require 'linux_admin' require "xmlrpc/client" class RubyBugzilla CLONE_FIELDS = [:assigned_to, :cc, :cf_devel_whiteboard, :cf_internal_whiteboard, :component, :groups, :keywords, :op_sys, :platform, :priority, :product, :qa_contact, :severity, :summary, :target_release, :url, :version, :whiteboard, :comments, :description,] CMD = `which bugzilla`.chomp COOKIES_FILE = File.expand_path('~/.bugzillacookies') def self.installed? File.exists?(CMD) end def self.logged_in? File.exists?(COOKIES_FILE) end def self.clear_login! File.delete(COOKIES_FILE) if File.exists?(COOKIES_FILE) end attr_accessor :bugzilla_uri, :username, :password, :last_command, :xmlrpc attr_reader :bugzilla_request_uri, :bugzilla_request_hostname def bugzilla_uri=(value) @bugzilla_request_uri = URI.join(value, "xmlrpc.cgi").to_s @bugzilla_request_hostname = URI(value).hostname @bugzilla_uri = value end def initialize(bugzilla_uri, username, password) raise "python-bugzilla not installed" unless installed? raise ArgumentError, "username and password must be set" if username.nil? || password.nil? self.bugzilla_uri = bugzilla_uri self.username = username self.password = password self.xmlrpc =, '/xmlrpc.cgi', 443, nil, nil, username, password, true, 60) end def inspect super.gsub(/@password=\".+?\", /, "") end def installed? self.class.installed? end def logged_in? self.class.logged_in? end def clear_login! self.class.clear_login! end def login if logged_in? self.last_command = nil return "Already Logged In" end params = {} params["--debug"] = nil params["login"] = [username, password] begin execute_shell(params) rescue clear_login! # A failed login attempt could result in a corrupt COOKIES_FILE raise end end # Query for existing bugs # # Example: # # Query for all NEW bugs, and return the output in a specific format. # puts bz.query( # :bug_status => "NEW", # :outputformat => "BZ_ID: %{id} STATUS: %{bug_status} SUMMARY: %{summary}" # ) # # BZ_ID: 1234 STATUS: NEW SUMMARY: Something went wrong. # # BZ_ID: 1235 STATUS: NEW SUMMARY: Another thing went wrong. # # @param options [Hash] Query options. Some possible values are: # * :product - A specific product to limit the query against # * :flag - Comma separated list of flags # * :bug_status - Comma separated list of bug statuses, such as NEW, # ASSIGNED, etc. # * :outputformat - A string that will be used to format each line # of output, with %{} as the interpolater. # @return [String] The command output def query(options) raise ArgumentError, "options must be specified" if options.empty? params = {} params["query"] = nil set_params_options(params, options) execute_shell(params) end # Modify an existing bug or set of bugs # # Examples: # # Set the status of multiple bugs to RELEASE_PENDING # bz.modify([948970, 948971], :status => "RELEASE_PENDING") # # # Add a comment # bz.modify("948972", :comment => "whatevs") # # # Set the status to POST and add a comment # bz.modify(948970, :status => "POST", :comment => "Fixed in shabla") # # @param bug_ids [String, Integer, Array, Array] The bug id # or ids to process. # @param options [Hash] The properties to change. Some properties include # * :status - The bug status, such as NEW, ASSIGNED, etc. # * :comment - Add a comment # @return [String] The command output def modify(bug_ids, options) bug_ids = Array(bug_ids) raise ArgumentError, "bug_ids and options must be specified" if bug_ids.empty? || options.empty? raise ArgumentError, "bug_ids must be numeric" unless bug_ids.all? {|id| id.to_s =~ /^\d+$/ } params = {} params["modify"] = bug_ids set_params_options(params, options) execute_shell(params) end # Clone of an existing bug # # Example: # # Perform a clone of an existing bug, and return the new bug ID. # bz.clone(948970) # # @param bug_id [String, Fixnum] A single bug id to process. # @param overrides [Hash] The properties to change from the source bug. Some properties include # * :target_release - The target release for the new cloned bug. # * :assigned_to - The person to assign the new cloned bug to. # @return [Fixnum] The bug id to the new, cloned, bug. def clone(bug_id, overrides={}) raise ArgumentError, "bug_id must be numeric" unless bug_id.to_s =~ /^\d+$/ existing_bz = xmlrpc_bug_query(bug_id) clone_description, clone_comment_is_private = assemble_clone_description(existing_bz) params = {} CLONE_FIELDS.each do |field| next if field == :comments params[field] = existing_bz[field.to_s] end # Apply overrides overrides.each do |param, value| params[param] = value end # Apply base clone fields params[:cf_clone_of] = bug_id params[:description] = clone_description params[:comment_is_private] = clone_comment_is_private execute_xmlrpc('create', params)[:id.to_s] end # XMLRPC Bug Query of an existing bug # # Example: # # Perform an xmlrpc query for a single bug. # bz.xmlrpc_bug_query(948970) # # @param bug_id [String, Fixnum] A single bug id to process. # @return [Fixnum] The bug id to the new, cloned, bug. def xmlrpc_bug_query(bug_id) raise ArgumentError, "bug_id must be numeric" unless bug_id.to_s =~ /^\d+$/ params = {} params[:Bugzilla_login] = username params[:Bugzilla_password] = password params[:ids] = bug_id params[:include_fields] = CLONE_FIELDS execute_xmlrpc('get', params)['bugs'].last end private def assemble_clone_description(existing_bz) clone_description = " +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug ##{existing_bz[:id.to_s]} +++ \n" clone_description << existing_bz[:description.to_s] clone_comment_is_private = false existing_bz[:comments.to_s].each do |comment| clone_description << "\n\n" clone_description << "*" * 70 clone_description << "\nFollowing comment by %s on %s\n\n" % [comment['author'], comment['creation_time'].to_time] clone_description << "\n\n" clone_description << comment['text'] clone_comment_is_private = true if comment['is_private'] end [clone_description, clone_comment_is_private] end def set_params_options(params, options) options.each do |key,value| params["--#{key}="] = value end end # Execute the command using LinuxAdmin to execute python-bugzilla shell commands. def execute_shell(params) params = {"--bugzilla=" => bugzilla_request_uri}.merge(params) self.last_command = shell_command_string(CMD, params, password)!(CMD, :params => params).output end # Bypass python-bugzilla and use the xmlrpc API directly. def execute_xmlrpc(action, params) cmd = "Bug.#{action}" self.last_command = xmlrpc_command_string(cmd, params), params) end # Build a printable representation of the python-bugzilla command executed. def shell_command_string(cmd, params = {}, password=nil) scrubbed_str = str = "" str << cmd params.each do |param, value| if value.kind_of?(Array) str << " #{param} \"#{value.join(" ")}\" " else if value.to_s.length == 0 str << " #{param} " else str << " #{param}\"#{value}\" " end end end scrubbed_str = str.sub(password, "********") unless password.nil? scrubbed_str end # Build a printable representation of the xmlrcp command executed. def xmlrpc_command_string(cmd, params = {}) clean_params = Hash[params] clean_params[:Bugzilla_password] = "********" "{cmd}, #{clean_params})" end end