class ASHRAE9012013 < ASHRAE901
  # @!group Space

  # Determines the method used to extend the daylighted area horizontally
  # next to a window.  If the method is 'fixed', 2 ft is added to the
  # width of each window.  If the method is 'proportional', a distance
  # equal to half of the head height of the window is added.  If the method is 'none',
  # no additional width is added.
  # @return [String] returns 'fixed' or 'proportional'
  def space_daylighted_area_window_width(space)
    method = 'proportional'
    return method

  # Determine if the space requires daylighting controls for
  # toplighting, primary sidelighting, and secondary sidelighting.
  # Defaults to false for all types.
  # @param space [OpenStudio::Model::Space] the space in question
  # @param areas [Hash] a hash of daylighted areas
  # @return [Array<Bool>] req_top_ctrl, req_pri_ctrl, req_sec_ctrl
  def space_daylighting_control_required?(space, areas)
    req_top_ctrl = true
    req_pri_ctrl = true
    req_sec_ctrl = true

    # Get the LPD of the space
    space_lpd_w_per_m2 = space.lightingPowerPerFloorArea

    # Primary Sidelighting
    # Check if the primary sidelit area contains less than 150W of lighting
    if areas['primary_sidelighted_area'] == 0.0
      OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.model.Space', "For #{}, primary sidelighting control not required because primary sidelighted area = 0ft2 per")
      req_pri_ctrl = false
    elsif areas['primary_sidelighted_area'] * space_lpd_w_per_m2 < 150.0
      OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Space', "For #{}, primary sidelighting control not required because less than 150W of lighting are present in the primary daylighted area per")
      req_pri_ctrl = false
      # Check the size of the windows
      if areas['total_window_area'] < OpenStudio.convert(20.0, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get
        OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Space', "For #{}, primary sidelighting control not required because there are less than 20ft2 of window per Exception 2.")
        req_pri_ctrl = false

    # Secondary Sidelighting
    # Check if the primary and secondary sidelit areas contains less than 300W of lighting
    if areas['secondary_sidelighted_area'] == 0.0
      OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.model.Space', "For #{}, secondary sidelighting control not required because secondary sidelighted area = 0ft2 per")
      req_sec_ctrl = false
    elsif (areas['primary_sidelighted_area'] + areas['secondary_sidelighted_area']) * space_lpd_w_per_m2 < 300
      OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Space', "For #{}, secondary sidelighting control not required because less than 300W of lighting are present in the combined primary and secondary daylighted areas per")
      req_sec_ctrl = false
      # Check the size of the windows
      if areas['total_window_area'] < OpenStudio.convert(20.0, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get
        OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Space', "For #{}, secondary sidelighting control not required because there are less than 20ft2 of window per Exception 2.")
        req_sec_ctrl = false

    # Toplighting
    # Check if the toplit area contains less than 150W of lighting
    if areas['toplighted_area'] == 0.0
      OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.model.Space', "For #{}, toplighting control not required because toplighted area = 0ft2 per")
      req_top_ctrl = false
    elsif areas['toplighted_area'] * space_lpd_w_per_m2 < 150
      OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Space', "For #{}, toplighting control not required because less than 150W of lighting are present in the toplighted area per")
      req_top_ctrl = false

    # Exceptions
    if space.spaceType.is_initialized
      case space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.to_s
      # Retail spaces exception (c) to Section
      # req_sec_ctrl set to true to create a second reference point
      when 'Core_Retail'
        req_pri_ctrl = false
        req_sec_ctrl = true
      when 'Entry', 'Front_Retail', 'Point_of_Sale'
        req_pri_ctrl = false
        req_sec_ctrl = false
      # Strip mall
      when 'Strip mall - type 1', 'Strip mall - type 2', 'Strip mall - type 3'
        req_pri_ctrl = false
        req_sec_ctrl = false
      # Residential apartments
      when 'Apartment', 'Apartment_topfloor_NS', 'Apartment_topfloor_WE'
        req_top_ctrl = false
        req_pri_ctrl = false
        req_sec_ctrl = false

    return [req_top_ctrl, req_pri_ctrl, req_sec_ctrl]

