## v0.2.0 - Rename Appender::File to Appender::Stream. Accept option stream instead of file in `sapience.yml` ## v0.1.12 - Add missing bang to `.deep_symbolize_keys!` ## v0.1.11 - Make sure the default environment is loaded in case all else fails. Warn about this. ## v0.1.10 - Set tags to `{ environment: Sapience.environment }` for sentry ## v0.1.9 - Support sneakers timing implementation ## v0.1.8 - Validate the sentry/raven dsn when creating the appender ## v0.1.7 - Add support for sneakers ## v0.1.6 - Prevent configuring twice (adds double appenders) ## v0.1.5 - Add missing `#time` method for datadog - Adds coverage for previous release ## v0.1.4 - Add missing `#count` method for datadog