=begin Arachni Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> This is free software; you can copy and distribute and modify this program under the term of the GPL v2.0 License (See LICENSE file for details) =end require 'digest/sha1' require 'cgi' module Arachni module Module # # Utilities class # # Includes some useful methods for the system, the modules etc... # # @author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> # <zapotek@segfault.gr> # @version: 0.1.3 # module Utilities def uri_parser @@uri_parser ||= URI::Parser.new end def uri_parse( url ) uri_parser.parse( url ) end def uri_encode( *args ) uri_parser.escape( *args ) end def uri_decode( *args ) uri_parser.unescape( *args ) end # # Decodes URLs to reverse multiple encodes and removes NULL characters # def url_sanitize( url ) while( url =~ /%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/ ) url = ( uri_decode( url ).to_s.unpack( 'A*' )[0] ) end return uri_encode( CGI.unescapeHTML( url ) ) end # # Gets path from URL # # @param [String] url # # @return [String] path # def get_path( url ) uri = uri_parser.parse( uri_encode( url ) ) path = uri.path if !File.extname( path ).empty? path = File.dirname( path ) end path << '/' if path[-1] != '/' return uri.scheme + "://" + uri.host + path end def seed @@seed ||= Digest::SHA2.hexdigest( srand( 1000 ).to_s ) end def normalize_url( url ) # make sure we're working with the pure form of the URL url = url_sanitize( url ) begin normalized = uri_encode( uri_decode( url.to_s ) ).to_s.gsub( '[', '%5B' ).gsub( ']', '%5D' ) rescue Exception => e # ap e # ap e.backtrace begin normalized = uri_encode( uri_decode( url.to_s ) ).to_s rescue Exception => e # ap e # ap e.backtrace normalized = url end end # # prevent this: http://example.com#fragment # from becoming this: http://example.com%23fragment # begin normalized.gsub!( '%23', '#' ) rescue end return normalized end # # Gets module data files from 'modules/[modtype]/[modname]/[filename]' # # @param [String] filename filename, without the path # @param [Block] the block to be passed each line as it's read # def read_file( filename, &block ) # the path of the module that called us mod_path = block.source_location[0] # the name of the module that called us mod_name = File.basename( mod_path, ".rb") # the path to the module's data file directory path = File.expand_path( File.dirname( mod_path ) ) + '/' + mod_name + '/' file = File.open( path + '/' + filename ).each { |line| yield line.strip } file.close end def hash_keys_to_str( hash ) nh = {} hash.each_pair { |k, v| nh[k.to_s] = v nh[k.to_s] = hash_keys_to_str( v ) if v.is_a? Hash } return nh end # # Wraps the "block" in exception handling code and runs it. # # @param [Block] # def exception_jail( raise_exception = true, &block ) begin block.call rescue Exception => e err_name = !e.to_s.empty? ? e.to_s : e.class.name print_error( err_name ) print_error_backtrace( e ) raise e if raise_exception end end extend self end end end