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Please pass a Document instead. 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XML_NAMESPACE_DECLXML_ENTITY_REF_NODEXML_ENTITY_NODEUnknown node type %d found : %s xmlC14NExecute: output buffer encoder != NULL but C14N requires UTF8 output xmlC14NExecute: unable to create C14N context flushing output buffercreating temporary filenameurn:publicid:nextCataloggrouppreferpublicIdrewriteSystemsystemIdStartStringrewritePrefixdelegatePublicpublicIdStartStringdelegateSystemrewriteURIuriStartStringdelegateURIFree catalog entry %s Free catalog entry SYSTEMPUBLICDELEGATEENTITYDOCTYPELINKTYPENOTATIONSGMLDECLDOCUMENTCATALOGBASEOVERRIDE%s entry lacks '%s' Found %s: '%s' '%s' Found %s: '%s' %s entry '%s' broken ?: %s urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalogInvalid value for prefer: '%s' ENTITY %%DOCTYPE LINKTYPE NOTATION PUBLIC SYSTEM DELEGATE BASE CATALOG DOCUMENT SGMLDECL "%s"XML_DEBUG_CATALOGConverting SGML catalog to XML Found %s in file hash %s not found in file hash Failed to parse catalog %s %d Parsing catalog %s File %s is not an XML Catalog %s added to file hash Detected recursion in catalog %s Found system match %s, using %s Using rewriting rule %s Trying system delegate %s Found public match %s Trying public delegate %s Public URN ID %s expanded to NULL Public URN ID expanded to %s System URN ID %s expanded to NULL System URN ID expanded to %s URN ID %s expanded to NULL URN ID expanded to %s Found URI match %s Trying URI delegate %s Resolve sysID %s Resolve pubID %s Resolve: pubID %s sysID %s Resolve: pubID %s Resolve: sysID %s Resolve URI %s http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/release/1.0/catalog.dtd-//OASIS//DTD Entity Resolution XML Catalog V1.0//ENFailed to add unknown element %s to catalog Updating element %s to catalog Adding element %s to catalog Removing element %s from catalog file:///home/flavorjones/code/oss/nokogiri/ports/arm-linux-musl/libxml2/2.13.5/etc/xml/catalogXML_CATALOG_FILESCatalogs cleanup Disabling catalog usage Allowing only global catalogs Allowing only catalogs from the document Allowing all catalogs Setting catalog preference to PUBLIC Setting catalog preference to SYSTEM Adding document catalog %s Local Resolve: pubID %s sysID %s Local Resolve: pubID %s Local Resolve: sysID %s Use of deprecated xmlCatalogGetSystem() call Use of deprecated xmlCatalogGetPublic() call divChar 0x%X out of allowed range HTTP-EQUIVCONTENTCHARSET=SystemLiteral " or ' expected Unfinished SystemLiteral Invalid char in SystemLiteral 0x%X Incorrectly opened comment htmlParseDocTypeDecl : no DOCTYPE name ! htmlParseExternalID: SYSTEM, no URI PubidLiteral " or ' expected Unfinished PubidLiteral Invalid char in PubidLiteral 0x%X htmlParseExternalID: PUBLIC, no Public Identifier DOCTYPE improperly terminated Element %s embeds close tag Invalid char in CDATA 0x%X Comment abruptly endedComment incorrectly closed by '--!>'Invalid char in comment 0x%X comment too longInvalid char in processing instruction 0x%X PI %s too longPI is not started correctlytitleframeset-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN-//W3C//DTD HTML 4//ENhtmlParseEndTag: '' Opening and ending tag mismatch: %s and %s Unexpected end tag : %s onclick#%u-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//ENhttp://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtdhtmlParseEntityRef: no name htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';' htmlParseCharRef: missing semicolon htmlParseCharRef: value too large htmlParseCharRef: invalid xmlChar value %d htmlParseCharRef: invalid value attribute value too long htmlParseStartTag: invalid element name htmlParseStartTag: misplaced tag htmlParseStartTag: misplaced tag htmlParseStartTag: misplaced tag AttValue: " expected AttValue: no value found http-equivcharsetContent-TypeMisplaced DOCTYPE declaration Tag %s invalid ?@[\]^`{|} PUBLIC about:legacy-compat SYSTEM > [ ]> xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" id=" xml:lang=" lang=" />#text#cdata-section#comment#document#document-fragmenthttp://www.w3.org/2003/XIncludehttp://www.w3.org/2001/XIncludeincludeepsilon charval ranges subexpr string anychar anyspace notspace initname notinitname namechar notnamechar notdecimal realchar notrealchar LETTER LETTER_UPPERCASE LETTER_LOWERCASE LETTER_TITLECASE LETTER_MODIFIER LETTER_OTHERS MARK MARK_NONSPACING MARK_SPACECOMBINING MARK_ENCLOSING NUMBER NUMBER_DECIMAL NUMBER_LETTER NUMBER_OTHERS PUNCT PUNCT_CONNECTOR PUNCT_DASH PUNCT_OPEN PUNCT_CLOSE PUNCT_INITQUOTE PUNCT_FINQUOTE PUNCT_OTHERS SEPAR SEPAR_SPACE SEPAR_LINE SEPAR_PARA SYMBOL SYMBOL_MATH SYMBOL_CURRENCY SYMBOL_MODIFIER SYMBOL_OTHERS OTHER OTHER_CONTROL OTHER_FORMAT OTHER_PRIVATE OTHER_NA BLOCK exec save: allocation failedepsilon transition left at runtime failed to compile: %s add state: state is NULLadd state: target is NULLadd range: atom is NULLadd range: atom is not rangesIsXXXX expectedUnknown char propertyExpecting hex digitEscaped sequence: expecting \Expecting '{'Expecting '}'Invalid low surrogate pair code unitWrong escape sequence, misuse of character '\'Expecting ']'Invalid UTF-8Expecting a char rangeInvalid escape valueExpecting the end of a char rangeEnd of range is before start of rangecharClassExpr: ']' expectedatom push: atom is NULLTODO: XML_REGEXP_STRINGgenerate transition: atom == NULLxmlFAParseAtom: maximum nesting depth exceededxmlFAParseAtom: expecting ')'xmlFAParseCharClass: ']' expectedImproper quantifierUnterminated quantifierinternal: no atom generated regexp: %d atoms: %d states: %02d atom: not once ? * + range onceonly all %d-%d char %c %d entries range: negative %c - %c start %d end %d %d counters: state: START FINAL %d, %d transitions: trans: removed last not determinist, not determinist, counted %d, all transition, count based %d, epsilon to %d char %c atom %d, to %d %d: min %d max %d xmlFAParseRegExp: extra charactersnot %s    CCcCfCoCsLlLmLoLtLuMMcMeMnNdNlNoPPcPdPePfPoPsScSkSmSoZlZpZsAegeanNumbersAlphabeticPresentationFormsArabicArabicPresentationForms-AArabicPresentationForms-BArmenianArrowsBasicLatinBengaliBlockElementsBopomofoBopomofoExtendedBoxDrawingBraillePatternsBuhidByzantineMusicalSymbolsCJKCompatibilityCJKCompatibilityFormsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplementCJKRadicalsSupplementCJKSymbolsandPunctuationCJKUnifiedIdeographsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionACJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionBCherokeeCombiningDiacriticalMarksCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbolsCombiningHalfMarksCombiningMarksforSymbolsControlPicturesCurrencySymbolsCypriotSyllabaryCyrillicCyrillicSupplementDeseretDevanagariDingbatsEnclosedAlphanumericsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonthsEthiopicGeneralPunctuationGeometricShapesGeorgianGothicGreekGreekExtendedGreekandCopticGujaratiGurmukhiHalfwidthandFullwidthFormsHangulCompatibilityJamoHangulJamoHangulSyllablesHanunooHebrewHighPrivateUseSurrogatesHighSurrogatesHiraganaIPAExtensionsIdeographicDescriptionCharactersKanbunKangxiRadicalsKannadaKatakanaKatakanaPhoneticExtensionsKhmerKhmerSymbolsLaoLatin-1SupplementLatinExtended-ALatinExtended-BLatinExtendedAdditionalLetterlikeSymbolsLimbuLinearBIdeogramsLinearBSyllabaryLowSurrogatesMalayalamMathematicalAlphanumericSymbolsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-AMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-BMiscellaneousSymbolsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrowsMiscellaneousTechnicalMongolianMusicalSymbolsMyanmarNumberFormsOghamOldItalicOpticalCharacterRecognitionOriyaOsmanyaPrivateUsePrivateUseAreaRunicShavianSinhalaSmallFormVariantsSpacingModifierLettersSpecialsSuperscriptsandSubscriptsSupplementalArrows-ASupplementalArrows-BSupplementalMathematicalOperatorsSupplementaryPrivateUseArea-ASupplementaryPrivateUseArea-BSyriacTagalogTagbanwaTagsTaiLeTaiXuanJingSymbolsTamilTeluguThaanaThaiTibetanUgariticUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsVariationSelectorsVariationSelectorsSupplementYiRadicalsYiSyllablesYijingHexagramSymbols 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Unknown error code %d Detected a cycle in %s references interleavenotAlloweddatatyperefexternalRefparentRefoptionalzeroOrMoreoneOrMorechoiceexceptRNG internal error trying to compile %s %s http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0definegrammarInternal error: no grammar in CheckReference %s Internal error: reference has content in CheckReference %s Reference %s has no matching definition Error refs definitions '%s' Error refs definitions Attributes conflicts in group nullFound forbidden pattern data/except//ref Internal found no define for parent refs Internal found no define for ref %s Found forbidden pattern data/except//element(ref) Found forbidden pattern list//element(ref) Found forbidden pattern attribute//element(ref) Element %s attributes have a content type error Element %s has a content type error Found forbidden pattern attribute//attribute Found forbidden pattern list//attribute Found forbidden pattern oneOrMore//group//attribute Found forbidden pattern oneOrMore//interleave//attribute Found forbidden pattern data/except//attribute Found forbidden pattern start//attribute Found anyName attribute without oneOrMore ancestor Found nsName attribute