// Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 var TwitterCldr = require('../../../lib/assets/javascripts/twitter_cldr/core.js'); var data = require('../../../lib/assets/javascripts/twitter_cldr/en.js'); TwitterCldr.set_data(data); describe("BreakIterator", function() { var iterator = new TwitterCldr.BreakIterator("en", {"use_uli_exceptions" : true}); describe("#each_sentence", function() { it("should return an array", function() { expect(iterator.each_sentence("foo bar") instanceof Array).toBe(true); }); it("splits a simple string into sentences", function() { var str = "The. Quick. Brown. Fox."; expect(iterator.each_sentence(str)).toEqual([ "The.", " Quick.", " Brown.", " Fox." ]); }); it("does not split on commas, for example", function() { var str = "The. Quick, brown. Fox."; expect(iterator.each_sentence(str)).toEqual([ "The.", " Quick, brown.", " Fox." ]); }); it("does not split periods in the midst of other letters, eg. in a URL", function() { var str = "Visit us. Go to http://translate.twitter.com."; expect(iterator.each_sentence(str)).toEqual([ "Visit us.", " Go to http://translate.twitter.com." ]); }); it("splits on sentences that end with other kinds of punctuation", function() { var str = "Help us translate! Speak another language? You really, really rock."; expect(iterator.each_sentence(str)).toEqual([ "Help us translate!", " Speak another language?", " You really, really rock." ]); }); describe("with ULI exceptions", function() { it("does not split on certain abbreviations like Mr. and Mrs.", function() { var str = "I really like Mrs. Patterson. She's nice."; expect(iterator.each_sentence(str)).toEqual([ "I really like Mrs. Patterson.", " She's nice." ]); }); }); describe("without ULI exceptions", function() { var iterator = new TwitterCldr.BreakIterator("en", {"use_uli_exceptions" : false}); it("splits on certain abbreviations like Mr. and Mrs. (use ULI rules to avoid this behavior)", function() { var str = "I really like Mrs. Patterson. She's nice."; expect(iterator.each_sentence(str)).toEqual([ "I really like Mrs.", " Patterson.", " She's nice." ]); }); }); }); });