not raise an error" do expect( eq(city) end end context "accessing via []" do it "does not raise an error" do expect(from_db[""]).to eq(city) end end end end context 'when the attribute is a hash field' do before do person.update_attribute(:map, map) end let(:map) do { 'dates' => { 'y' => { '2016' => 'Berlin' } } } end let(:from_db) do Person.only('map.dates.y.2016').first end it "does not raise an error" do expect( eq(map) end end end context "when the context excludes" do context "when the attribute exists" do let(:from_db) do Person.without(:pets).first end it "does not raise an error" do expect(from_db.desc).to eq("test") end end end end context "when excluding with only" do let(:from_db) do Person.only(:_id).first end it "raises an error" do expect { from_db.title }.to raise_error(ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError) end context "accessing via []" do it "raises an error" do expect { from_db["title"] }.to raise_error(ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError) end end end context "when excluding with without" do let(:from_db) do Person.without(:title).first end it "raises an error" do expect { from_db.title }.to raise_error(ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError) end end end end describe "#[]" do context 'when the document has a custom attribute type' do let(:bar) do Bar.create(lat_lng:, 13.25)) end it 'returns the demongoized version of the attribute' do expect(bar.reload[:lat_lng]).to be_a(LatLng) end end context "when the document is a new record" do let(:person) do end context "when accessing a localized field" do before do person.desc = "testing" end context "when passing just the name" do it "returns the full value" do expect(person[:desc]).to eq("testing") end end context "when passing the name with locale" do it "returns the value for the locale" do expect(person["desc.en"]).to eq("testing") end end end context "when attribute does not exist" do it "returns the default value" do expect(person[:age]).to eq(100) end end context "when attribute is not accessible" do before do person.owner_id = 5 end it "returns the value" do expect(person[:owner_id]).to eq(5) end end end context "when the document is an existing record" do let!(:person) do Person.create(title: "sir") end context "when the attribute was excluded in a criteria" do context "when excluding with only" do let(:from_db) do Person.only(:_id).first end it "raises an error" do expect { from_db[:title] }.to raise_error(ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError) end end context "when excluding with without" do let(:from_db) do Person.without(:title).first end it "raises an error" do expect { from_db[:title] }.to raise_error(ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError) end end end context "when the attribute does not exist" do before do person.collection .find({ _id: }) .update_one({ "$unset" => { age: 1 }}) end context "when found" do let(:found) do Person.find( end it "returns the default value" do expect(found[:age]).to eq(100) end end context "when reloaded" do before do Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = false person.reload Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = true end it "returns the default value" do expect(person[:age]).to eq(100) end end end end end describe "#[]=" do context 'when the document has a custom attribute type' do let(:bar) do do |b| b[:lat_lng] =, 13.25) end end it 'sets the demongoized version of the attribute' do expect(bar.reload.lat_lng).to be_a(LatLng) end end let(:person) do end context "when setting the attribute to nil" do let!(:age) do person[:age] = nil end it "does not use the default value" do expect(person.age).to be_nil end it "returns the set value" do expect(age).to be_nil end end context "when field has a default value" do let!(:terms) do person[:terms] = true end it "allows overwriting of the default value" do expect(person.terms).to be true end it "returns the set value" do expect(terms).to eq(true) end end end describe "#_id" do let(:person) do end it "delegates to #id" do expect(person._id).to eq( end context "when #id alias is overridden" do let(:object) do 'foo') end it "delegates to another method" do expect( eq(object.key) end end end describe "#_id=" do after(:all) do Person.field( :_id, type: BSON::ObjectId, pre_processed: true, default: ->{ }, overwrite: true ) end context "when using object ids" do before(:all) do Person.field( :_id, type: BSON::ObjectId, pre_processed: true, default: ->{ }, overwrite: true ) end let(:person) do end let(:bson_id) do end context "when providing an object id" do before do person._id = bson_id end it "sets the id as the object id" do expect( eq(bson_id) end end context "when providing a string" do before do person._id = bson_id.to_s end it "sets the id as the object id" do expect( eq(bson_id) end end context "when providing an integer" do before do person._id = 2 end it "sets the id as the supplied value to_s" do expect( eq(2) end end context "when #id= alias is overridden" do let(:object) do 'foo') end it "delegates to another method" do = 'bar' expect( eq('bar') end end end context "when using string ids" do before(:all) do Person.field( :_id, type: String, pre_processed: true, default: ->{ }, overwrite: true ) end let(:person) do end let(:bson_id) do end context "when providing an object id" do before do person._id = bson_id end it "sets the id as the string of the