without oneOrMore ancestor Found forbidden pattern data/except//oneOrMore Found forbidden pattern start//oneOrMore Found forbidden pattern list//list Found forbidden pattern data/except//list Found forbidden pattern start//list Found forbidden pattern data/except//group Found forbidden pattern start//group Found forbidden pattern list//interleave Found forbidden pattern data/except//interleave Found forbidden pattern start//interleave Found forbidden pattern start//data Found forbidden pattern start//value Found forbidden pattern list//text Found forbidden pattern data/except//text Found forbidden pattern start//text Found forbidden pattern data/except//empty Found forbidden pattern start//empty #anycombineDefines for %s use both 'choice' and 'interleave' Defines for %s use unknown combine value '%s'' Some defines for %s needs the combine attribute Failed to create interleaves hash table interleave%dFailed to add %s to hash table xmlRelaxNGParse: %s is empty element %s doesn't allow foreign elements Attribute %s is not allowed on %s datatypeLibraryAttribute %s contains invalid URI %s Attribute %s URI %s is not absolute Attribute %s URI %s has a fragment ID Unknown attribute %s on %s Incorrect URI for externalRef %s Fragment forbidden in URI for externalRef %s Detected an externalRef recursion for %s xmlRelaxNG: could not load %s Failed to load externalRef %s xmlRelaxNGParse: include has no href attribute Failed to compute URL for include %s Detected an Include recursion for %s xmlRelaxNG: included document is empty %s xmlRelaxNG: included document %s root is not a grammar xmlRelaxNG: include %s has a start but not the included grammar xmlRelaxNG: include %s has define without name xmlRelaxNG: include %s has a define %s but not the included grammar Failed to load include %s Failed to create a name %s element nsNamexmlRelaxNGParse: no namespace for prefix %s Found nsName/except//nsName forbidden construct anyNameFound anyName/except//anyName forbidden construct Found nsName/except//anyName forbidden construct xmlRelaxNGParse: externalRef has no href attribute Failed to compute URL for externalRef %s Expecting an except node exceptNameClass allows only a single except node except has no content nothingElement %s name '%s' is not an NCName http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlnsAttribute with namespace '%s' is not allowed Attribute with QName 'xmlns' is not allowed nsName has no ns attribute Element choice is empty expecting name, anyName, nsName or choice : got %s :/#?Element or text conflicts in interleave Attributes conflicts in interleave open-name-classnonamecallback on %s missing context callback on %s missing define callback on %s define is not element NULL definition listxmlRelaxNGParseattribute: attribute has no children attribute has invalid content RNG Internal error, noop found in attribute attribute has multiple children empty: had a child node text: had a child node Element %s is empty ref has no name ref name '%s' is not an NCName ref is not empty Could not create references hash data has no type data type '%s' is not an NCName Use of unregistered type library '%s' Internal error with type library '%s': no 'have' Error type '%s' is not exported by type library '%s' http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypesIDREFIDREFSType library '%s' does not allow type parameters param has no name Element data has unexpected content %s value type '%s' is not an NCName Expecting a single text value for content Element has no content Value '%s' is not acceptable for type '%s' xmlRelaxNGParse: notAllowed element is not empty Use of parentRef without a parent grammar parentRef has no name parentRef name '%s' is not an NCName parentRef is not empty Internal error parentRef definitions '%s' mixedMixed is empty Unexpected node %s is not a pattern xmlRelaxNGParseElement: element has no children xmlRelaxNGParseElement: element has no content RNG Internal error, start found in element RNG Internal error, param found in element RNG Internal error, except found in element RNG Internal error, noop found in element start has no children element empty is not empty element notAllowed is not empty start more than one children grammar has no children define has no name define name '%s' is not an NCName define has no children Could not create definition hash Internal error on define aggregation of %s Include node has no data Include document is empty Include document root is not a grammar grammar has unexpected child %s Element has no Internal error: start element not found use both 'choice' and 'interleave' uses unknown combine value '%s'' Some element miss the combine attribute Element interleave is empty schemasxmlRelaxNGParse: could not load %s xmlRelaxNGParse: could not parse schemas in_memory_bufferxmlRelaxNGParse: nothing to parse RelaxNG empty or failed to compile RelaxNG: no document RelaxNG has no top grammar TODO [helper component] QName referenceNot a schema componentsimple type definitionelement declarationattribute useattribute declarationmodel group definitionattribute group definitionnotation declarationmodel group (sequence)model group (choice)model group (all)unique identity-constraintkey identity-constraintkeyref identity-constraintwildcard (any)complex type definition[helper component] attribute use prohibitionInternal Error{}(NULL)MISSING particle term ELEM '%s'SEQUENCECHOICEALLUNKNOWN min: %d max: unbounded max: %d##Element '', attribute '': Annot: %s Annot: empty Type: NULL Type: (no name) ns '%s' [basic] [simple] [complex] [sequence] [choice] [all] [ur] [restriction] [extension] [unknown type %d] content: [unknown] [empty] [element] [mixed] [any] base type: '%s' ns '%s' attributes: [prohibition] [reference] [use] (global): '%s' ns '%s' props: [fixed] [default] [abstract] [nillable] value: '%s' type: '%s' substitutionGroup: '%s' qualifiedunqualified#allextensionrestrictionsubstitution'%s' is not a valid value of The character content is not a valid value of the local the atomic typelist typeThe value '%s' is not valid.The character content is not valid. Expected is 'The value '%s' of simple type 'xs:QName' has no corresponding namespace declaration in scopemaxOccursunboundedminOccursfalseDuplicate value '%s' of simple type 'xs:ID'The value '%s' of simple type 'xs:ID' is not a valid 'xs:NCName'Internal error: xmlSchemaBuildContentModelForSubstGroup, declaration is marked having a subst. group but none available. %sThe attribute '%s' is not allowed. Expected is one of ( Expected is ( ##other{*}{##other: ). The attribute '%s' is not allowed. Element '%s': Internal error: %s, no node or node's doc availablexmlSchemaLookupNamespacea schema is needed on the validation contextxmlSchemaValidateNotationlist type has no item-type assignedxmlSchemaFixupSimpleTypeStageOneunion type has no member-types assignedtype has no base-type assignedinconsistent depth encounteredxmlSchemaGetFreshElemInfoelem info has not been clearedattr info not clearedxmlSchemaGetFreshAttrInfounexpected attr prohibition foundxmlSchemaExpandAttributeGroupRefsThe intersection of the wildcard is not expressible. Skipping pointless attribute use prohibition '%s', since a corresponding attribute use exists already in the type definitionfacet ''] The value '%s' has a length of '%s'; The value has a length of '%s'; %luthis differs from the allowed length of '%s'. this exceeds the allowed maximum length of '%s'. this underruns the allowed minimum length of '%s'. The value '%s' is not an element of the set {%s}. compute the canonical lexical representationxmlSchemaFormatFacetEnumSet, 'The value '%s' is not accepted by the pattern '%s'. The value '%s' is less than the minimum value allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' is greater than the maximum value allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' must be greater than '%s'. The value '%s' must be less than '%s'. The value '%s' has more digits than are allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' has more fractional digits than are allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' is not facet-valid. The value is not facet-valid. validating against a atomic type facetxmlSchemaValidateFacetsvalidating against a list type facetvalidating against an enumeration facetvalidating against a pattern facetfailed to compute a canonical valuexmlSchemaFormatIDCKeySequenceparticle is NULLxmlSchemaBuildAContentModel particle has no termfound unexpected term of type '%s' in content modelfailed to create an XPath validation contextxmlSchemaIDCAddStateObjectcalling xmlStreamPush()xmlSchemaXPathEvaluatecalling xmlSchemaGetFreshAttrInfo()xmlSchemaPushAttributenilhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instancenoNamespaceSchemaLocationthe given type is not a built-in typexmlSchemaPValAttrNodeValuevalidation using the given type is not supported while parsing a schemafailed to validate a schema attribute valueInternal error: xmlSchemaPValAttr, the given type '%s' is not a built-in type. processContentsskiplax(strict | skip | lax)##any((##any | ##other) | List of (xs:anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)))##targetNamespace##localinvalid process contentsatomic type 'xs:list type 'xs:union type 'xs:simple type 'xs:attribute use (unknown)attribute decl.element decl.unique 'key 'keyRef 'model group def., attribute '%s: The attribute '%s' is required but missing. %s, attribute '%s': The QName value '%s' does not resolve to a(n) %s. substitutionGroup%s, attribute '%s': %s. The value must be greater than or equal to 1The value must not be greater than the value of 'maxOccurs'%s: %s. %s: The content is not valid. Expected is %s. %s: The content is not valid. appinfodocumentation(appinfo | documentation)*annotation(annotation?)