class String def constantize Object.const_get('::' + self) end # 'User'.constantize? # User # 'UserFoo'.constantize? # nil def constantize? Object.const_defined?('::' + self) ? constantize : nil end # prepare data for storage write, to make it safe to dump on screen without unescape def html_escape display = false # .gsub('<', '<').gsub('>', '>') # .gsub("'", ''').gsub('"', '"') self .gsub('<', display ? '<' : '#LT;') .gsub(/\A^\s+|\s+\z/,'') end # restore original before storage read def html_unsafe full = false if full self .gsub('#LT;', '<') .gsub('$LT;', '<') .gsub('<', '<') .gsub('>', '>') .gsub(''', "'") .gsub('"', '"') else self.gsub('#LT;', '<') end end # export html without scripts and styles def html_safe full = false html_unsafe(full) .gsub(/<(\/?script)/i,'<\1') .gsub(/<(\/?style)/i,'<\1') end # simple markdown def as_html self .gsub($/, '
') .gsub(/(https?:\/\/[^\s<]+)/) { %[#{$1.trim(40)}] } end def trim len return self if self.length%w[span ul ol li b bold i italic u underline hr br p], :attributes=>{'span'=>['style']} ) end def quick_sanitize out = self.gsub('', '') out = out.gsub(/\sstyle="([^"]+)"/) do $1.start_with?('text-align:') ? $1 : '' end out end def wrap node_name, opts={} return self unless node_name opts.tag(node_name, self) end def fix_ut8 self.encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?') end def parse_erb scope = nil || binding) end def parameterize str_from = 'šđč枊ĐČĆŽäÄéeöÖüüÜß' str_to = 'sdcczSDCCZaAeeoOuuUs' self .tr(str_from, str_to) .sub(/^[^\w+]/, '') .sub(/[^\w+]$/, '') .downcase .gsub(/[^\w+]+/,'-')[0, 50] end alias :to_url :parameterize def qs_to_hash self.split('&').inject({}) do |h,line| el = line.split('=', 2) h[el[0]] = el[1] h end end def to_a self.split(/\s*,\s*/) end def attribute_safe self.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", '') end def db_safe self.gsub(/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/, '') end def starts_with? prefix prefix.respond_to?(:to_str) && self[0, prefix.length] == prefix end def ends_with? suffix return true if suffix == self suffix.is_a?(String) && self[-suffix.length, suffix.length] == suffix && self != suffix end def span_green %[#{self}] end def span_red %[#{self}] end # remomove colorize gem string colors def decolorize self.gsub(/\[0;\d\d;\d\dm([^\[]*)\[0m/) { $1 } end def escape CGI::escape(self).gsub('+', '%20') end def unescape CGI::unescape self end def sha1 Digest::SHA1.hexdigest self end def md5 Digest::MD5.hexdigest self end def extract_scripts! list: false scripts = [] self.gsub!(/]*>(.*?)<\/script>/im) { scripts.push $1; '' } list ? scripts :{ ""}.join($/) end def to_slug len = 80 self.downcase.gsub(/[^\w]+/, '_').gsub(/_+/, '-').sub(/\-$/, '')[0, len] end def remove_tags self.gsub(/<[^>]+>/, '') end end