require "spec_helper" describe WorkerRoulette do include EventedSpec::EMSpec let(:sender) {'katie_80'} let(:work_orders) {["hello", "foreman"]} let(:default_headers) {Hash['headers' => {'sender' => sender}]} let(:hello_work_order) {Hash['payload' => "hello"]} let(:foreman_work_order) {Hash['payload' => "foreman"]} let(:work_orders_with_headers) {default_headers.merge({'payload' => work_orders})} let(:jsonized_work_orders_with_headers) {[Oj.dump(work_orders_with_headers)]} let(:redis) {} em_before do WorkerRoulette.start(evented: true) end context Foreman do let(:subject) {WorkerRoulette.a_foreman(sender)} it "should enqueue work" do called = false foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('foreman') foreman.enqueue_work_order('some old fashion work') do |redis_response, stuff| called = true redis_response.should == 'foreman added' end done(0.1) {called.should == true} end it "should enqueue_work_order two work_orders in the sender's slot in the job board" do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.first) do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.last) do redis.lrange(sender, 0, -1).should == {|m| Oj.dump(default_headers.merge({'payload' => m})) } done end end end it "should enqueue_work_order an array of work_orders without headers in the sender's slot in the job board" do subject.enqueue_work_order_without_headers(work_orders) do redis.lrange(sender, 0, -1).should == [Oj.dump(work_orders)] done end end it "should enqueue_work_order an array of work_orders with default headers in the sender's slot in the job board" do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do redis.lrange(sender, 0, -1).should == jsonized_work_orders_with_headers done end end it "should enqueue_work_order an array of work_orders with additional headers in the sender's slot in the job board" do extra_headers = {'foo' => 'bars'} subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders, extra_headers) do work_orders_with_headers['headers'].merge!(extra_headers) redis.lrange(sender, 0, -1).should == [Oj.dump(work_orders_with_headers)] done end end it "should post the sender's id to the job board with an order number" do first_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('first_foreman') first_foreman.enqueue_work_order('foo') do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.first) do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.last) do redis.zrange(subject.job_board_key, 0, -1, with_scores: true).should == [["first_foreman", 1.0], ["katie_80", 2.0]] done end end end end it "should generate a monotically increasing score for senders not on the job board, but not for senders already there" do first_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('first_foreman') redis.get(subject.counter_key).should == nil first_foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.first) do redis.get(subject.counter_key).should == "1" first_foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.last) do redis.get(subject.counter_key).should == "1" subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.first) do redis.get(subject.counter_key).should == "2" done end end end end it "should publish a notification that a new job is ready" do result = nil subscriber = WorkerRoulette.new_redis_pubsub subscriber.subscribe(WorkerRoulette::JOB_NOTIFICATIONS) do |message| subscriber.unsubscribe(WorkerRoulette::JOB_NOTIFICATIONS) message.should == WorkerRoulette::JOB_NOTIFICATIONS done end.callback { subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) } end end context Lua do before do Lua.clear_cache! redis.script(:flush) end it "should load and call a lua script" do lua_script = 'return"SET", KEYS[1], ARGV[1])', ['foo'], ['daddy']) do |result| Lua.cache.keys.first.should == lua_script Lua.cache.values.first.should == Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(lua_script) result.should == "OK" done end end it "should send a sha instead of a script once the script has been cached" do lua_script = 'return KEYS' Lua.should_receive(:eval).and_call_original do |result| Lua.should_not_receive(:eval) do |result| result.should == [] done end end end it "should raise an error to the caller if the script fails in redis" do lua_script = 'this is junk' # # rspec cannot test this bc of the callbacks, but if you have doubts, # uncomment the line above and watch it fail done end end context Tradesman do let(:foreman) {WorkerRoulette.a_foreman(sender)} let(:subject) {WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman} it "should be working on behalf of a sender" do foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do subject.work_orders! do |r| subject.sender.should == sender done end end end it "should drain one set of work_orders from the sender's slot in the job board" do foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do subject.work_orders! do |r| r.should == [work_orders_with_headers] subject.work_orders! do |r| r.should == [] subject.work_orders! {|r| r.should == []; done} #does not throw an error if queue is alreay empty end end end end it "should take the oldest sender off the job board (FIFO)" do foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do oldest_sender = sender.to_s most_recent_sender = 'most_recent_sender' most_recent_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman(most_recent_sender) most_recent_foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do redis.zrange(subject.job_board_key, 0, -1).should == [oldest_sender, most_recent_sender] subject.work_orders! { redis.zrange(subject.job_board_key, 0, -1).should == [most_recent_sender]; done } end end end it "should get the work_orders from the next queue when a new job is ready" do subject.should_receive(:work_orders!).and_call_original publish = proc {foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders)} subject.wait_for_work_orders(publish) do |redis_work_orders, message, channel| subject.sender.should == "katie_80" redis_work_orders.should == [work_orders_with_headers] done end end it "should publish and subscribe on custom channels" do good_subscribed = false bad_subscribed = false tradesman = WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman('good_channel') evil_tradesman = WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman('bad_channel') good_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('foreman', 'good_channel') bad_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('foreman', 'bad_channel') good_publish = proc {good_foreman.enqueue_work_order('some old fashion work')} bad_publish = proc {bad_foreman.enqueue_work_order('evil biddings you should not carry out')} tradesman.should_receive(:work_orders!).and_call_original evil_tradesman.should_receive(:work_orders!).and_call_original #They are double subscribing; is it possible that it is the connection pool? tradesman.wait_for_work_orders(good_publish) do |good_work| good_work.to_s.should match("old fashion") good_work.to_s.should_not match("evil") end evil_tradesman.wait_for_work_orders(bad_publish) do |bad_work| bad_work.to_s.should_not match("old fashion") bad_work.to_s.should match("evil") end done(0.2) end it "should unsubscribe from the job board" do publish = proc {foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders)} subject.wait_for_work_orders(publish) do |redis_work_orders, message, channel| subject.unsubscribe {done} end EM::Hiredis::PubsubClient.any_instance.should_receive(:close_connection).and_call_original end it "should periodically (random time between 10 and 15 seconds?) poll the job board for new work, in case it missed a notification" it "should not delete the messages from the queue until they have been processed succcesfully" it "should not cache the sender our counter keys" it "should pull off work orders for more than one sender" end context "Read Lock" do it "should checkout a readlock for a queue and put it back when its done processing; lock should expire after 5 minutes?" it "should retry doing work on a queue 3 times if it is locked (ex backoff)" end context "Failure" do it "should not put the sender_id and work_orders back if processing fails bc new work_orders may have been processed while that process failed" do; done; end end context "Concurrent Access" do it "should not leak connections" it "should be fork() proof" do @subject = WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman @subject.work_orders! do fork do @subject.work_orders! end end done(1) end end end