%s: The attributes '%s' and '%s' are mutually exclusive. Internal error: xmlSchemaAddAnnotation, The item is not a annotated schema componentThe definition is circularThe union type definition is circular' has to be equal to greater than less than or equal to' of the base typexpathThe XPath expression of the selector is not validInternal error: xmlSchemaParseIDCSelectorAndField, validating the XPath expression of a IDC selector. The XPath expression '%s' could not be compiled%s: The facet '%s' is not allowed. could not get the built-in typexmlSchemaVCheckCVCSimpleTypecalling xmlValidateQName()xmlSchemaValidateQNameThe QName value '%s' has no corresponding namespace declaration in scopevalidating against a built-in typevalidating facets of atomic simple typevalidating an item of list simple typevalidating facets of list simple typeunion simple type has no member typesvalidating members of union simple typevalidating facets of union simple typeReferences from this schema to components in no namespace are not allowed, since not indicated by an import statementReferences from this schema to components in the namespace '%s' are not allowed, since not indicated by an import statementxs:nonNegativeInteger(xs:nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)refer(annotation?, (selector, field+))A child element is missingfieldUnexpected global component typexmlSchemaAddComponentsfailed to create a component hash tableA global %s '%s' does already existcalling xmlStreamPop()xmlSchemaXPathProcessHistoryfield resolves to a CT with simple content but the CT is missing the ST definitionThe XPath '%s' of a field of %s does evaluate to a node of non-simple typeWarning: No precomputed value available, the value was either invalid or something strange happenedThe XPath '%s' of a field of %s evaluates to a node-set with more than one memberThe state object to be removed is not the first in the listDuplicate key-sequence %s in %sNot all fields of %s evaluate to a nodefailed to create a regex contextxmlSchemaValidatorPopElemMissing child element(s)calling xmlSchemaVCheckCVCSimpleType()For a string to be a valid default, the type definition must be a simple type or a complex type with simple content or mixed content and a particle emptiablexmlSchemaCheckCOSValidDefaultcalling xmlSchemaCheckCOSValidDefault()calling xmlNewDocText()The content must not contain element nodes since there is a fixed value constraintThe initial value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s'The actual value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s'More than one match found for key-sequence %s of keyref '%s'No match found for key-sequence %s of keyref '%s'elem pop mismatchxmlSchemaSAXHandleEndElementNscalling xmlSchemaValidatorPopElem()Neither character nor element content is allowed because the element is 'nilled'Character content is not allowed, because the content type is emptyCharacter content other than whitespace is not allowed because the content type is 'element-only'calling xmlSchemaVPushText()xmlSchemaSAXHandleCDataSectionThis is a redefinition, but the QName value '%s' of the 'base' attribute does not match the type's designation '%s'simpleTypeThe attribute 'base' and the child are mutually exclusiveEither the attribute 'base' or a child must be presentallsequenceFacet %s has no value Unknown facet type %s fixedFacet %s has unexpected child content anyAttributeannotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))(annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))(annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*))Redefinition of built-in simple types is not supportedfinal(#all | List of (list | union | restriction)(annotation?, (restriction | list | union))itemTypeThe attribute 'itemType' and the child are mutually exclusiveEither the attribute 'itemType' or the child must be present(annotation?, simpleType?)memberTypesEither the attribute 'memberTypes' or at least one child must be presentThis is a redefinition, thus the must have a child(annotation?, simpleType*)(qualified | unqualified)useprohibitedrequired(optional | prohibited | required)The value of the attribute 'use' must be 'optional' if the attribute 'default' is presentThe target namespace must not match '%s'The value of the attribute must not match 'xmlns'Skipping attribute use prohibition, since it is pointless inside an Skipping attribute use prohibition, since it is pointless when extending a typeSkipping duplicate attribute use prohibition '%s'The attribute 'type' and the child are mutually exclusiveThe redefining attribute group definition '%s' must not contain more than one reference to the redefined definitionattributeGroup(annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))abstract(#all | List of (extension | restriction))block(#all | List of (extension | restriction)) simpleContent(annotation?, (restriction | extension))complexContent(annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))This is a redefinition, thus the must have a or grand-childOnly the attributes 'minOccurs', 'maxOccurs' and 'id' are allowed in addition to 'ref'nillable(#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))complexTypeThe attribute 'type' and the child are mutually exclusiveuniquekey(annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))(0 | 1)Invalid value for minOccurs (must be 0 or 1)Invalid value for maxOccurs (must be 0 or 1)The redefining model group definition '%s' must not contain more than one reference to the redefined definitionThe redefining model group definition '%s' must not contain a reference to the redefined definition with a maxOccurs/minOccurs other than 1any(annotation?, (annotation?, element*)(annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)(annotation?, ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)))(annotation?, (all | choice | sequence)?)The schema must not import/include/redefine itselfThe schema document '%s' cannot be imported, since it was already included or redefinedThe schema document '%s' cannot be included or redefined, since it was already importedSkipping import of schema located at '%s' for the namespace '%s', since this namespace was already imported with the schema located at '%s'trying to load a schema doc, but a doc is already assigned to the schema bucketxmlSchemaAddSchemaDocFailed to parse the XML resource '%s'No information for parsing was provided with the given schema parser context. The document '%s' has no document elementThe XML document '%s' is not a schema documenttargetNamespaceno main schema on constructorxmlSchemaBucketCreatefirst bucket but it's an include or redefinemain bucket but it's not the first onefailed to add the schema bucket to the hashSchemas: NULL Schemas: no name, no target namespacenonNegativeIntegerpositiveIntegera type user derived type has no base typexmlSchemaCheckFacetInternal error: xmlSchemaCheckFacet, failed to validate the value '%s' of the facet '%s' against the base typevalue was not computedThe value '%s' of the facet 'pattern' is not a valid regular expressionvalidating facet valueThe value '%s' of the facet '%s' is not a valid '%s'collapseThe value '%s' of the facet 'whitespace' is not validThe value '%s' of the facet does not validate against the base type '%s'missing baseTypexmlSchemaFixupSimpleTypeStageTwoNo base type existentThe base type '%s' is not a simple typeA type, derived by list or union, must have the simple ur-type definition as base type, not '%s'The variety is absentThe 'final' of its base type '%s' must not contain 'restriction'given type is not a user-derived simpleTypexmlSchemaCheckCOSSTRestrictsThe base type '%s' is not an atomic simple type%s: The facet '%s' is not allowed on types derived from the type %s. failed to evaluate the item typeThe item type '%s' does not have a variety of atomic or unionThe item type is a union type, but the member type '%s' of this item type is not atomicThe final of its item type '%s' must not contain 'list'The base type '%s' must be a list typeThe 'final' of the base type '%s' must not contain 'restriction'failed to eval the item type of a base typeThe item type '%s' is not validly derived from the item type '%s' of the base type '%s'The member type '%s' is neither an atomic, nor a list typeThe 'final' of member type '%s' contains 'union'No facets allowedThe base type '%s' is not a union typedifferent number of member types in baseThe member type %s is not validly derived from its corresponding member type %s of the base type %sInternal error: xmlSchemaCreateVCtxtOnPCtxt, failed to create a temp. validation context. It is an error for both 'length' and either of 'minLength' or 'maxLength' to be specified on the same type definitionIt is an error for both '%s' and '%s' to be specified on the same type definitionThe base type's facet is 'fixed', thus the value must not differThe 'whitespace' value has to be equal to or stronger than the 'whitespace' value