object id" do expect( eq(bson_id.to_s) end end context "when providing a string" do before do person._id = bson_id.to_s end it "sets the id as the string" do expect( eq(bson_id.to_s) end end context "when providing an integer" do before do person._id = 2 end it "sets the id as the supplied value to_s" do expect( eq("2") end end end context "when using integer ids" do before(:all) do Person.field(:_id, type: Integer, overwrite: true) end let(:person) do end context "when providing a string" do before do person._id = 1.to_s end it "sets the id as the integer" do expect( eq(1) end end context "when providing an integer" do before do person._id = 2 end it "sets the id as the supplied value" do expect( eq(2) end end end end describe "#method_missing" do let(:attributes) do { testing: "Testing" } end let(:person) do end context "when an attribute exists" do it "allows the getter" do expect(person.testing).to eq("Testing") end it "allows the setter" do person.testing = "Test" expect(person.testing).to eq("Test") end it "allows the getter before_type_cast" do expect(person.testing_before_type_cast).to eq("Testing") end it "returns true for respond_to?" do expect(person.respond_to?(:testing)).to be true end end context "when the provided value needs mongoization" do let(:new_years) do, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) end before do person[:new_years] = new_years end it "mongoizes the dynamic field" do expect(person.new_years).to be_a(Time) end it "keeps the same value" do expect(person.new_years).to eq(new_years) end end end describe "#process" do context "when attributes dont have fields defined" do let(:attributes) do { nofieldstring: "Testing", nofieldint: 5, employer: } end context "when allowing dynamic fields" do let!(:person) do end context "when attribute is a string" do it "adds the string to the attributes" do expect(person.attributes["nofieldstring"]).to eq("Testing") end end context "when attribute is not a string" do it "adds a cast value to the attributes" do expect(person.attributes["nofieldint"]).to eq(5) end end end context "when not allowing dynamic fields" do it "raises an unknown attribute error on instantiation" do expect {{ anothernew: "Test" }) }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::UnknownAttribute) end end end context "when supplied hash has string values" do let(:bson_id) do end let!(:attributes) do { title: "value", age: "30", terms: "true", score: "", name: { _id: "2", first_name: "Test", last_name: "User" }, addresses: [ { _id: "3", street: "First Street" }, { _id: "4", street: "Second Street" } ] } end let!(:person) do end it "casts integers" do expect(person[:age]).to eq(30) end it "casts booleans" do expect(person[:terms]).to be true end it "sets empty strings to nil" do expect(person[:score]).to be_nil end end context "when associations provided in the attributes" do context "when association is a has_one" do let(:name) do "Testy") end let(:attributes) do { name: name } end let(:person) do end it "sets the associations" do expect( eq(name) end end context "when association is a references_one" do let(:game) do 100) end let(:attributes) do { game: game } end let!(:person) do end it "sets the parent association" do expect( eq(game) end it "sets the inverse association" do expect(game.person).to eq(person) end end context "when association is a embedded_in" do let(:person) do end let(:name) do "Tyler", person: person) end it "sets the association" do expect(name.person).to eq(person) end end end context "when non-associations provided in the attributes" do let(:employer) do end let(:attributes) do { employer_id:, title: "Sir" } end let(:person) do end it "calls the setter for the association" do expect(person.employer_id).to eq("1") end end context "when an empty array is provided in the attributes" do let(:attributes) do { aliases: [] } end let(:person) do end it "sets the empty array" do expect(person.aliases).to be_empty end end context "when an empty hash is provided in the attributes" do let(:attributes) do { map: {} } end let(:person) do end it "sets the empty hash" do expect( eq({}) end end context "when providing tainted parameters" do let(:params) do "sir") end it "raises an error" do expect { }.to raise_error(ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError) end end end context "updating when attributes already exist" do let(:person) do "Sir") end let(:attributes) do { dob: "2000-01-01" } end before do person.process_attributes(attributes) end it "only overwrites supplied attributes" do expect(person.title).to eq("Sir") end end describe "#read_attribute" do context 'when the document has a custom attribute type' do let(:bar) do Bar.create(lat_lng:, 13.25)) end it 'returns the demongoized version of the attribute' do expect(bar.reload.read_attribute(:lat_lng)).to be_a(LatLng) end end context "when the document is a new record" do let(:person) do end context "when attribute does not exist" do it "returns the default value" do expect(person.age).to eq(100) expect(person.pets).to be false end end context "when attribute is not accessible" do before do person.owner_id = 5 end it "returns the value" do expect(person.read_attribute(:owner_id)).to eq(5) end end end context "when the document is an existing record" do let(:person) do Person.create end context "when the attribute does not exist" do before do person.collection .find({ _id: }) .update_one({ "$unset" => { age: 