if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" require 'ruby-debug/interface' require 'ruby-debug/command' else require_relative 'interface' require_relative 'command' end module Debugger # this class is added to resolve problems, with ruby-debug gem incompatibility see # http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=27055&group_id=3085&atid=11903 class CommandProcessor end class ControlCommandProcessor # :nodoc: def initialize(interface) @interface = interface @printer = XmlPrinter.new(@interface) end def print(*args) @interface.print(*args) end def process_commands @printer.print_debug("Starting command read loop") ctrl_cmd_classes = Command.commands.select{|cmd| cmd.control} state = ControlState.new(@interface) ctrl_cmds = ctrl_cmd_classes.map{|cmd| cmd.new(state, @printer)} while input = @interface.read_command # escape % since print_debug might use printf @printer.print_debug "Processing: #{input.gsub('%', '%%')}" # sleep 0.3 catch(:debug_error) do if cmd = ctrl_cmds.find{|c| c.match(input) } cmd.execute else process_context_commands(input) end end end rescue IOError, Errno::EPIPE @printer.print_error "INTERNAL ERROR!!! #{$!}\n" rescue nil @printer.print_error $!.backtrace.map{|l| "\t#{l}"}.join("\n") rescue nil rescue Exception @printer.print_error "INTERNAL ERROR!!! #{$!}\n" rescue nil @printer.print_error $!.backtrace.map{|l| "\t#{l}"}.join("\n") rescue nil ensure @interface.close end def process_context_commands(input) unless Debugger.event_processor.at_line? @printer.print_error "There is no thread suspended at the time and therefore no context to execute '#{input.gsub('%', '%%')}'" return end context = Debugger.event_processor.context file = Debugger.event_processor.file line = Debugger.event_processor.line event_cmds_classes = Command.commands.select{|cmd| cmd.event} state = State.new do |s| s.context = context s.file = file s.line = line s.binding = context.frame_binding(0) s.interface = @interface end event_cmds = event_cmds_classes.map{|cmd| cmd.new(state, @printer) } catch(:debug_error) do splitter[input].each do |input| # escape % since print_debug might use printf @printer.print_debug "Processing context: #{input.gsub('%', '%%')}" if cmd = event_cmds.find{ |c| c.match(input) } if context.dead? && cmd.class.need_context @printer.print_msg "Command is unavailable\n" else cmd.execute end else @printer.print_msg "Unknown command: #{input}" end end end context.thread.run if state.proceed? end def splitter return lambda do |str| str.split(/;/).inject([]) do |m, v| if m.empty? m << v else if m.last[-1] == ?\\ m.last[-1,1] = '' m.last << ';' << v else m << v end end m end end end end class State # :nodoc: attr_accessor :context, :file, :line, :binding attr_accessor :frame_pos, :previous_line attr_accessor :interface def initialize @frame_pos = 0 @previous_line = nil @proceed = false yield self end def print(*args) @interface.print(*args) end def proceed? @proceed end def proceed @proceed = true end end class ControlState # :nodoc: def initialize(interface) @interface = interface end def proceed end def print(*args) @interface.print(*args) end def context nil end def file print "ERROR: No filename given.\n" throw :debug_error end end end