require 'spec_helper' require 'verified_double/method_signature' describe VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature do class Dummy end let(:attributes){ { class_name: 'Dummy', method_operator: '#' } } describe "#initialize" do it { expect(subject.return_values).to be_empty } it { expect(subject.args).to be_empty } end describe "#to_s" do subject { {|method_signature| method_signature.method = 'do_something' } } context "when there are args" do it "includes the arg values in the result" do subject.args = [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(1), VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from({})] expect(subject.to_s).to eq("Dummy#do_something(1, {})") end end context "when there are no args" do it "displays an empty parenthesis for the args of the result" do expect(subject.args).to be_empty expect(subject.to_s).to eq("Dummy#do_something()") end end context "when there is a nil arg" do it "displays nil for the arg of the result" do subject.args = [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(nil)] expect(subject.to_s).to eq("Dummy#do_something(nil)") end end context "where there is a return value" do it "displays the return value" do subject.return_values = [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(true)] expect(subject.to_s).to eq("Dummy#do_something()=>true") end end context "where there is no return value" do it "does not include the hash rocket in the result" do expect(subject.return_values).to be_empty expect(subject.to_s).to eq("Dummy#do_something()") end end end context "multiple method signatures with the same #to_s" do let(:method_signature){ {|method_signature| method_signature.method = 'do_something' } } let(:method_signature_with_same_to_s){ {|method_signature| method_signature.method = 'do_something' } } it { expect(method_signature.to_s).to eq(method_signature_with_same_to_s.to_s) } it { expect(method_signature.hash).to eq(method_signature_with_same_to_s.hash) } it { expect(method_signature.eql?(method_signature_with_same_to_s)).to be_true } it { expect([method_signature, method_signature_with_same_to_s].uniq == [method_signature]).to be_true } end describe "#belongs_to?(other)" do let(:method_signature){ class_name: 'Dummy', method_operator: '.', method: 'find', args: [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(1)], return_values: [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(]) } subject { method_signature.belongs_to?(other) } context "where self has same attributes as other" do let(:other){ method_signature.clone } it { expect(subject).to be_true } end context "where self and other have different class names" do let(:other){ method_signature.clone.tap{|ms| ms.class_name = 'Object' } } it { expect(subject).to be_false } end context "where self and other have different method operators" do let(:other){ method_signature.clone.tap{|ms| ms.method_operator = '#' } } it { expect(subject).to be_false } end context "where self and other have different methods" do let(:other){ method_signature.clone.tap{|ms| ms.method = 'destroy' } } it { expect(subject).to be_false } end context "where self and other have different number of args" do let(:other){ method_signature.clone.tap{|ms| ms.args = [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(1), VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(2)] } } it { expect(subject).to be_false } end context "where not all of self's args accept the args of other" do let(:other){ method_signature.clone.tap{|ms| ms.args = [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(2)] } } it { expect(subject).to be_false } end context "where self and other have different number of return values" do let(:other){ method_signature.clone.tap{|ms| ms.return_values = [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(1), VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(2)] } } it { expect(subject).to be_false } end context "where not all of self's return values accept the return values of other" do let(:other){ method_signature.clone.tap{|ms| ms.return_values = [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(Symbol)] } } it { expect(subject).to be_false } end end describe "#recommended_verified_signature" do let(:method_signature){ class_name: 'Dummy', method_operator: '.', method: 'find', args: [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(1)], return_values: [VerifiedDouble::MethodSignature::Value.from(]) } subject { method_signature.recommended_verified_signature } it "is a method signature that is recommended for the user to verify" do expect(subject.args[0].content).to eq(method_signature.args[0].recommended_value.content) expect(subject.return_values[0].content).to eq(method_signature.return_values[0].recommended_value.content) end end end