1 }}) Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = false person.reload Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = true end it "returns the default value" do expect(person.age).to eq(100) end end end context "when attribute has an aliased name" do let(:person) do end before(:each) do person.write_attribute(:t, "aliased field to test") end it "returns the value of the aliased field" do expect(person.read_attribute(:test)).to eq("aliased field to test") end end end describe "#read_attribute_before_type_cast" do let(:person) do Person.create end context "when the attribute has not yet been assigned" do it "returns the default value" do expect(person.age_before_type_cast).to eq(100) end end context "after the attribute has been assigned" do it "returns the default value" do person.age = "old" expect(person.age_before_type_cast).to eq("old") end end end describe "#attribute_present?" do context "when document is a new record" do let(:person) do end context "when attribute does not exist" do it "returns false" do expect(person.attribute_present?(:owner_id)).to be false end end context "when attribute does exist" do before do person.owner_id = 5 end it "returns true" do expect(person.attribute_present?(:owner_id)).to be true end end end context "when the document is an existing record" do let(:person) do Person.create end context "when the attribute does not exist" do before do person.collection .find({ _id: }) .update_one({ "$unset" => { age: 1 }}) Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = false person.reload Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = true end it "returns true" do expect(person.attribute_present?(:age)).to be true end end end context "when the value is boolean" do let(:person) do end context "when attribute does not exist" do context "when the value is true" do it "return true" do person.terms = false expect(person.attribute_present?(:terms)).to be true end end context "when the value is false" do it "return true" do person.terms = false expect(person.attribute_present?(:terms)).to be true end end end end context "when the value is blank string" do let(:person) do '') end it "return false" do expect(person.attribute_present?(:title)).to be false end end context "when the attribute is not on only list" do before { Person.create } let(:person) do Person.only(:id).first end it "return false" do expect(person.attribute_present?(:foobar)).to be false end end end describe "#has_attribute?" do let(:person) do "sir") end context "when the key is in the attributes" do context "when provided a symbol" do it "returns true" do expect(person.has_attribute?(:title)).to be true end end context "when provided a string" do it "returns true" do expect(person.has_attribute?("title")).to be true end end end context "when the key is not in the attributes" do it "returns false" do expect(person.has_attribute?(:employer_id)).to be false end end end describe '#has_attribute_before_type_cast?' do let(:person) do end context "before the attribute has been assigned" do it "returns false" do expect(person.has_attribute_before_type_cast?(:age)).to be false end end context "after the attribute has been assigned" do it "returns true" do person.age = 'old' expect(person.has_attribute_before_type_cast?(:age)).to be true end end end describe "#remove_attribute" do context "when the attribute exists" do let(:person) do Person.create(title: "Sir") end before do person.remove_attribute(:title) end it "removes the attribute" do expect(person.title).to be_nil end it "removes the key from the attributes hash" do expect(person.has_attribute?(:title)).to be false end context "when saving after the removal" do before do end it "persists the removal" do expect(person.reload.has_attribute?(:title)).to be false end end end context "when the attribute exists in embedded document" do let(:pet) do "Cat") end let(:person) do pet) end before do end it "removes the attribute" do expect( be_nil end it "removes the key from the attributes hash" do expect( be false end context "when saving after the removal" do before do end it "persists the removal" do expect( be false end end end context "when the attribute does not exist" do let(:person) do end before do person.remove_attribute(:title) end it "does not fail" do expect(person.title).to be_nil end end context "when the document is new" do let(:person) do "sir") end before do person.remove_attribute(:title) end it "does not add a delayed unset operation" do expect(person.delayed_atomic_unsets).to be_empty end end context "when the attribute is aliased" do context 'when the database name is used' do let(:person) do Person.create(at: end before do person.remove_attribute(:at) end it "removes the attribute" do expect( be_nil end it "removes the key from the attributes hash" do expect(person.has_attribute?(:at)).to be false end context "when saving after the removal" do before do end it "persists the removal" do expect(person.reload.has_attribute?(:at)).to be false end end end context 'when the alias is used' do let(:person) do Person.create(aliased_timestamp: end before do person.remove_attribute(:aliased_timestamp) end it "removes the attribute" do expect(person.aliased_timestamp).to be_nil end it "removes the key from the attributes hash" do expect(person.has_attribute?(:aliased_timestamp)).to be false end context "when saving after the removal" do before do end it "persists the removal" do expect(person.reload.has_attribute?