of the base typean error occurredxmlSchemaDeriveAndValidateFacetsfailed to get primitive typexmlSchemaFixupComplexTypeIf using , the base type is expected to be a complex type. The base type '%s' is a simple typeIf using and , the base type must be a complex type. The base type '%s' is a simple typeInternal error: xmlSchemaCheckSRCCT, '%s', base type has no content typeA is expected among the children of , if is used and the base type '%s' is a complex typeIf and is used, the base type must be a simple type or a complex type with mixed content and particle emptiable. The base type '%s' is none of thoseIf and is used, the base type must be a simple type. The base type '%s' is a complex typeInternal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s': the is missing a child, but was not caught by xmlSchemaCheckSRCCT()Internal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s': the ed base type is a complex type with no simple content typeInternal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s' with : unhandled derivation caseThe type has an 'all' model group in its {content type} and thus cannot be derived from a non-empty type, since this would produce a 'sequence' model group containing the 'all' model group; 'all' model groups are not allowed to appear inside other model groupsA type cannot be derived by extension from a type which has an 'all' model group in its {content type}, since this would produce a 'sequence' model group containing the 'all' model group; 'all' model groups are not allowed to appear inside other model groupsno base typexmlSchemaFixupTypeAttributeUsesfailed to expand attributesThe union of the wildcard is not expressible. If the base type is a simple type, the derivation method must be 'extension'Duplicate %sThere must not exist more than one attribute declaration of type 'xs:ID' (or derived from 'xs:ID'). The %s violates this constraintThe 'final' of the base type definition contains 'extension'The content type must specify a particleThe content type of both, the type and its base type, must either 'mixed' or 'element-only'The content type must be the simple base typeThe base type must be a complex typeThe 'final' of the base type definition contains 'restriction'The {content type} %s is not validly derived from the base type's {content type} %sThe content type of the base type must be either a simple type or 'mixed' and an emptiable particleThe content type of the base type must be either empty or 'mixed' (or 'elements-only') and an emptiable particleIf the content type is 'mixed', then the content type of the base type must also be 'mixed'The type is not a valid restriction of its base typethis function needs a parser contextxmlSchemaTypeFixupredefinedThe 'optional' attribute use is inconsistent with the corresponding 'required' attribute use of the %s %sThe attribute declaration's %s is not validly derived from the corresponding %s of the attribute declaration in the %s %sThe effective value constraint of the attribute use is inconsistent with its correspondent in the %s %sNeither a matching attribute use, nor a matching wildcard exists in the %s %sA matching attribute use for the 'required' %s of the %s %s is missingThe %s has an attribute wildcard, but the %s %s '%s' does not have oneThe attribute wildcard is not a valid subset of the wildcard in the %s %s '%s'The {process contents} of the attribute wildcard is weaker than the one in the %s %s '%s'Only global element declarations can have a substitution group affiliationThe element declaration '%s' defines a circular substitution group to element declaration '%s'The type definition '%s' was either rejected by the substitution group affiliation '%s', or not validly derived from its type definition '%s'The type definition (or type definition's content type) is or is derived from ID; value constraints are not allowed in conjunction with such a type definitionFor a string to be a valid default, the type definition must be a simple type or a complex type with mixed content and a particle emptiablexmlSchemaParseCheckCOSValidDefaultfailed to validate the value constraint of an element declarationxmlSchemaElemCheckValConstrfailed to add a new substitution containerxmlSchemaSubstGroupAddcalling xmlSchemaQNameExpand() to validate the attribute 'xsi:type'xmlSchemaValidateElementByDeclarationThe QName value '%s' of the xsi:type attribute does not resolve to a type definitionThe type definition '%s', specified by xsi:type, is blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of the element declarationThe %s '%s' to be redefined could not be found in the redefined schemaUnexpected redefined component typexmlSchemaResolveRedefReferencesThe referenced %s was already redefined. Multiple redefinition of the same component is not supportedThe particle's {max occurs} must be 1, since the reference resolves to an 'all' model groupA model group definition is referenced, but it contains an 'all' model group, which cannot be contained by model groupsThe keyref references a keyrefThe cardinality of the keyref differs from the cardinality of the referenced key/unique '%s'Circular reference to the model group definition '%s' definedCircular reference to the attribute group '%s' definedxmlSchemaCheckAttrPropsCorrectThe value of the value constraint is not validThe attribute declaration has a 'fixed' value constraint , thus the attribute use must also have a 'fixed' value constraintxmlSchemaCheckAttrUsePropsCorrectThe 'fixed' value constraint of the attribute use must match the attribute declaration's value constraint '%s'Failed to compile the content modelThe content model is not deterministValue constraints are not allowed if the type definition is or is derived from xs:IDreparsing a schema docxmlSchemaParseNewDocparsing a schema doc, but there's no docno constructorcould not build an URI from the schemaLocationxmlSchemaParseIncludeOrRedefineThe schema document '%s' cannot redefine itself.The schema document '%s' cannot include itself.Failed to load the document '%s' for inclusionFailed to load the document '%s' for redefinitionThe target namespace of the included/redefined schema '%s' has to be absent, since the including/redefining schema has no target namespaceThe target namespace '%s' of the included/redefined schema '%s' differs from '%s' of the including/redefining schema(annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup))*elementFormDefaultattributeFormDefaultfinalDefault(#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))blockDefaultimportThe value of the attribute 'namespace' must not match the target namespace '%s' of the importing schemaThe attribute 'namespace' must be existent if the importing schema has no target namespaceFailed to locate a schema at location '%s'. Skipping the importnotationNotation has no name ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)Failed to locate the main schema resource at '%s'Failed to locate the main schema resourceAn internal error occurredxmlSchemaParsein skip-statexmlSchemaValidateElemThe value must consist of tuples: the target namespace name and the document's URIno parser context availablexmlSchemaAssembleByLocationThe document at location '%s' could not be acquiredassembling schemataxmlSchemaAssembleByXSINeither character nor element content is allowed, because the element was 'nilled'calling xmlSchemaProcessXSIType() to process the attribute 'xsi:nil'xmlSchemaValidateChildElemElement content is not allowed, because the content type is emptytype has elem content but no content modelvalidating elem, but elem content is already invalidcalling xmlRegExecPushString2()This element is not expectedElement content is not allowed, because the content type is a simple type definitionElement content is not allowed, because the type definition is simplecalling xmlSchemaStreamValidateChildElement()the child element was valid but neither the declaration nor the type was setNo matching global declaration available for the validation rootNo matching global element declaration available, but demanded by the strict wildcardxmlSchemaValidateElemWildcardcalling xmlSchemaValidateElemWildcard()The element declaration is abstractThe type definition is absentcalling xmlSchemaVCheckCVCSimpleType() to validate the attribute 'xsi:nil'xmlSchemaValidateElemDeclThe element is not 'nillable'The element cannot be 'nilled' because there is a fixed value constraint defined for itcalling xmlSchemaProcessXSIType() to process the attribute 'xsi:type'The chain of IDC matchers is expected to be emptyxmlSchemaIDCRegisterMatcherscalling xmlSchemaValidateElemDecl()The type definition is abstractcalling xmlSchemaXPathEvaluate()xmlSchemaVAttributesComplexdefault/fixed value on an attribute use was not precomputedcalling xmlSchemaCopyValue()calling xmlNewProp()p%dcould not compute a ns prefix for a default/fixed attributecalling xmlSchemaStreamValidateSimpleTypeValue()The attribute '%s' is required but missingThe value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s'No matching global attribute declaration available, but demanded by the strict wildcardcalling attributes validationCould not find an augmented IDC item for an IDC definitioncalling xmlSchemaGetFreshElemInfo()xmlSchemaValidatorPushElemcalling xmlSchemaValidatorPushElem()xmlSchemaSAXHandleStartElementNscalling xmlSchemaValidatorPushAttribute()calling xmlSchemaValidateElem()failed to create a temp. parser contextxmlSchemaCreatePCtxtOnVCtxtThe document has no document elementxmlSchemaDocWalkxmlSchemaVDocWalkthere is at least one entity reference in the node-tree currently being validated. Processing of entities with this XML Schema processor is not supported (yet). Please substitute entities before validation.element position mismatchno instance to validatexmlSchemaVStart 0.0%+ld.0%+d.0anyTypeanySimpleTypedecimaldateTimegYeargYearMonthgMonthgMonthDaygDayfloatdoubleanyURIhexBinarybase64BinaryQNameintegernonPositiveIntegernegativeIntegershortbyteunsignedLongunsignedIntunsignedShortunsignedBytenormalizedStringNMTOKENIDENTITIESNMTOKENSP%luY%luM%luDT%luH%luM%.14gS-P%luY%luM%luDT%luH%luM%.14gS%04ld--%02u---%02u--%02u-%02u-%04ld-%02u%04ld-%02u%04ld-%02u-%02uZ%04ld-%02u-%02u%04ld-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02.14gZ%04ld-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02.14g%01.14e%c%.