# # Author:: AJ Christensen () # Author:: Mark Mzyk (mmzyk@chef.io) # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2018, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "chef/application" require "chef/client" require "chef/config" require "chef/daemon" require "chef/log" require "chef/config_fetcher" require "chef/handler/error_report" require "chef/workstation_config_loader" require "chef/mixin/shell_out" require "chef-config/mixin/dot_d" require "mixlib/archive" require "uri" class Chef::Application::Client < Chef::Application include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut include ChefConfig::Mixin::DotD # Mimic self_pipe sleep from Unicorn to capture signals safely SELF_PIPE = [] # rubocop:disable Style/MutableConstant option :config_file, short: "-c CONFIG", long: "--config CONFIG", description: "The configuration file to use" option :config_option, long: "--config-option OPTION=VALUE", description: "Override a single configuration option", proc: lambda { |option, existing| (existing ||= []) << option existing } option :formatter, short: "-F FORMATTER", long: "--format FORMATTER", description: "output format to use", proc: lambda { |format| Chef::Config.add_formatter(format) } option :force_logger, long: "--force-logger", description: "Use logger output instead of formatter output", boolean: true, default: false option :force_formatter, long: "--force-formatter", description: "Use formatter output instead of logger output", boolean: true, default: false option :profile_ruby, long: "--[no-]profile-ruby", description: "Dump complete Ruby call graph stack of entire Chef run (expert only)", boolean: true, default: false option :color, long: "--[no-]color", boolean: true, default: true, description: "Use colored output, defaults to enabled" option :log_level, short: "-l LEVEL", long: "--log_level LEVEL", description: "Set the log level (auto, trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal)", proc: lambda { |l| l.to_sym } option :log_location, short: "-L LOGLOCATION", long: "--logfile LOGLOCATION", description: "Set the log file location, defaults to STDOUT - recommended for daemonizing", proc: nil option :help, short: "-h", long: "--help", description: "Show this message", on: :tail, boolean: true, show_options: true, exit: 0 option :user, short: "-u USER", long: "--user USER", description: "User to set privilege to", proc: nil option :group, short: "-g GROUP", long: "--group GROUP", description: "Group to set privilege to", proc: nil unless Chef::Platform.windows? option :daemonize, short: "-d [WAIT]", long: "--daemonize [WAIT]", description: "Daemonize the process. Accepts an optional integer which is the " \ "number of seconds to wait before the first daemonized run.", proc: lambda { |wait| wait =~ /^\d+$/ ? wait.to_i : true } end option :pid_file, short: "-P PID_FILE", long: "--pid PIDFILE", description: "Set the PID file location, for the chef-client daemon process. Defaults to /tmp/chef-client.pid", proc: nil option :lockfile, long: "--lockfile LOCKFILE", description: "Set the lockfile location. Prevents multiple client processes from converging at the same time", proc: nil option :interval, short: "-i SECONDS", long: "--interval SECONDS", description: "Run chef-client periodically, in seconds", proc: lambda { |s| s.to_i } option :once, long: "--once", description: "Cancel any interval or splay options, run chef once and exit", boolean: true option :json_attribs, short: "-j JSON_ATTRIBS", long: "--json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS", description: "Load attributes from a JSON file or URL", proc: nil option :node_name, short: "-N NODE_NAME", long: "--node-name NODE_NAME", description: "The node name for this client", proc: nil option :splay, short: "-s SECONDS", long: "--splay SECONDS", description: "The splay time for running at intervals, in seconds", proc: lambda { |s| s.to_i } option :chef_server_url, short: "-S