rbbt.plots.graph.build_d3 = function(graph_model){ var model = rbbt.plots.graph.consolidate(graph_model) var node_index = {} for (i=0; i< model.nodes.length; i++) node_index[model.nodes[i].code] = i for (i=0; i< model.edges.length; i++){ var edge = model.edges[i] edge.source = node_index[edge.source] edge.target = node_index[edge.target] } model.links = model.edges model.edges = undefined model.node_index = node_index return model } rbbt.plots.graph.build_cytoscape = function(graph_model){ var model = rbbt.plots.graph.consolidate(graph_model) var dataSchema = {nodes: [], edges:[]} var node_vars = {} for (i in model.nodes){ for (p in model.nodes[i]){ if (undefined !== model.nodes[i][p]) node_vars[p] = typeof model.nodes[i][p] } } for (p in node_vars){ dataSchema.nodes.push({name: p, type: node_vars[p]}) } node_vars = {} for (i in model.edges){ for (p in model.edges[i]){ if (undefined !== model.edges[i][p]) node_vars[p] = typeof model.edges[i][p] } } for (p in node_vars){ dataSchema.edges.push({name: p, type: node_vars[p]}) } var cy_model = {} cy_model.dataSchema = dataSchema cy_model.data = model return cy_model } rbbt.plots.graph.build_cytoscapejs = function(graph_model){ var model = rbbt.plots.graph.consolidate(graph_model) var nodes = [] forArray(model.nodes, function(node){ var clean = clean_hash(node) if (undefined === clean.id) clean.id = clean.code nodes.push({data: clean}) }) var edges = [] forArray(model.edges, function(edge){ var clean = clean_hash(edge) if (undefined === clean.id) clean.id = clean.code edges.push({data: clean}) }) var cy_model = {} cy_model.elements = {nodes: nodes, edges: edges} return cy_model } rbbt.plots.graph.view_cytoscapejs = function(graph_model, elem, style, layout, extra){ var default_style = [ // the stylesheet for the graph // Default values { selector: 'node', style: { 'background-color': 'blue', 'label': 'data(id)' } }, { selector: 'edge', style: { 'width': 1, 'line-color': 'grey', 'target-arrow-color': '#ccc', 'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle' } }, { selector: 'node[label]', style: {'label': 'data(label)' } }, { selector: 'node[color]', style: { 'background-color': 'data(color)' } }, { selector: 'node[shape]', style: { 'shape': 'data(shape)' } }, { selector: 'edge[color]', style: { 'line-color': 'data(color)', 'target-arrow-color': 'data(color)'} }, { selector: 'edge[opacity]', style: { 'opacity': 'data(opacity)'} }, { selector: 'edge[width]', style: { 'width': 'data(width)'} }, { selector: 'edge[target-arrow-shape]', style: { 'target-arrow-shape': 'data(target-arrow-shape)'} }, { selector: 'edge[target-arrow-color]', style: { 'target-arrow-color': 'data(target-arrow-color)'} } ] var default_layout = { name: 'cose' } if (undefined === style) style = default_style if (undefined === layout) layout = default_layout var deferred = m.deferred() rbbt.plots.graph.update(graph_model).then(function(updated_model){ var cy_model = rbbt.plots.graph.build_cytoscapejs(updated_model) require_js(['/plugins/cytoscapejs/cytoscape.js'], function(){ var cy_params = { container: elem, elements: cy_model.elements, style: style, } if (undefined !== extra) forHash(extra, function(k,v){ cy_params[k,v] }) var cy = cytoscape(cy_params) cy.layout(default_layout) cy.one('layoutready', function(){ deferred.resolve(this) }) }) }, rbbt.exception.report) return deferred.promise } rbbt.plots.graph.view_cytoscape = function(graph_model, elem, style, layout, extra){ rbbt.plots.graph.update(graph_model).then(function(updated_model){ var dataset = rbbt.plots.graph.build_cytoscape(updated_model) require_js(['/js/cytoscape/js/src/AC_OETags.js', '/js/cytoscape/js/src/cytoscapeweb.js', '/js/cytoscape'], function(){ var win = elem.find('.window') if (win.length == 0){ win = $('
').addClass('window').css('height', '500px') elem.append(win) } if (undefined === win.attr('id')) win.attr('id', 'cytoscape_' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000)) var tool = $(elem).cytoscape_tool({ knowledge_base: 'user', namespace: 'Hsa/feb2014', entities: dataset.nodes, network: dataset, aesthetics: {}, node_click: function(event){ var target = event.target; for (var i in target.data){ var variable_name = i; var variable_value = target.data[i]; } for (var i in target.data) { var variable_name = i; var variable_value = target.data[i]; } var url = target.data.url; if (url) rbbt.modal.controller.show_url(url) return(false) }, edge_click: function(event){ var target = event.target; for (var i in target.data){ var variable_name = i; var variable_value = target.data[i]; } var pair = [target.data.source, target.data.target].join("~") tool.cytoscape_tool('show_info', "user", target.data.database, pair); return(false) } }); require_js('/js/controls/context_menu', function(){ cytoscape_context_menu(tool) }) require_js('/js/controls/placement', function(){ cytoscape_placement(tool) }) require_js('/js/controls/save', function(){ cytoscape_save(tool) }) tool.cytoscape_tool('draw'); }) }) } rbbt.plots.graph.update_cytoscape = function(graph_model, elem){ rbbt.plots.graph.update(graph_model).then(function(updated_model){ var dataset = rbbt.plots.graph.build_cytoscape(updated_model) $(elem).cytoscape_tool({ entities: dataset.nodes, network: dataset }) $(elem).cytoscape_tool('update_network') }) } rbbt.plots.graph.view_d3js_graph = function(graph_model, elem, node_obj){ rbbt.plots.graph.update(graph_model).then(function(updated_model){ console.log(updated_model) var dataset = rbbt.plots.graph.build_d3(updated_model) if (undefined === node_obj){ node_obj = function(node){ var g = node.append('g').attr('class', function(d){ if(undefined === d.shape) d.shape = 'circle'; return "node " + d.shape}) d3.selectAll('.node.circle').append('circle').attr('fill',function(d){return d.color}).attr('r', 20) d3.selectAll('.node.rect').append('rect').attr('fill',function(d){return d.color}).attr('width', 40).attr('height', 40).attr('x', -20).attr('y', -20) g.append('text').attr('x',-20).attr('y',-20).text(function(d){if(undefined === d.label) d.label = d.code; return d.label}).fill('black') return g } } rbbt.plots.d3js_graph(dataset, elem, node_obj) }) } rbbt.plots.graph.view_mithril = function(graph_model, elem, container_obj, produce_obj){ return rbbt.plots.graph.update(graph_model).then(function(updated_model){ var obj = $(elem)[0] var component = {view: rbbt.curry(rbbt.plots.mithril, graph_model, container_obj, produce_obj)} rbbt.mount(obj, component) }) }