'use strict'; /*jshint asi: true*/ var test = require('tap').test , util = require('util') , redeyed = require('..') function inspect (obj) { return util.inspect(obj, false, 5, true) } test('adding custom asserts ... ', function (t) { t.constructor.prototype.assertSurrounds = function (code, opts, expected) { var result = redeyed(code, opts).code this.equals(result, expected, inspect(code) + ' => ' + inspect(expected)) return this; } t.end() }) test('\nfunction config, keywords', function (t) { var opts001 = { Keyword: { _default: function (s) { return '*' + s + '&'; } } }; t.test('\n# ' + inspect(opts001), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds('this', opts001, '*this&') t.assertSurrounds('this ', opts001, '*this& ') t.assertSurrounds(' this', opts001, ' *this&') t.assertSurrounds(' this ', opts001, ' *this& ') t.assertSurrounds('if (a == 1) return', opts001, '*if& (a == 1) *return&') t.assertSurrounds('var n = new Test();', opts001, '*var& n = *new& Test();') t.assertSurrounds( [ 'function foo (bar) {' , ' var a = 3;' , ' return bar + a;' , '}' ].join('\n') , opts001 , [ '*function& foo (bar) {' , ' *var& a = 3;' , ' *return& bar + a;' , '}' ].join('\n')) t.end() }) var opts002 = { Keyword: { 'function': function (s) { return '^' + s + '&' } , 'return': function (s) { return '(' + s + ')' } , _default: function (s) { return '*' + s + '&' } } }; t.test('\n# ' + inspect(opts002), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds( [ 'function foo (bar) {' , ' var a = 3;' , ' return bar + a;' , '}' ].join('\n') , opts002 , [ '^function& foo (bar) {' , ' *var& a = 3;' , ' (return) bar + a;' , '}' ].join('\n')) t.end() }) }) test('#\n functin config - resolving', function (t) { var opts001 = { Keyword: { 'var': function (s) { return '^' + s + '&' } } , _default: function (s) { return '*' + s + '&' } }; t.test('\n# specific but no type default and root default - root default not applied' + inspect(opts001), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds('var n = new Test();', opts001, '^var& n = new Test();').end(); }) var opts002 = { Keyword: { 'var': function (s) { return '^' + s + '&' } , _default: function (s) { return '*' + s + '&' } } , _default: function (s) { return '(' + s + ')' } }; t.test('\n# no type default but root default' + inspect(opts002), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds('var n = new Test();', opts002, '^var& n = *new& Test();').end(); }) }) test('#\n function config - replacing', function (t) { var opts001 = { Keyword: { 'var': function () { return 'const' } } }; t.test('\n# type default and root default (type wins)' + inspect(opts001), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds('var n = new Test();', opts001, 'const n = new Test();').end(); }) var opts002 = { Keyword: { _default: function () { return 'const' } } }; t.test('\n# type default' + inspect(opts002), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds('var n = new Test();', opts002, 'const n = const Test();').end(); }) var opts003 = { Keyword: { 'new': function () { return 'NEW'; } , _default: function () { return 'const' } } }; t.test('\n# specific and type default' + inspect(opts003), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds('var n = new Test();', opts003, 'const n = NEW Test();').end(); }) var opts004 = { Keyword: { _default: function (s) { return s.toUpperCase() } } , _default: function (s) { return 'not applied'; } }; t.test('\n# type default and root default (type wins)' + inspect(opts004), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds('var n = new Test();', opts004, 'VAR n = NEW Test();').end(); }) var opts005 = { Keyword: { } , _default: function (s) { return s.toUpperCase() } }; t.test('\n# no type default only root default - not applied' + inspect(opts005), function (t) { t.assertSurrounds('var n = new Test();', opts005, 'var n = new Test();').end(); }) })