*s.%.*s%f%lf+%.*s.0<[y1O;Zx0N;Yx/N>\{2Q+9223372036854775807.0-9223372036854775808.0+18446744073709551615.0+4294967295.0Building relative URI failed: %s mismatch in redefinition of entity %s maximum recursion depth exceeded inclusion loop detected xpointerhref or xpointer must be present invalid value %s for 'parse' invalid value href %s Invalid fragment identifier in URI %s use the xpointer attribute failed build URL detected a local recursion with no xpointer in %s document without root XPointer expressions not allowed in streaming mode XPointer evaluation failed: #%s XPointer is not a range: #%s XPointer selects an attribute: #%s XPointer selects a namespace: #%s XPointer selects unexpected nodes: #%s invalid node type in XPtr result text serialization of document not available encoding %s not supported unexpected error from iconv or ICU load errorread error%s contains invalid char could not load %s, and no fallback was found %s has an 'include' child %s has multiple fallback children %s is not the child of an 'include' XInclude error: would result in multiple root nodes fake node libxsltError allocating temporary storage for tim sort: need %lu bytesObject is empty (NULL) Object is uninitialized Object is a Node Set : NodeSet is NULL ! Set contains %d nodes: Node is NULL ! / Object is an XSLT value tree : Value Tree is NULL ! Object is a Boolean : true false Object is a number : Infinity Object is a number : -Infinity Object is a number : NaN Object is a number : 0 Object is a number : %0g Object is a string : Object is user defined Step is NULL ENDANDOREQUAL =EQUAL !=CMP <CMP >PLUS -PLUS +PLUS unary -PLUS unary - -MULT *MULT divMULT modUNIONROOTNODESORTCOLLECT 'ancestors' 'ancestors-or-self' 'attributes' 'child' 'descendant' 'descendant-or-self' 'following' 'following-siblings' 'namespace' 'parent' 'preceding' 'preceding-sibling' 'self' 'none' 'type' 'PI' 'all' 'namespace' 'name' 'node' 'comment' 'text' %s:ELEM VARIABLE %s:%sVARIABLE %sFUNCTION %s:%s(%d args)FUNCTION %s(%d args)ARGPREDICATEFILTERUNKNOWN %d Compiled Expression : %d elements xpath.cInfinity-InfinityNaN%*.*e%0.*fprocessing-instructioncount::ancestorancestor-or-selfdescendantdescendant-or-selffollowingfollowing-siblingprecedingpreceding-siblinglasthttp://www.w3.org/2002/08/xquery-functionsescape-uriOk Number encoding Unfinished literal Start of literal Expected $ for variable reference Undefined variable Invalid predicate Invalid expression Missing closing curly brace Unregistered function Invalid operand Invalid type Invalid number of arguments Invalid context size Invalid context position Memory allocation error Syntax error Resource error Sub resource error Undefined namespace prefix Encoding error Char out of XML range Invalid or incomplete context Stack usage error Forbidden variable Operation limit exceeded Recursion limit exceeded ?? Unknown error ?? ceilingcontainsfloorlocal-namenamespace-urinormalize-spacepositionroundstring-lengthstarts-withsubstringsubstring-beforesubstring-aftertranslatewarning: ChildSeq not starting by /1 xpath1unsupported scheme '%s' xmlXPtrEval: evaluation failed to return a node set xmlXPtrEval: object(s) left on the eval stack 00!0)0N@@FF0010500000`if o f o f o f o f o PY )E`aKRpp  < < > L M M Q T b c   < < > > ? ? @ B G H K M p q   < < > C G H K M V W   > D F H J M U V   > C F H J M W W 114:GN557799>>??q *0/0000014>AHJ~P OQ\^1VYYa!:AJq 9 = = X a     ( * 0 2 3 5 6 8 9 Y \ ^ ^ r t     ( * 0 2 3 6 9 = = \ ] _ a     ( * 3 5 9 ` a     ( * 9 ` a .0023@E@GIi    <<>>@@LLNNPPTUYY_acceeggiimnrsuu EHMPWYY[[]]_}&!&!*!+!.!.!!!A00001,1ERROR %d: DOCUMENT == NULL ! Misplaced ELEMENT node ERROR %d: %sMisplaced ATTRIBUTE node Misplaced TEXT node Misplaced CDATA node Misplaced ENTITYREF node Misplaced ENTITY node Misplaced PI node Misplaced COMMENT node DOCUMENT HTML DOCUMENT Misplaced DOCTYPE node Misplaced FRAGMENT node Misplaced NOTATION node Unknown node type %d #%X...Entity is NULL%s : INTERNAL GENERAL, EXTERNAL PARSED, EXTERNAL UNPARSED, INTERNAL PARAMETER, EXTERNAL PARAMETER, Unknown entity type %d ID "%s"SYSTEM "%s" orig "%s" content "%s"namespace node is NULL Node is not a namespace declarationIncomplete namespace %s href=NULL Incomplete default namespace href=NULL namespace %s href=default namespace href=name=version=URL=standalone=true Reference to default namespace not in scope Reference to namespace '%s' not in scope Reference to default namespace not on ancestor Reference to namespace '%s' not on ancestor Name is NULLName is not an NCName '%s'Name is not from the document dictionary '%s'Node has no parent Node has no doc pseudorootNode doc differs from parent's one Attr has no prev and not first of attr list Node has no prev and not first of parent list Node prev->next : back link wrong Node has no next and not last of parent list Node next->prev : forward link wrong String is not UTF-8 %snbktextText node has wrong name '%s'Comment node has wrong name '%s'CData section has non NULL name '%s'Element declaration is NULL Node is not an element declarationELEMDECL(Element declaration has no name, UNDEFINED, EMPTY, ANY, MIXED DTD node is NULL Node is not a DTDDTD(%s), PUBLIC %s, SYSTEM %sAttr is NULLATTRIBUTE Attribute has no nameELEMENT Error, ATTRIBUTE found here TEXT no encTEXT compact interned CDATA_SECTION ENTITY_REF(%s) ENTITY PI %s COMMENT Error, DOCUMENT found here DOCUMENT_TYPE DOCUMENT_FRAG NOTATION Node is not an attribute declarationATTRDECL(%s)Node attribute declaration has no name for %sNode attribute declaration has no element name ENUMERATION NOTATION |%s (%s REQUIRED IMPLIED FIXEDNode is not an entity declarationENTITYDECL(Entity declaration has no name, internal , external parsed , unparsed , parameter , external parameter , predefined ExternalID=%s SystemID=%s URI=%s content=INCLUDE START INCLUDE END PBM: doc == NULL !!! content=INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY EXTERNAL_GENERAL_UNPARSED_ENTITY INTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY ENTITY_%d ! ExternalID=%s SystemID=%s URI=%s ...)Entities in internal subset No entities in internal subset Entities in external subset No entities in external subset DTD is NULL DTD is empty %8d default -> %s%s -> %sTrueFalseResult%s: no such node %s is a Boolean %s is a number %s is a string %s is user-defined %s is an XSLT value tree No base found !!! Failed to write to %s wFailed to save to %s To save to subparts of a document use the 'write' command / %s > %s:%s > ? > exitquitbyehelp base display XML base of the node setbase URI change the XML base of the node bye leave shell cat [node] display node or current node cd [path] change directory to path or to root dir [path] dumps information about the node (namespace, attributes, content) du [path] show the structure of the subtree under path or the current node exit leave shell help display this help free display memory usage load [name] load a new document with name ls [path] list contents of path or the current directory set xml_fragment replace the current node content with the fragment parsed in context xpath expr evaluate the XPath expression in that context and print the result setns nsreg register a namespace to a prefix in the XPath evaluation context format for nsreg is: prefix=[nsuri] (i.e. prefix= unsets a prefix) setrootns register all namespace found on the root element the default namespace if any uses 'defaultns' prefix pwd display current working directory whereis display absolute path of [path] or current working directory quit leave shell save [name] save this document to name or the original name write [name] write the current node to the filename validate check the document for errors relaxng rng validate the document against the Relax-NG schemas grep string search for a string in the subtree relaxngRelax-NG schema %s failed to compile %s validates %s fails to validate %s validation generated an internal error saveWrite command requires a filename argument greppwdfailed to parse content setnssetns: prefix=[nsuri] required Error: unable to register NS with prefix="%s" and href="%s" setrootnsdefaultnsxpath: expression required setbasewhereiscdcannot cd to namespace %s is a %d Node Set %s is an empty Node Set cat ------- Unknown command %s / > The XSLT-element '%s' is not allowed at this position. The element '%s' is not allowed at this position. xsltNewTemplate : malloc failed