(:aliased_timestamp)).to be false end end end end end describe "#respond_to?" do context "when allowing dynamic fields" do let(:person) do end context "when asking for the getter" do context "when the attribute exists" do before do person[:attr] = "test" end it "returns true" do expect(person).to respond_to(:attr) end end context "when the attribute does not exist" do it "returns false" do expect(person).to_not respond_to(:attr) end end end context "when asking for the setter" do context "when the attribute exists" do before do person[:attr] = "test" end it "returns true" do expect(person).to respond_to(:attr=) end end context "when the attribute does not exist" do it "returns false" do expect(person).to_not respond_to(:attr=) end end end end context "when not allowing dynamic fields" do let(:bar) do end context "when asking for the getter" do it "returns false" do expect(bar).to_not respond_to(:attr) end end context "when asking for the setter" do it "returns false" do expect(bar).to_not respond_to(:attr=) end end end end describe "#write_attribute" do context "when attribute does not exist" do let(:person) do end it "returns the default value" do expect(person.age).to eq(100) end end context "when setting an attribute that needs type casting" do let(:person) do "old") end it "should store the attribute before type cast" do expect(person.age_before_type_cast).to eq("old") end end context "when setting the attribute to nil" do let(:person) do nil) end it "does not use the default value" do expect(person.age).to be_nil end end context "when field has a default value" do let(:person) do end before do person.terms = true end it "allows overwriting of the default value" do expect(person.terms).to be true end end context "when attribute has an aliased name" do let(:person) do end before(:each) do person.write_attribute(:test, "aliased field to test") end it "allows the field name to be udpated" do expect(person.t).to eq("aliased field to test") end end context "when attribute is a Hash" do let(:person) { map: { somekey: "somevalue" } } it "raises an error when trying to set a value of invalid type - array" do expect do = [] raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::InvalidValue, /Value of type Array cannot be written to a field of type Hash/) end it "raises an error when trying to set a value of invalid type - boolean" do expect do = false raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::InvalidValue, /Value of type FalseClass cannot be written to a field of type Hash/) end it "can set a Hash value" do expect( eq( { somekey: "somevalue" } ) end end context "when attribute is an Array" do let(:person) { aliases: [ :alias_1 ] } it "can set an Array Value" do expect(person.aliases).to eq([ :alias_1 ]) end it "raises an error when trying to set a value of invalid type - hash" do expect do person.aliases = {} raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::InvalidValue, /Value of type Hash cannot be written to a field of type Array/) end it "raises an error when trying to set a value of invalid type - boolean" do expect do person.aliases = false raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::InvalidValue, /Value of type FalseClass cannot be written to a field of type Array/) end end context "when attribute is localized and #attributes is a BSON::Document" do let(:dictionary) { } before do allow(dictionary).to receive(:attributes).and_return( end it "sets the value for the current locale" do dictionary.write_attribute(:description, 'foo') expect(dictionary.description).to eq('foo') end end end describe "#typed_value_for" do let(:person) do end context "when the key has been specified as a field" do it "retuns the typed value" do person.send(:typed_value_for, "age", "51") end end context "when the key has not been specified as a field" do before do allow(person).to receive(:fields).and_return({}) end it "returns the value" do person.send(:typed_value_for, "age", expect("51")).to eq("51") end end end describe "#apply_default_attributes" do let(:person) do end it "typecasts proc values" do expect(person.age).to eq(100) end end describe "#typed_attributes" do let(:date_time) do DateTime.current end let(:user) do date_time) end it 'returns typecasted attributes' do expect(user.typed_attributes).to include("last_login" => date_time) end end [:attributes=, :write_attributes].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do context "when nested" do let(:person) do end before do person.send(method, { videos: [{title: "Fight Club"}] }) end it "sets nested documents" do expect(person.videos.first.title).to eq("Fight Club") end end context "typecasting" do let(:person) do end let(:attributes) do { age: "50" } end context "when passing a hash" do before do person.send(method, attributes) end it "properly casts values" do expect(person.age).to eq(50) end end context "when passing nil" do before do person.send(method, nil) end it "does not set anything" do expect(person.age).to eq(100) end end end context "copying from instance" do let(:person) do end let(:instance) do end let(:attributes) do { age: 50, range: 1..100 } end before do person.send(method, instance.attributes) end it "properly copies values" do expect(person.age).to eq(50) end it "properly copies ranges" do expect(person.range).to eq(1..100) end end context "on a parent document" do context "when the parent has a has many through a has one" do let(:owner) do "Mr") end let(:pet) do "Fido") end let(:vet_visit) do end before do = pet pet.vet_visits = [ vet_visit ] owner.send(method, { pet: { name: "Bingo" } }) end it "does not overwrite child attributes if not in the hash" do expect( eq("Bingo") expect( eq(1) end end context "when parent destroy all child on setter" do let(:owner) do PetOwner.create!