module Jekyll class Document alias_method :old_read, :read # allow us to use any variable within Jekyll Frontmatter; for example: # title: What are {{[site.audience] }} Pages? # renders as "GitHub Pages?" for dotcom, but "GitHub Enterprise Pages?" for Enterprise def read(opts = {}) old_read(opts) @data.each_pair do |key, value| if value =~ /\{\{.+?\}\}/ value = Liquid::Template.parse(value).render({ 'site' => { 'data' => }.merge(@site.config) }) @data[key] =, self).convert(value) @data[key] = @data[key].sub(/^

/, '').sub(/<\/p>$/, '').strip end end end end class Site alias_method :old_read, :read def in_source_dir(*paths) paths.reduce(source) do |base, path| Jekyll.sanitized_path(base, path) end end # allows us to filter data file contents via conditionals, eg. `{% if page.version == ... %}` def read_data_to(dir, data) return unless && (!safe || !File.symlink?(dir)) entries = Dir.chdir(dir) do Dir['*.{yaml,yml,json,csv}'] + Dir['*'].select { |fn| } end # all of this is copied from the Jekyll source, except... entries.each do |entry| path = self.in_source_dir(dir, entry) next if File.symlink?(path) && safe key = sanitize_filename(File.basename(entry, '.*')) if read_data_to(path, data[key] = {}) else case File.extname(path).downcase when '.csv' data[key] =, :headers => true).map(&:to_hash) else # if we hit upon if/unless conditionals, we'll need to pause and render them contents = if (matches = contents.scan /(\{% (?:if|unless).+? %\}.*?\{% end(?:if|unless) %\})/m) unless data_file_variables(path).nil? contents = contents.gsub(/\{\{/, '[[') contents = apply_vars_to_datafile(contents, matches, path) contents = contents.gsub(/\[\[/, '{{') end end data[key] = SafeYAML.load(contents) end end end # once we're all done, we need to iterate once more to parse out `{{ }}` blocks. # two reasons for this: one, we need to collect every data file before attempting to # parse these vars; two, the Liquid parse above obliterates these tags, so we # first need to convert them into `[[ }}`, and *then* continue with the parse data.each_pair do |datafile, value| yaml_dump = YAML::dump value data[datafile] = SafeYAML.load transform_liquid_variables(yaml_dump, datafile) end end # apply the custom scoope plus the rest of the `` information def apply_vars_to_datafile(contents, matches, path) return contents if matches.empty? data_vars = path.nil? ? {} : data_file_variables(path) config = { 'page' => data_vars } config = { 'site' => { 'data' => } }.merge(config) matches.each do |match| parsed_content = begin Liquid::Template.parse(match.first).render(config) rescue match.first end contents = contents.sub(match.first, parsed_content) unless parsed_content.empty? end contents end # fetch the custom scope vars, as defined in _config.yml def data_file_variables(path) data_vars = {} scopes = config['data_file_variables'].select { |v| v['scope']['path'].empty? ||['scope']['path']) =~ path } scopes.each do |scope| data_vars = data_vars.merge(scope['values']) end data_vars end # allow us to use any variable within Jekyll data files; for example: # - '{{[site.audience] }} Glossary' # renders as "GitHub Glossary" for dotcom, but "GitHub Enterprise Glossary" for Enterprise def transform_liquid_variables(contents, path=nil) if (matches = contents.scan /(\{\{.+?\}\})/) contents = apply_vars_to_datafile(contents, matches, path) end contents end end class DataRenderTag < Liquid::Tag def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens) super keys = text.strip.split('.', 3) keys.shift(2) # this is just paren_arg = keys.last.match(/\((.+?)\)/) unless paren_arg.nil? last_key = keys.last.sub(paren_arg[0], '') keys.pop keys << last_key @hash_args = paren_arg[1].gsub(/[{}:]/,'').split(', ').map{|h| h1,h2 = h.split('=>'); {h1.strip => h2.strip}}.reduce(:merge) end @keys = keys @id = keys.join('-') end def fetch_datafile(context, keys) data_file = context.registers[:site].data["data_render_#{@id}"] return data_file unless data_file.nil? path = @id.sub('.', '/') data_source = File.join(context.registers[:site].source, context.registers[:site].config['data_source']) data_file ="#{data_source}/#{path}.yml") context.registers[:site].data["data_render_#{@id}"] = data_file end def render(context) datafile = fetch_datafile(context, @keys) config = { 'page' => @hash_args } config = { 'site' => { "data" => context.registers[:site].data } }.merge(config) versioned_yaml = SafeYAML.load(Liquid::Template.parse(datafile).render(config)) context.registers[:site].data['data_render'] = versioned_yaml nil end end Liquid::Template.register_tag('data_render', Jekyll::DataRenderTag) end