exclude-result-prefixesxsl:exclude-result-prefixes : undefined namespace %s realloc failed ! exclude result prefix %s extension-element-prefixesxsl:extension-element-prefix : undefined namespace %s add extension prefix %s xsltPreprocessStylesheet: removing ignorable blank node xsltAllocateExtraCtxt: out of memory freeing dictionary from stylesheet xsltNewStylesheet : malloc failed creating dictionary for stylesheet xsltNewStylesheet: xmlXPathNewContext failed invalid value for method: %s doctype-systemdoctype-publicstandaloneinvalid value for standalone: %s indentinvalid value for indent: %s omit-xml-declarationinvalid value for omit-xml-declaration: %s cdata-section-elementsadd cdata section output element %s Attribute 'cdata-section-elements': The value '%s' is not a valid QName. Attribute 'cdata-section-elements': Not a valid QName. cdatamedia-typedisable-output-escapingDisable escaping: %s xsl:text: disable-output-escaping allows only yes or no xsltParseTemplateContent: xslt:text content problem xsltParseTemplateContent: removing text xsltParseTemplateContent: ignoring misplaced param element xsltParseStylesheetProcess : empty stylesheet xsltParseStylesheetProcess : found stylesheet XSLT parser operation limit exceeded xsl:version is missing: document may not be a stylesheet 1.1xsl:version: only 1.1 features are supported misplaced text node: '%s' Found a top-level element %s with null namespace URI xsltParseStylesheetTop : found foreign element %s xsltParseStylesheetTop: ignoring misplaced import element strip-spacexsltParseStylesheetStripSpace: missing elements attribute add stripped space element %s strippreserve-spacexsltParseStylesheetPreserveSpace: missing elements attribute add preserved space element %s outputxsltParseStylesheetKey: name %s xsl:key : error missing name xsl:key : error missing match xsl:key : error missing use decimal-formatxsl:decimal-format: Invalid QName '%s'. xsltParseStylestyleDecimalFormat: %s already exists xsltParseStylestyleDecimalFormat: failed creating new decimal-format decimal-separatorgrouping-separatorinfinityminus-signpercentper-millezero-digitdigitpattern-separatorattribute-settemplatexsltGetInheritedNsList : realloc failed! template has %d inherited namespaces xsltParseStylesheetTemplate: mode %s priorityxsl:template : error invalid name '%s' namespace-aliasxsltParseStylesheetTop: unknown %s element parsed %d templates xsltParseStylesheetProcess : document is not a stylesheet xsltParseStylesheetProcess : document is stylesheet reusing dictionary from %s for stylesheet xsltGatherNamespaces: failed to create hash table Namespaces prefix %s used for multiple namespaces Added namespace: %s mapped to %s xsltParseStylesheetFile : parse %s xsltParseStylesheetFile: read rights for %s denied xsltParseStylesheetFile : cannot parse %s text/xmltext/xslapplication/xslt+xmlxml-stylesheet : href %s is not valid xsltLoadStylesheetPI : Reference to ID %s xml-stylesheet : no ID %s found creating new document from %s for embedded stylesheet reusing dictionary from %s for embedded stylesheet set base URI for embedded stylesheet as %s xsltLoadStylesheetPI : fetching %s xsltLoadStylesheetPI : found PI href=%s 10142‰9S'runtime errorcompilation error%s: file %s line %d element %s %s: file %s element %s %s: file %s %s: element %s %s: file %s line %d terminatexsl:message : terminate expecting 'yes' or 'no' xsl:sort : compilation failed xsltComputeSortResult: memory allocation failure xsltComputeSortResult: sort key is null data-typexsltDoSortFunction: no support for data-type = %s orderascendingdescendingxsltDoSortFunction: invalid value %s for order QName: no element for namespace lookup %s %s:%s : no namespace bound to prefix %s No namespace bound to prefix '%s'. %s : no namespace bound to prefix %s xhtmlxsltSaveResultTo : unknown output method %6s%20s%20s%10s Calls Tot 100us Avg %5d %s %26s%20s%s %46s%s %56s%10s %6d %6ld %6ld Total %30s%26s %6d %6ld [%d]%6.2f%8.3f%6d/%d %-8s %-8s %-12s %s [%d] %-5s %-6s %-8s %-8s %6d %s [%d] ----------------------------------------------- [%d] %s (%s:%d) Index by function name index %% time self children called name rankcalls%ldaveragexsltTestStepMatch: unexpected step op %d xsltCompMatchAdd: memory re-allocation failure. Failed to compile predicate xsltPatPushState: memory re-allocation failure. xsltTestCompMatch: null arg xsltCompileIdKeyPattern : NodeTest expected xsltCompileIdKeyPattern : Literal expected xsltCompileIdKeyPattern : ) expected xsltCompileIdKeyPattern : , expected xsltCompileIdKeyPattern : expecting 'key' or 'id' or node type xsltCompileIdKeyPattern : node type xsltCompileStepPattern : Name expected xsltCompileStepPattern : no namespace bound to prefix %s xsltCompileStepPattern : NodeTest expected xsltCompileStepPattern : 'child' or 'attribute' expected xsltCompileStepPattern : ']' expected xsltCompilePattern : NULL pattern xsltNewParserContext : malloc failed xsltNewCompMatch : out of memory error xsltCompilePattern : parsing '%s' xsltCompileLocationPathPattern : Name expected xsltCompileIdKeyPattern : ( expected xsltCompilePattern : parsed %s, default priority %f xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile '%s' xsl:template: error duplicate name '%s' xsl:template: need to specify match or name attribute xsltAddTemplate: invalid compiled pattern added pattern : '%s' mode '%s' priority %f added pattern : '%s' priority %f Internal error in xsltComputeAllKeys(): The context's document info doesn't match the document info of the current result tree. xsltEvalXPathPredicate: No context or instruction xsltEvalXPathPredicate: returns %d xsltEvalXPathPredicate: failed xsltEvalXPathStringNs: No context or instruction xpath : string() function didn't return a String xsltEvalXPathString: returns %s Failed to create temporary node xsltAttrTemplateValueProcessNode: unmatched '{' xsltAttrTemplateValueProcessNode: unmatched '}' xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate: %s returns %s Internal error: The children of an attribute node of a literal result element are not in the expected form. Internal error: Failed to evaluate the AVT of attribute '{%s}%s'. Internal error: Failed to evaluate the AVT of attribute '%s'. Internal error: Failed to create attribute '{%s}%s'. Internal error: Failed to create attribute '%s'. use-attribute-setsxsltNewStackElem : malloc failed Defining global param %s Defining global variable %s redefinition of global variable %s fake node libxsltEvaluating variable '%s' Failed to evaluate the expression of variable '%s'. Building variable %s select %sxsltExtensionInstructionResultFinalize is unsupported in this release of libxslt. Internal error in xsltFlagRVTs(): Cannot retrieve the doc of a namespace node. Internal error in xsltFlagRVTs(): Cannot retrieve the doc of a node. Flagging RVT %p: %d -> %d xsltFlagRVTs: Invalid transition %d => GLOBAL xsltFreeStackElem: Unexpected RVT flag %d Evaluating user parameter %s=%s user param : malformed parameter name : %s user param : no namespace bound to prefix %s Global parameter %s already defined Evaluating user parameter %s failed param %s defined by caller XSLT-variable: Redefinition of variable '%s'. XSLT-param: Redefinition of parameter '%s'. Evaluating global variable %s var/param being computedEvaluating global variable %s failed global variable not found %s Recursive definition of %s Registering global variables Registering global variables from %s xsltCopyStackElem : malloc failed hash update failed Global variable %s already defined uncomputed variable %s variable not found %s Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam(): The XSLT 'with-param' instruction was not compiled. Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam(): XSLT 'with-param': The attribute 'name' was not compiled. Handling xsl:with-param %s select %s xsl:variable : compilation failed xsl:variable : missing name attribute Registering global variable %s xsl:param : compilation failed xsl:param : missing name attribute Registering global param %s Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetVariable(): The XSLT 'variable' instruction was not compiled. Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetVariable(): The attribute 'name' was not compiled. Registering variable '%s' Internal error in xsltParseStylesheetParam(): The XSLT 'param' declaration was not compiled correctly. Registering param %s Lookup variable '%s' uncomputed variable '%s' variable not found '%s' Variable '{%s}%s' has not been declared. Variable '%s' has not been declared. found variable '%s' Add key %s, match %s, use %s xsltNewKeyDef : malloc failed xsl:key : 'match' pattern is empty xsl:key : 'match' pattern is malformed: %s resulting pattern %s xsl:key : 'match' pattern compilation failed '%s' xsl:key : 'use' expression compilation failed '%s' xsltInitCtxtKey: key definition of %s is recursive Key definition for %s is recursive xsltInitCtxtKey: %s evaluation failed Failed to evaluate the 'match' expression. xsltInitCtxtKey: %s evaluates to %d nodes xsltInitCtxtKey: %s is not a node set The 'match' expression did not evaluate to a node set. xsltNewKeyTable : malloc failed Failed to evaluate the 'use' expression. xsl:key : node associated to ('%s', '%s') xsltInitDocKeyTable: did not found %s Failed to find key definition for %s Get key %s, value %s Initializing keys on %s Shutting down module : %s xsltNewExtData : malloc failed xsltExtShutdownTest: not initialized xsltExtShutdownTest: wrong data Unregistered test module : %s xsltExtInitTest: already initialized test dataRegistered test module : %s xsltInitCtxtExt: NULL param or error xsltInitCtxtExt: no module or no initFunc xsltInitCtxtExt: already initialized xsltInitCtxtExt: no extData Failed to register module data: %s Registered module %s Not registered extension module: %s Initializing module with *no* callback: %s Initializing module with callback: %s Failed to register module '%s'. Registering extension namespace '%s'. xsltNewExtDef : malloc failed xsltExtInitTest: not initialized, calling xsltStyleGetExtData xsltExtInitTest: not initialized Initializing module: %s xsltExtElementTest: not initialized, calling xsltGetExtData http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/xsltExtElementTest: not initialized xsltExtElementTest: no transformation context xsltExtElementTest: no current node xsltExtElementTest: no instruction xsltExtElementTest: no insertion point libxslt:test element test workedRegistered %d modules xsltNewExtModule : malloc failed xsltExtFunctionTest: not initialized, calling xsltGetExtData xsltExtFunctionTest: failed to get the transformation context xsltExtFunctionTest: failed to get module data xsltExtFunctionTest: got wrong module data xsltNewExtElement : malloc failed xsltExtElementPreCompTest: not initialized, calling xsltStyleGetExtData xsltExtElementPreCompTest: not initialized xsltExtElementPreCompTest: no instruction testRegistered XSLT Extensions -------------------------- No registered extension functions Registered extension functions: No registered top-level extension elements Registered top-level extension elements: No registered instruction extension elements Registered instruction extension elements: No registered extension modules Registered extension modules: Templates: Variables: #%d name %s #%d corrupted !!! param var %s noname !!!!NULL !!!!node-set() : expects one result-tree arg node-set() invalid arg expecting a result tree http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/namespacehttp://www.jclark.com/xtdebugorg.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions.Redirectstylesheet-prefixnamespace-alias: stylesheet-prefix attribute missing result-prefixnamespace-alias: result-prefix attribute missing namespace-alias: prefix %s not bound to any namespace namespace-alias: cannot create hash table Namespace normalization error: Cannot undeclare the default namespace, since the default namespace '%s' is already declared on the result element '%s'. %s_%dInternal error in xsltAcquireResultInScopeNs(): Failed to compute a unique ns-prefix for the generated elementmaximum nesting depth exceeded: %s recursion detected on imported URL %s recursion detected on included URL %s xsl:import : missing href attribute xsl:import : invalid URI reference %s xsl:import: read rights for %s denied xsl:import : unable to load %s xsl:include : missing href attribute xsl:include : invalid URI reference %s xsl:include : unable to load %s xsltNewAttrElem : malloc failed xsltNewUseAttrSet : malloc failed xsl:attribute-set : use-attribute-sets recursion detected on %s xsl:attribute-set : use-attribute-sets maximum recursion depth exceeded on %s xsl:attribute-set : merging import for %s xsl:attribute-set : internal error, can't move imported attribute set %s xsl:attribute-set : The name '%s' is not a valid QName. xsl:attribute-set : No namespace found for QName '%s:%s' creating attribute set table xsltNewAttrSet : malloc failed memory error xsl:attribute-set : unexpected child %s xsl:attribute-set : child of unexpected type xsl:attribute-set : unexpected child xsl:%s add attribute to list %s xsl:attribute-set : internal error, attribute %s not compiled xsl:attribute-set : %s adds use %s xsl:attribute-set : The name '%s' in use-attribute-sets is not a valid QName. xsl:attribute-set : No namespace found for QName '%s:%s' in use-attribute-sets updated attribute list %s xsl:attribute-set : name is missing Resolving attribute sets references xsl:attribute: Cannot add attributes to an element if children have been already added to the element. xsl:attribute: The attribute 'name' is missing. xsl:attribute: The effective name '%s' is not a valid QName. xsl:attribute: The effective name 'xmlns' is not allowed. xsl:attribute: Namespace http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ forbidden. xsl:attribute: The QName '%s:%s' has no namespace binding in scope in the stylesheet; this is an error, since the namespace was not specified by the instruction itself. ns_1Namespace fixup error: Failed to acquire an in-scope namespace binding for the generated attribute '{%s}%s'. apply attribute set %s use-attribute-set : No namespace found for QName '%s:%s' Reusing dictionary for document xsltNewDocument : malloc failed xsltNewStyleDocument : malloc failed xsltLoadDocument: read rights for %s denied xsltLoadStyleDocument: read rights for %s denied internal problem: element has no parent element %s only allowed as child of stylesheet xsltNewStylePreComp : malloc failed The attribute '%s' is missing. The value '%s' of the attribute '%s' is not a valid QName. element %s is not allowed within that context element %s only allowed within a template, variable or param apply-templatesXSLT-apply-templates: could not compile select expression '%s' with-paramcall-templateXSLT-with-param: Failed to compile select expression '%s' XSLT-with-param: The content should be empty since the attribute select is present. value-ofxsl:value-of : disable-output-escaping allows only yes or no xsl:value-of : select is missing xsl:value-of : could not compile select expression '%s' copy-ofxsl:copy-of : select is missing xsl:copy-of : could not compile select expression '%s' ifxsl:if : test is not defined xsl:if : could not compile test expression '%s' whenchoosexsl:when : test is not defined xsl:when : could not compile test expression '%s' for-eachxsl:for-each : select is missing xsl:for-each : could not compile select expression '%s' apply-importsXSLT-attribute: The attribute 'name' is missing. xsl:attribute: The value '%s' of the attribute 'name' is not a valid QName. xsl:attribute: The attribute name 'xmlns' is not allowed. xsl:attribute: The prefixed QName '%s' has no namespace binding in scope in the stylesheet; this is an error, since the namespace was not specified by the instruction itself. xsl:element: The attribute 'name' is missing. xsl:element: The value '%s' of the attribute 'name' is not a valid QName. xsl:element: The prefixed QName '%s' has no namespace binding in scope in the stylesheet; this is an error, since the namespace was not specified by the instruction itself. sortxsltSortComp: no support for data-type = %s xsltSortComp: invalid value %s for order case-orderupper-firstlower-firstxsltSortComp: could not compile select expression '%s' xsl:sort : is not empty fromlevelsinglexsl:number : invalid value %s for level xsl:number : lang attribute not implemented preproc.cUnimplemented block at %s:%d letter-valuealphabeticxsl:number : letter-value 'alphabetic' not implemented traditionalxsl:number : letter-value 'traditional' not implemented xsl:number : invalid value %s for letter-value grouping-sizeXSLT-param: could not compile select expression '%s'. XSLT-param: The content should be empty since the attribute 'select' is present. XSLT-variable: Failed to compile the XPath expression '%s'. XSLT-variable: There must be no child nodes, since the attribute 'select' was specified. otherwiseelement %s only allowed only as root element xsltStylePreCompute: unknown xsl:%s Extension ElementlocalRVT not head of list xsltReleaseLocalRVTs: Unexpected RVT flag %p xsl:comment : '--' or ending '-' not allowed in comment --xsltComment: empty xsltComment: content %s xsl:sort : improper use this should not be reached xsltCopyText: text allocation failed xsltCopyText: copy CDATA text %s xsltCopyText: copy unescaped text %s xsltCopyText: copy text %s Internal error in xsltCopyText(): Failed to copy the string. Namespace nodes must be added before any child nodes are added to an element. xsltShallowCopyElem: copy failed xsltShallowCopyElem: copy %s failed Cannot add an attribute node to a non-element node. Attribute nodes must be added before any child nodes to an element. Namespace fixup error: Failed to acquire an in-scope namespace binding of the copied attribute '{%s}%s'. xsl:text content problem xsl:processing-instruction : name is missing xsl:processing-instruction: '?