CHEFSERVERURL", long: "--server CHEFSERVERURL", description: "The chef server URL", proc: nil option :validation_key, short: "-K KEY_FILE", long: "--validation_key KEY_FILE", description: "Set the validation key file location, used for registering new clients", proc: nil option :client_key, short: "-k KEY_FILE", long: "--client_key KEY_FILE", description: "Set the client key file location", proc: nil option :named_run_list, short: "-n NAMED_RUN_LIST", long: "--named-run-list NAMED_RUN_LIST", description: "Use a policyfile's named run list instead of the default run list" option :environment, short: "-E ENVIRONMENT", long: "--environment ENVIRONMENT", description: "Set the Chef Environment on the node" option :version, short: "-v", long: "--version", description: "Show chef version", boolean: true, proc: lambda { |v| puts "Chef: #{::Chef::VERSION}" }, exit: 0 option :override_runlist, short: "-o RunlistItem,RunlistItem...", long: "--override-runlist RunlistItem,RunlistItem...", description: "Replace current run list with specified items for a single run", proc: lambda { |items| items = items.split(",") items.compact.map do |item| Chef::RunList::RunListItem.new(item) end } option :runlist, short: "-r RunlistItem,RunlistItem...", long: "--runlist RunlistItem,RunlistItem...", description: "Permanently replace current run list with specified items", proc: lambda { |items| items = items.split(",") items.compact.map do |item| Chef::RunList::RunListItem.new(item) end } option :why_run, short: "-W", long: "--why-run", description: "Enable whyrun mode", boolean: true option :client_fork, short: "-f", long: "--[no-]fork", description: "Fork client" option :recipe_url, long: "--recipe-url=RECIPE_URL", description: "Pull down a remote archive of recipes and unpack it to the cookbook cache. Only used in local mode." option :enable_reporting, short: "-R", long: "--enable-reporting", description: "Enable reporting data collection for chef runs", boolean: true option :local_mode, short: "-z", long: "--local-mode", description: "Point chef-client at local repository", boolean: true option :chef_zero_host, long: "--chef-zero-host HOST", description: "Host to start chef-zero on" option :chef_zero_port, long: "--chef-zero-port PORT", description: "Port (or port range) to start chef-zero on. Port ranges like 1000,1010 or 8889-9999 will try all given ports until one works." option :disable_config, long: "--disable-config", description: "Refuse to load a config file and use defaults. This is for development and not a stable API", boolean: true option :run_lock_timeout, long: "--run-lock-timeout SECONDS", description: "Set maximum duration to wait for another client run to finish, default is indefinitely.", proc: lambda { |s| s.to_i } if Chef::Platform.windows? option :fatal_windows_admin_check, short: "-A", long: "--fatal-windows-admin-check", description: "Fail the run when chef-client doesn't have administrator privileges on Windows", boolean: true end option :audit_mode, long: "--audit-mode MODE", description: "Enable audit-mode with `enabled`. Disable audit-mode with `disabled`. Skip converge and only perform audits with `audit-only`", proc: lambda { |mo| mo.tr("-", "_").to_sym } option :minimal_ohai, long: "--minimal-ohai", description: "Only run the bare minimum ohai plugins chef needs to function", boolean: true option :listen, long: "--[no-]listen", description: "Whether a local mode (-z) server binds to a port", boolean: false option :fips, long: "--[no-]fips", description: "Enable fips mode", boolean: true option :delete_entire_chef_repo, long: "--delete-entire-chef-repo", description: "DANGEROUS: does what it says, only useful with --recipe-url", boolean: true option :skip_cookbook_sync, long: "--[no-]skip-cookbook-sync", description: "Use cached cookbooks without overwriting local differences from the server", boolean: false option :chef_license, long: "--chef-license ACCEPTANCE", description: "Placeholder