class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true delegate :whitelist_attributes, to: :class def self.defaults(&block) after_initialize :defaults, if: :new_record? define_method :defaults, &block end def self.all_except(others) if others.present? where.not(id: []) else all end end def self.serialize_symbolized_hash_array(*keys) keys.each do |field| serialize field define_method(field) { self[field]&.map { |it| it.symbolize_keys } } end end def save(*) super rescue => e self.errors.add :base, e.message self end def save_and_notify_changes! if changed? save_and_notify! else save! end end def destroy! super rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed => e errors[:base].last.try { |it| raise it } raise e rescue ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey => e raise_foreign_key_error! end def delete super rescue ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey => e raise_foreign_key_error! end def save_and_notify! save! notify! self end def update_and_notify!(data) update! data notify! self end def self.aggregate_of(association) class_eval do define_method("rebuild_#{association}!") do |children| transaction do self.send(association).all_except(children).destroy_all self.update! association => children children.each &:save! end reload end end end def self.numbered(*associations) class_eval do associations.each do |it| define_method("#{it}=") do |e| e.merge_numbers! super(e) end end end end def self.update_or_create!(attributes) obj = first || new obj.update!(attributes) obj end def self.whitelist_attributes(a_hash, options={}) attributes = attribute_names attributes += reflections.keys if options[:relations] a_hash.with_indifferent_access.slice(*attributes).except(*options[:except]) end def self.organic_on(*selectors) selectors.each do |selector| define_method("#{selector}_in_organization") do |organization = Organization.current| send(selector).where(organization: organization) end end end ## Partially implements resource-hash protocol, by ## defining `to_resource_h` and helper methods `resource_fields` and `slice_resource_h` ## using the given fields def self.resource_fields(*fields) include Mumuki::Domain::Syncable::WithResourceFields define_singleton_method :resource_fields do fields end end private def raise_foreign_key_error! raise "#{model_name} is still referenced" end end