>' not allowed within PI content xsltProcessingInstruction: %s empty xsltProcessingInstruction: %s content %s xsl:number : compilation failed xsltApplySequenceConstructor: A potential infinite template recursion was detected. You can adjust xsltMaxDepth (--maxdepth) in order to raise the maximum number of nested template calls and variables/params (currently set to %d). xsltApplySequenceConstructor: Operation limit exceeded xsltApplySequenceConstructor: insert == NULL ! xsltApplySequenceConstructor: %s was not compiled Unexpected XSLT element '%s'. xsltApplySequenceConstructor: copy CDATA text %s xsltApplySequenceConstructor: copy unescaped text %s xsltApplySequenceConstructor: copy text %s xsltApplySequenceConstructor: unknown extension %s xsltApplySequenceConstructor: failed to find extension %s xsltApplySequenceConstructor: extension construct %s xsltApplySequenceConstructor: copy node %s xsltCopy: CDATA text %s xsltCopy: text %s xsltCopy: node %s xsltCopy: attribute %s xsltCopy: PI %s xsltCopy: comment xsltCopy: namespace declaration xsl:element: The effective name '%s' is not a valid QName. xsl:element : creation of %s failed xsl:element : xsltAddChild failed xsl:element: The QName '%s:%s' has no namespace binding in scope in the stylesheet; this is an error, since the namespace was not specified by the instruction itself. xsl:choose: The instruction has no content. xsl:choose: xsl:when expected first Internal error in xsltChoose(): The XSLT 'when' instruction was not compiled. xsltChoose: test %s xsltChoose: test evaluate to %d evaluating xsl:otherwise Internal error in xsltIf(): The XSLT 'if' instruction was not compiled. xsltIf: test %s xsltIf: test evaluate to %d xsltForEach(): Bad arguments. Internal error in xsltForEach(): The XSLT 'for-each' instruction was not compiled. Internal error in xsltForEach(): The selecting expression of the XSLT 'for-each' instruction was not compiled correctly. xsltForEach: select %s The 'select' expression does not evaluate to a node set. xsltForEach: select didn't evaluate to a node list Failed to evaluate the 'select' expression. xsltForEach: select evaluates to %d nodes The number of xsl:sort instructions exceeds the maximum (%d) allowed by this processor. freeing transformation dictionary xsltCopyTextString: copy text %s xsltCopyTextString: text copy failed Internal error in xsltValueOf(): The XSLT 'value-of' instruction was not compiled. xsltValueOf: select %s Internal error in xsltValueOf(): failed to cast an XPath object to string. XPath evaluation returned no result. xsltValueOf: result '%s' xsltCopyTree: Copying of '%s' failed. xsl:copy-of : compilation failed xsltCopyOf: select %s xsltCopyOf: result is a node set xsltCopyOf: result is a result tree fragment Internal error in xsltCopyOf(): failed to cast an XPath object to string. xsltCopyOf: result %s xsltApplyXSLTTemplate: Bad arguments; @templ is mandatory. xsltApplyXSLTTemplate: A potential infinite template recursion was detected. You can adjust maxTemplateVars (--maxvars) in order to raise the maximum number of variables/params (currently set to %d). malloc failed ! applying xsl:template '%s' xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: copy CDATA %s xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: cdata copy failed xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: copy empty text xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: copy text %s xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: text copy failed xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: Maximum template depth exceeded. You can adjust xsltMaxDepth (--maxdepth) in order to raise the maximum number of nested template calls and variables/params (currently set to %d). xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: applying template for CDATA %s xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: applying template for text %s xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: template found for PI %s xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: template found for comment xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: no text for attribute xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for / xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for CDATA xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for attribute %s xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for %s xsltProcessOneNode: applying template '%s' for attribute %s xsltProcessOneNode: applying template '%s' for / xsltProcessOneNode: applying template '%s' for %s xsl:apply-templates : compilation failed xsltApplyTemplates: node: '%s' xsltApplyTemplates: select %s The 'select' expression did not evaluate to a node set. xsltApplyTemplates: select didn't evaluate to a node list xsltApplyTemplates: list of %d nodes The number (%d) of xsl:sort instructions exceeds the maximum allowed by this processor's settings. Internal error in xsltApplyImports(): The XSLT 'apply-imports' instruction was not compiled. It is an error to call 'apply-imports' when there's no current template rule. The XSLT 'call-template' instruction was not compiled. The called template '{%s}%s' was not found. The called template '%s' was not found. call-template: name %s xsl:call-template: misplaced xsl:%s xsl:call-template: misplaced %s element call-template returned: name %s Found saxon:output extension Found xalan:write extension xsltDocumentElem: href/URI-Reference not found :/.?,xsltDocumentElem: URL computation failed for %s xsltDocumentElem: write rights for %s denied xsltDocumentElem: out of memory xsltDocumentElem: unsupported method xhtml reusing transformation dict for output xsltDocumentElem: unsupported method (%s) appendabxsltDocumentElem: unable to save to %s Wrote %d bytes to %s xsltApplyStripSpaces: removed %d ignorable blank node xsltNewTransformContext : malloc failed xsltTransformCacheCreate : malloc failed Creating sub-dictionary from stylesheet for transformation xsltNewTransformContext: out of memory xsltNewTransformContext : xmlXPathNewContext failed xsltNewTransformContext : xsltNewDocument failed Stylesheet was not fully internalized ! xsltApplyStylesheetInternal: unsupported method xhtml, using html xsltApplyStylesheetInternal: unsupported method (%s) xsltApplyStylesheet: forbidden to save to %s xsltApplyStylesheet: saving to %s may not be possible transform.cxsltRunStylesheet : run failed 4.01frame-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//ENhttp://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/frameset.dtd4.01stricthttp://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/strict.dtd4.01trans-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//ENhttp://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd4.014.0stricthttp://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd4.0transhttp://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd4.0framehttp://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd4.03.2-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//ENxsltNewSecurityPrefs : malloc failed File write for %s refused Directory creation for %s refused xsltCheckWrite: out of memory for %s Local file read for %s refused xsltCheckRead: URL parsing failed for %s Network file read for %s refused Attribute '%s': The content is expected to be a single text node when compiling an AVT. Found AVT %s: %s AVT %s: already compiled xsltNewAttrVTPtr : malloc failed Attribute '%s': The AVT has an unmatched '{'. attrvt.cAttribute '%s': Failed to compile the expression '%s' in the AVT. Attribute '%s': The AVT has an unmatched '}'. .UTF-8xsltStrxfrm : out of memory error xsltStrxfrm : strxfrm failed xsltNumberFormatDecimal: Internal buffer size exceeded CMcmCDXCxcXLxlIXVxsl-number : negative value number(xsltFormatNumberConversion : Invalid format (0-length) xsltFormatNumberConversion : error in format string '%s', using default format-number : No namespace found for QName '%s:%s' format-number() : undeclared decimal format '%s' generate-id() : invalid arg expecting a node-set generate-id() : invalid number of args %d generate-id(): invalid node type %d generate-id(): psvi already set generate-id(): id overflow generate-id(): out of memory id%luid%lunselement-available() : expects one string arg element-available() : invalid arg expecting a string element-available() : internal error tctxt == NULL element-available() : prefix %s is not bound current() : function uses no argument current() : internal error tctxt == NULL key() : expects two arguments key() : invalid arg expecting a string Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): The context node is not set on the XPath context. key() : prefix %s is not bound Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): Couldn't get the doc of the XPath context node. Internal error in xsltKeyFunction(): Could not get the document info of a context doc. unparsed-entity-uri() : expects one string arg system-property() : expects one string arg system-property() : invalid arg expecting a string system-property() : prefix %s is not bound vendorchunklibxslt (SAXON 6.2 compatible)libxsltvendor-urlfunction-available() : expects one string arg function-available() : invalid arg expecting a string function-available() : prefix %s is not bound document() : invalid number of args %d document() : invalid arg value document() : invalid arg expecting a nodeset document() : invalid arg expecting a string document() : failed to parse URI '%s' document() : internal error tctxt == NULL document() : internal error xptrctxt == NULL document() : XPointer does not select a node set: #%s Lookup function {%s}%s found function %s currentunparsed-entity-uriformat-numbergenerate-idsystem-propertyelement-availablefunction-availableincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid code -- missing end-of-blockinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setinvalid literal/length codeinvalid distance codeinvalid distance too far backincorrect data checkincorrect length check`Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. 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