option for Chef license acceptance to provide compatibility with Chef Infra 15+ command line options.", required: false IMMEDIATE_RUN_SIGNAL = "1".freeze RECONFIGURE_SIGNAL = "H".freeze attr_reader :chef_client_json # Reconfigure the chef client # Re-open the JSON attributes and load them into the node def reconfigure super raise Chef::Exceptions::PIDFileLockfileMatch if Chef::Util::PathHelper.paths_eql? (Chef::Config[:pid_file] || "" ), (Chef::Config[:lockfile] || "") set_specific_recipes Chef::Config[:fips] = config[:fips] if config.key? :fips Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] = config[:chef_server_url] if config.key? :chef_server_url Chef::Config.local_mode = config[:local_mode] if config.key?(:local_mode) if Chef::Config.key?(:chef_repo_path) && Chef::Config.chef_repo_path.nil? Chef::Config.delete(:chef_repo_path) Chef::Log.warn "chef_repo_path was set in a config file but was empty. Assuming #{Chef::Config.chef_repo_path}" end if Chef::Config.local_mode && !Chef::Config.key?(:cookbook_path) && !Chef::Config.key?(:chef_repo_path) Chef::Config.chef_repo_path = Chef::Config.find_chef_repo_path(Dir.pwd) end if Chef::Config[:recipe_url] if !Chef::Config.local_mode Chef::Application.fatal!("chef-client recipe-url can be used only in local-mode") else if Chef::Config[:delete_entire_chef_repo] Chef::Log.trace "Cleanup path #{Chef::Config.chef_repo_path} before extract recipes into it" FileUtils.rm_rf(recipes_path, secure: true) end Chef::Log.trace "Creating path #{Chef::Config.chef_repo_path} to extract recipes into" FileUtils.mkdir_p(Chef::Config.chef_repo_path) tarball_path = File.join(Chef::Config.chef_repo_path, "recipes.tgz") fetch_recipe_tarball(Chef::Config[:recipe_url], tarball_path) Mixlib::Archive.new(tarball_path).extract(Chef::Config.chef_repo_path, perms: false, ignore: /^\.$/) config_path = File.join(Chef::Config.chef_repo_path, ".chef/config.rb") Chef::Config.from_string(IO.read(config_path), config_path) if File.file?(config_path) end end Chef::Config.chef_zero.host = config[:chef_zero_host] if config[:chef_zero_host] Chef::Config.chef_zero.port = config[:chef_zero_port] if config[:chef_zero_port] if Chef::Config[:daemonize] Chef::Config[:interval] ||= 1800 end if Chef::Config[:once] Chef::Config[:interval] = nil Chef::Config[:splay] = nil end # supervisor processes are enabled by default for interval-running processes but not for one-shot runs if Chef::Config[:client_fork].nil? Chef::Config[:client_fork] = !!Chef::Config[:interval] end if !Chef::Config[:client_fork] && Chef::Config[:interval] && !Chef::Platform.windows? Chef::Application.fatal!(unforked_interval_error_message) end if Chef::Config[:json_attribs] config_fetcher = Chef::ConfigFetcher.new(Chef::Config[:json_attribs]) @chef_client_json = config_fetcher.fetch_json end if mode = config[:audit_mode] || Chef::Config[:audit_mode] if [:enabled, :audit_only].include?(mode) Chef.deprecated(:audit_mode, "Chef's Audit mode has been deprecated and will be removed in Chef 15 (April 2019). Consider migrating to InSpec as a replacement for this functionality.") end expected_modes = [:enabled, :disabled, :audit_only] unless expected_modes.include?(mode) Chef::Application.fatal!(unrecognized_audit_mode(mode)) end end end def load_config_file if !config.key?(:config_file) && !config[:disable_config] if config[:local_mode] config[:config_file] = Chef::WorkstationConfigLoader.new(nil, Chef::Log).config_location else config[:config_file] = Chef::Config.platform_specific_path("/etc/chef/client.rb") end end # Load the client.rb configuration super # Load all config files in client.d load_dot_d(Chef::Config[:client_d_dir]) if Chef::Config[:client_d_dir] end def configure_logging super Mixlib::Authentication::Log.use_log_devices( Chef::Log ) Ohai::Log.use_log_devices( Chef::Log ) end def setup_application Chef::Daemon.change_privilege end def setup_signal_handlers super unless Chef::Platform.windows? SELF_PIPE.replace