  # Determine the fraction controlled by each sensor and which window each sensor should go near.
  # @param space [OpenStudio::Model::Space] space object
  # @param areas [Hash] a hash of daylighted areas
  # @param sorted_windows [Hash] a hash of windows, sorted by priority
  # @param sorted_skylights [Hash] a hash of skylights, sorted by priority
  # @param req_top_ctrl [Bool] if toplighting controls are required
  # @param req_pri_ctrl [Bool] if primary sidelighting controls are required
  # @param req_sec_ctrl [Bool] if secondary sidelighting controls are required
  # @return [Array] array of 4 items
  #   [sensor 1 fraction, sensor 2 fraction, sensor 1 window, sensor 2 window]
  def space_daylighting_fractions_and_windows(space,
    sensor_1_frac = 0.0
    sensor_2_frac = 0.0
    sensor_1_window = nil
    sensor_2_window = nil

    # Get the area of the space
    space_area_m2 = space.floorArea

    # get the climate zone
    climate_zone = model_standards_climate_zone(space.model)

    if req_top_ctrl && req_pri_ctrl && req_sec_ctrl
      # Sensor 1 controls toplighted area
      sensor_1_frac = areas['toplighted_area'] / space_area_m2
      sensor_1_window = sorted_skylights[0]
      # Sensor 2 controls primary + secondary area
      sensor_2_frac = (areas['primary_sidelighted_area'] + areas['secondary_sidelighted_area']) / space_area_m2
      sensor_2_window = sorted_windows[0]
    elsif !req_top_ctrl && req_pri_ctrl && req_sec_ctrl
      # Sensor 1 controls primary area
      sensor_1_frac = areas['primary_sidelighted_area'] / space_area_m2
      sensor_1_window = sorted_windows[0]
      # Sensor 2 controls secondary area
      sensor_2_frac = (areas['secondary_sidelighted_area'] / space_area_m2)
      sensor_2_window = sorted_windows[0]
    elsif req_top_ctrl && !req_pri_ctrl && req_sec_ctrl
      # Sensor 1 controls toplighted area
      sensor_1_frac = areas['toplighted_area'] / space_area_m2
      sensor_1_window = sorted_skylights[0]
      # Sensor 2 controls secondary area
      sensor_2_frac = (areas['secondary_sidelighted_area'] / space_area_m2)
      # sorted_skylights[0] assigned to sensor_2_window so a second reference point is added for top daylighting
      sensor_2_window = sorted_skylights[0]
    elsif req_top_ctrl && !req_pri_ctrl && !req_sec_ctrl
      case climate_zone
        when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-6A',
             'ASHRAE 169-2006-6B',
             'ASHRAE 169-2006-7A',
             'ASHRAE 169-2006-8A',
             'ASHRAE 169-2013-6A',
             'ASHRAE 169-2013-6B',
             'ASHRAE 169-2013-7A',
             'ASHRAE 169-2013-8A'
          # Sensor 1 controls toplighted area
          sensor_1_frac = areas['toplighted_area'] / space_area_m2
          sensor_1_window = sorted_skylights[0]
          # Sensor 1 controls toplighted area
          num_sensors = 2
          sensor_1_frac = areas['toplighted_area'] / space_area_m2 / num_sensors
          sensor_1_window = sorted_skylights[0]
          sensor_2_frac = sensor_1_frac
          sensor_2_window = sensor_1_window
    elsif !req_top_ctrl && req_pri_ctrl && !req_sec_ctrl
      # Sensor 1 controls primary area
      sensor_1_frac = areas['primary_sidelighted_area'] / space_area_m2
      sensor_1_window = sorted_windows[0]
    elsif !req_top_ctrl && !req_pri_ctrl && req_sec_ctrl
      # Sensor 1 controls secondary area
      sensor_1_frac = areas['secondary_sidelighted_area'] / space_area_m2
      sensor_1_window = sorted_windows[0]

    return [sensor_1_frac, sensor_2_frac, sensor_1_window, sensor_2_window]

  # Determine the base infiltration rate at 75 Pa.
  # @return [Double] the baseline infiltration rate, in cfm/ft^2
  # defaults to no infiltration.
  def space_infiltration_rate_75_pa(space)
    basic_infil_rate_cfm_per_ft2 = 1.0
    return basic_infil_rate_cfm_per_ft2