(title: "Mr") end let(:pet) do Pet.create!(name: "Kika", pet_owner: owner) end let!(:vet_visit) do pet.vet_visits.create!(date: end before do pet.send(method, { visits_count: 3 })! end it "has 3 new entries" do expect(pet.vet_visits.count).to eq(3) end it "persists the changes" do expect(pet.reload.vet_visits.count).to eq(3) end end context "when the parent has an empty embeds_many" do let(:person) do end let(:attributes) do { services: [] } end it "does not raise an error" do person.send(method, attributes) end end end context "on a child document" do context "when child is part of a has one" do let(:person) do "Sir", age: 30) end let(:name) do "Test", last_name: "User") end before do = name name.send(method, first_name: "Test2", last_name: "User2") end it "sets the child attributes on the parent" do expect(name.attributes).to eq( { "_id" => "Test-User", "first_name" => "Test2", "last_name" => "User2" } ) end end context "when child is part of a has many" do let(:person) do "Sir") end let(:address) do "Test") end before do person.addresses << address address.send(method, "street" => "Test2") end it "updates the child attributes on the parent" do expect(address.attributes).to eq( { "_id" => "test", "street" => "Test2" } ) end end end end end describe "#alias_attribute" do let(:product) do end context "when checking against the alias" do before do product.cost = 500 end it "adds the alias for criteria" do expect(Product.where(cost: 500).selector).to eq("price" => 500) end it "aliases the getter" do expect(product.cost).to eq(500) end it "aliases the existence check" do expect(product.cost?).to be true end it "aliases *_changed?" do expect(product.cost_changed?).to be true end it "aliases *_change" do expect(product.cost_change).to eq([ nil, 500 ]) end it "aliases *_will_change!" do expect(product).to respond_to(:cost_will_change!) end it "aliases *_was" do expect(product.cost_was).to be_nil end it "aliases reset_*!" do product.reset_cost! expect(product.cost).to be_nil end it "aliases *_before_type_cast" do product.cost = "expensive" expect(product.cost_before_type_cast).to eq("expensive") end end context "when checking against the original" do before do product.price = 500 end it "aliases the getter" do expect(product.price).to eq(500) end it "aliases the existence check" do expect(product.price?).to be true end it "aliases *_changed?" do expect(product.price_changed?).to be true end it "aliases *_change" do expect(product.price_change).to eq([ nil, 500 ]) end it "aliases *_will_change!" do expect(product).to respond_to(:price_will_change!) end it "aliases *_was" do expect(product.price_was).to be_nil end it "aliases reset_*!" do product.reset_price! expect(product.price).to be_nil end end end context "when persisting nil attributes" do let!(:person) do Person.create(score: nil) end it "has an entry in the attributes" do expect(person.reload.attributes).to have_key("score") end end context "with a default last_drink_taken_at" do let(:person) do end it "saves the default" do expect { }.to_not raise_error expect(person.last_drink_taken_at).to eq("Alaska").to_date) end end context "when default values are defined" do context "when no value exists in the database" do let(:person) do Person.create end it "applies the default value" do expect(person.last_drink_taken_at).to eq("Alaska").to_date) end end context "when a value exists in the database" do context "when the value is not nil" do let!(:person) do Person.create(age: 50) end let(:from_db) do Person.find( end it "does not set the default" do expect(from_db.age).to eq(50) end end context "when the value is explicitly nil" do let!(:person) do Person.create(age: nil) end let(:from_db) do Person.find( end it "does not set the default" do expect(from_db.age).to be_nil end end context "when the default is a proc" do let!(:account) do Account.create(name: "savings", balance: "100") end let(:from_db) do Account.find( end it "applies the defaults after all attributes are set" do expect(from_db).to be_balanced end end end end context 'when calling the attribute check method' do context 'when the attribute is blank' do let(:person) do Person.create(title: '') end it 'returns false' do expect(person.title?).to be(false) end end context 'when the attribute is localized' do let(:person) do Person.create end context 'after initialization when the field is nil' do it 'returns false' do expect(person.desc?).to be(false) end end context 'when setting the field to nil' do it 'applies the localization when checking the attribute' do person.desc = nil expect(person.desc?).to be(false) end end context 'when the field is a boolean' do before do person.desc = false end it 'applies the localization when checking the attribute' do expect(person.desc?).to be(false) end end end context 'when the attribute is not localized' do let(:person) do Person.create(username: 'localized') end before do person.username = nil end it 'does not apply localization when checking the attribute' do expect(person.username?).to be(false) end end end end