IO.pipe trap("USR1") do Chef::Log.info("SIGUSR1 received, will run now or after the current run") SELF_PIPE[1].putc(IMMEDIATE_RUN_SIGNAL) # wakeup master process from select end # Override the trap setup in the parent so we can avoid running reconfigure during a run trap("HUP") do Chef::Log.info("SIGHUP received, will reconfigure now or after the current run") SELF_PIPE[1].putc(RECONFIGURE_SIGNAL) # wakeup master process from select end end end # Run the chef client, optionally daemonizing or looping at intervals. def run_application if Chef::Config[:version] puts "Chef version: #{::Chef::VERSION}" end if !Chef::Config[:client_fork] || Chef::Config[:once] begin # run immediately without interval sleep, or splay run_chef_client(Chef::Config[:specific_recipes]) rescue SystemExit raise rescue Exception => e Chef::Application.fatal!("#{e.class}: #{e.message}", e) end else interval_run_chef_client end end private def interval_run_chef_client if Chef::Config[:daemonize] Chef::Daemon.daemonize("chef-client") # Start first daemonized run after configured number of seconds if Chef::Config[:daemonize].is_a?(Integer) sleep_then_run_chef_client(Chef::Config[:daemonize]) end end loop do sleep_then_run_chef_client(time_to_sleep) Chef::Application.exit!("Exiting", 0) if !Chef::Config[:interval] end end def sleep_then_run_chef_client(sleep_sec) Chef::Log.trace("Sleeping for #{sleep_sec} seconds") # interval_sleep will return early if we received a signal (unless on windows) interval_sleep(sleep_sec) run_chef_client(Chef::Config[:specific_recipes]) reconfigure rescue SystemExit => e raise rescue Exception => e if Chef::Config[:interval] Chef::Log.error("#{e.class}: #{e}") Chef::Log.trace("#{e.class}: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") retry end Chef::Application.fatal!("#{e.class}: #{e.message}", e) end def time_to_sleep duration = 0 duration += rand(Chef::Config[:splay]) if Chef::Config[:splay] duration += Chef::Config[:interval] if Chef::Config[:interval] duration end # sleep and handle queued signals def interval_sleep(sec) unless SELF_PIPE.empty? # mimic sleep with a timeout on IO.select, listening for signals setup in #setup_signal_handlers return unless IO.select([ SELF_PIPE[0] ], nil, nil, sec) signal = SELF_PIPE[0].getc.chr return if signal == IMMEDIATE_RUN_SIGNAL # be explicit about this behavior # we need to sleep again after reconfigure to avoid stampeding when logrotate runs out of cron if signal == RECONFIGURE_SIGNAL reconfigure interval_sleep(sec) end else sleep(sec) end end def unforked_interval_error_message "Unforked chef-client interval runs are disabled in Chef 12." + "\nConfiguration settings:" + ("\n interval = #{Chef::Config[:interval]} seconds" if Chef::Config[:interval]).to_s + "\nEnable chef-client interval runs by setting `:client_fork = true` in your config file or adding `--fork` to your command line options." end def audit_mode_settings_explanation "\n* To enable audit mode after converge, use command line option `--audit-mode enabled` or set `audit_mode :enabled` in your config file." + "\n* To disable audit mode, use command line option `--audit-mode disabled` or set `audit_mode :disabled` in your config file." + "\n* To only run audit mode, use command line option `--audit-mode audit-only` or set `audit_mode :audit_only` in your config file." + "\nAudit mode is disabled by default." end def unrecognized_audit_mode(mode) "Unrecognized setting #{mode} for audit mode." + audit_mode_settings_explanation end def fetch_recipe_tarball(url, path) Chef::Log.trace("Download recipes tarball from #{url} to #{path}") if File.exist?(url) FileUtils.cp(url, path) elsif url =~ URI.regexp File.open(path, "wb") do |f| open(url) do |r| f.write(r.read) end end else Chef::Application.fatal! "You specified --recipe-url but the value is neither a valid URL nor a path to a file that exists on disk." + "Please confirm the location of the tarball and try again." end end end