Feature: user adds a new account Background: Given a plan exists with a name of "Free" Scenario: existing user adds an account Given I am signed up as "user@example.com" When I go to the sign up page for the "Free" plan And I fill in "Email" with "user@example.com" And I fill in "Password" with "test" And I press "Sign up" Then I should be on the new project page for the newest account by "user@example.com" Scenario: sign up for two accounts When I go to the sign up page for the "Free" plan And I fill in "Email" with "email@person.com" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I press "Sign up" Then I should be on the new project page for the newest account by "email@person.com" When I go to the settings page Then I should see 1 account And I follow "Add new account" And I follow "Free" Then I should see "Your existing user, email, will be added as the first administrator on this new account." When I press "Sign up" Then I should be on the new project page for the newest account by "email@person.com" When I go to the settings page Then I should see 2 accounts